Hey girl!

in Freewriters5 years ago (edited)

Even After Marriage I and my husband visited the bar. We both love sipping on our Martinis in front of strangers.
Strangers who might or might not be thinking of committing suicide tonight.
Men trying to to get away from their wives, Women working extra hard in a company dominated by men and trying to prove they have a right to be there("They are entitled to a glass of drink or two"), a few depressed and the night. One big hallo...

I like the game of trying to read people, we play this to keep ourselves entertained... Weird! I know

But not Tonight, Not after we can't throw a guess at this mystery blond. Her hair curls bounce in layers towards the back, giving us a perfect outline of her face.She had an interesting face. Not beautiful but interesting. She paid more attention to her phone than she did her drink...
Na she's not one of us here.
Maybe lost. We would move on to other people.

It's been a couple of weeks and every time we go in my eyes goes in search of her. I paint her in my dreams. And now I have a craving.

Of the mysterious blond

Picture source: pixabay
Prompt:blond curls
Logo: Mine

Written for @mariannewest daily freewrite prompt.

Visit at @mariannewest or @freewritehouse if you would love to partake in the 5 minutes free write exercise.



That was interesting

that was cool :)

Nice story, Wems. i want to imagine what you'd do to her.


Don't do that!😂

Thanks for reading.