A father's struggle

in Freewriters8 months ago

Describe what you see: I see a man, thinking, depressed and worried about life

Describe what you feel: I feel he's been through a lot

A short story:
John was a very hard working man, he was the only parent taking care of his two sons (Jake and Felix),his wife abandoned them for another man.
This made John really sad and depressed.He had to take up the responsibility of raising the children alone.
Jake was smart , hardworking and generous just like their father but Felix was the opposite.Felix was always causing trouble and making his father sad. He was either in one trouble or the other.
One day, Felix got into a fight and got stabbed. He was rushed to the hospital and was in a coma.
When John heard about what happened,he slumped, thankfully he didn't die .Felix layer regained consciousness but he couldn't Walk again.


Simple and nice story. It's tiring when a man is struggling too hard with having much to show for it.

Wow, that's a very sad story, Felix will never walk again, but life gave him another chance. Good story, greetings @yemi147 🤗.

Thanks for the compliment

Life of a man😥 .. We both got similar interpretations to these..
Thanks for sharing❤

Life is hard if only people would know what others are going through!

My heart goes out to Felix. As a parent, you do the best you can with the resources at your disposal. Sadly, his wife left him, and left responsibilities for which he probably wasn't able or ready to undertake. He did the best he could. It was unfortunate one of the children went astray. But that's not unique to one family or situation. Many parents deal with a wayward child or two.

Now, in addition to his own failing health, he has to contend with Felix and his medical condition. A life the father never imagined he'd have to deal with.

Thanks for sharing this life similar, all too familiar story. Take care.

Thanks for you shaming response thanks once again and your vote will go a long way

You are welcome. I love to read thoughtful stories. Keep up the good work. Take care.

Oh, such a sad story. Felix got to learn the hard way.

In life there is always a reward for both the good deed and bad , some day you might sit and recall of your past and thank God or the other way round like Felix ...
Once again I really appreciate your thoughts and I will be glad you vote my post thanks

Yeah, there's time for everything. Have a good evening.

Single moms, single dad there's no difference if it comes to the burden especially not if one child adds more burden to one's life. Felix did and Iven more now he can't walk again. I hope at least his behaviour changed but I doubt it.

Thanks for joining and sharing