The Pursuit Of Happiness

in Freewriters3 years ago

Happiness is a state of mind that arises from within.
It has nothing to do with external circumstances, like wealth or health.
Happiness is something you create for yourself and keep a hold of by being true to your nature.
It's about finding balance in your life and living according to your values and beliefs without letting anything get in the way.

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What is happiness?

Happiness is a state of mind. It's not something you can see, but rather something you feel. Happiness is a choice, it's a goal and it doesn't come from your circumstances either.

Being happy means being in the present moment and experiencing life as it comes along—without judgment or expectation about what will happen next.

How can I find my happiness?

When you're looking for happiness, it can be easy to forget that there are other people who need your help.
If you want to find your own happiness, you should think about what makes others happy.

For example, if someone is sad and lonely because of something in their life (like losing a loved one), then seeing them smile will make you feel better too!
It's important not just for me but also for my friend because maybe he/she needs some cheering up after having lost someone close to him/herself.

The power to choose.

The power to choose is one of the most powerful forces in your life.
You can choose what you want to do, what you want to eat, and even how you will dress.
The same goes for your thoughts: if they become unhelpful or negative, they can be changed or replaced with more positive ones.

This is because it's not really who we are as individuals that matters — it's what we choose!
We all have the capacity for greatness and happiness within us; only through conscious effort do we fail at reaching our potential.

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How to be happy?

  • Don't compare yourself to others
  • Don't be afraid of failure
  • Don't be afraid of success

Be open to change, even if it isn’t going according to plan (that's how we learn).
And if the plan goes wrong? Well then that just means you need another one!

Be willing to take risks: even if those risks don’t lead anywhere good and they cost you money or time; they might even cost YOU your life!
But still do them anyway because being alive isn’t always easy and sometimes there are no other options available than simply doing what needs doing without waiting around forever (this applies mostly towards kids though…)

Keep an Open Mind

The key to happiness is keeping an open mind.
We can all be so quick to judge others, but it's important that we remember that everyone has their own story and perspective on life.

Don’t assume you know it all.

This can be a hard pill to swallow, but it is critical that we all make this step if we want to truly live our lives and pursue happiness in a meaningful way.
It may seem like an overstatement or even an insult at first glance, but think about how often we are quick to judge others based on their mistakes or shortcomings; then consider how often we take credit for things that happen around us without even realizing it!

I wish you the best of luck in both finding and keeping your happiness.
Whether it’s by pursuing your passions or cultivating a more balanced life, there are many ways to make our lives more meaningful.
The most important thing is to keep an open mind and not assume that any one path is the only way to reach this goal.