Que veo: Veo el poder de la naturaleza encarando en forma humana, veo una entidad muy imponente caminando por encima de la creación.
Que siento: Cierto miedo puedo sentir al mirar esta imagen, incertidumbre e inquietud al no saber que puede pasar después.

Es increíble como los hechos naturales que han sucedido a lo largo de la historia no dejen de sorprendernos al día de hoy, naturaleza imparable e imponente siempre ah sido y en mas de una vez el ser humano ah querido desafiarla pero siempre ah perdido.
A pesar de ello no hay mas insistencia que la del ser humano por dominarlo todo, por dominar la naturaleza y aunque crea haber ganado solo es cuestión de tiempo que la naturaleza tome acciones contra ese problema, no es que haya ganado el ser humano, es que la naturaleza le otorga un cierto tiempo para retractarse de sus actos y mejorarlas cosas pero la mayoría de las veces no es así.
Hablemos pues de los navegantes del mar abierto y no, no precisamente de los primeros navegantes fenicios de antes de Cristo , hablemos pues de Astorius un navegante del mar mediterráneo, egocéntrico, audaz y apasionado por el descubrimiento.
Astorius fue un niño que nació en cuna de oro, con todos los lujos por habido y por haber en aquella época, le encantaba escalar y apreciar el clima de día y de noche, bajo la premisa del Dios Zeus , Astorius quería ser un Dios que tuviera bajo su control la naturaleza, mover los vientos huracanados del este, azotar los mares del atlántico, mover los volcanes de norte y regar con deleite los paisajes del oeste , hacer llover la nubes de los mas alto que sus ojos llegaban a alcanzar.
Una noche de tormenta y fuertes vientos, Asotius despertó de entre gritos de sus sirvientes y los fuertes golpes que la ventana propinaba sobre su mirada perdida en el techo.
Las gotas de un cielo enojado caían por doquier y en vez de estrujar las sabanas y mirar con pavor tal momento, una sonrisa se dibuja en su rostro y los gritos del final del pasillo que apuntaban a su habitación, se escabullían en el frio ambiente que la tormenta trae consigo.
Tal escena lo saco de su cama y lo llevo al balcón para admirar con asombro el desfile de colores cayendo del cielo sobre la tierra, el fuego sobre el pueblo y el mar golpeando las palmeras en la playa, el ruido del viento agitando la ventana de su cuarto. Tal escena lleno sus ojos de un brillo intenso, para el fue hermoso, para el fue una obra de la naturaleza y el quería hacer arte con sus manos así como la naturaleza lo hacia el noche frente a el.
Pasado los años Astorius vendió todas sus pertenencias, su casa, sus bienes, sus terrenos heredados de su familia, sus padres murieron el día de la tormenta y eso no le causo gran tristeza, para el fue su boleto de entrada al gran espectáculo de la naturaleza.
Mando a construir un gran barco y recluto hombres experimentados para cumplir su sueño, contaba la leyenda que una isla remota en forma de luna, tenia en su sima un
rayo de Zeus que según la leyenda había arrojado a alguien que lo había desafiado. Artorius quería tomar el rayo y hacerse con el poder de todo.
Tan rápido como pudiera tomo camino hacia el horizonte desconocido y surco los mares por meses, años y en su lugar de nacimiento nada mas se supo sobre el, el nunca volvió.
En su viaje no encontró dicha isla, no encontró su sueño, ni una tormenta se topo en su camino, el mar lo trato tan bien que dudo de lo que había visto esa noche, el clima siempre fue bueno, los vientos siempre lo llevaban a tierra pero no a la que pertenecía, la escena de aquel momento en su niñez desapareció y como era de esperarse su dinero agoto, su tripulación lo abandono y solo se quedo, pero en su cabeza el nunca se rindió, tomo nuevo rumbo y una idea se le corrió, así como aquel hombre que desafío a Zeus el también lo haría.
Uso sus influencias bajo el fallecido nombre de su padre y un tesoro que nadie quería el consiguió, el tesoro del rey muerto el adquirió. Un tesoro maldito que quien lo porte maldito estará y todo lo que toque perecerá, pero Astorius era inteligente y unas botas con la madera del baúl se hizo, pues si tocaba el barco después de estar maldito este se pudrirá, le dio oro a un desconocido para que lo llevara al centro del mar.
Con mucha prisa nuevo rumbo tomo, hacia el centro del mar que su mapa le indicaba y al llegar grito al cielo despejado: Muéstrame tu ira y yo te demostrare que soy mas fuerte que tu.
Se quito las botas y se arrojo al mar, este comenzó a cambiar de color y quien lo había traído en su barco huyo despavorido al ver como el cielo a su alrededor comenzaba a nublarse, los peces del mar comenzaban a flotar y entre risas y risas su sueño se cumplió, vio la escena de su niñez que tanto añoro, quiso vencer a la fuerza de la naturaleza pero este no gano, mas sin embargo ante el una figura apareció.
La Diosa del clima podría ser? el se pregunto, caminando con hacia el su mirada dirigía y con cada paso que daba en el agua esta se aclaraba y daba vida, destellos desde el cielo iluminaban su caminar y el cielo ennegrecido con poca luz hacían de sombrero, pues la diosa ante el lo miraba con firmeza desde sus ojos hasta su corazón.
Artorius asombrado ante tal belleza quedo enamorado y contra la fuerza de la naturaleza había perdido toda esperanza de ganar pues mas sim embargo palabras benevolentes de su boca salieron.
Soy la fuerza y el espíritu, la calma del agradecido y la sentencia de quién no agradece mi presencia, soy el mar, soy el viento, las nubes del día y de la noche , la tierra bajo tu casa, el árbol de tu jardín, soy la vida que da vida y que comes de mi, soy el equilibrio de tu vida, la naturaleza eso soy para ti.
Artorius sin palabras y solo lagrimas feliz se sintió, no gano a la naturaleza al contrario el perdió, pero gano la dicha de verla convertida frente a sus ojos en un ser muy bello y muy hermoso como el se la imagino, como mujer es la naturaleza para el que suspiro, hermosa bella y benevolente.
Aquí termina la historia del niño que soñó que algún día domaría la naturaleza pero ante ella perdió, aunque agradecido al final sus disculpas ofreció.
La naturaleza siempre justa, siempre en movimiento nos otorga mil y un cosas buenas en esta vida, protégela y cuida de ella, se un buen ser humano, vive y deja vivir y recompensado serás.

What I see: I see the power of nature facing in human form, I see a very imposing entity walking above creation.
What I feel: I can feel some fear when looking at this image, uncertainty and restlessness not knowing what can happen next.

It is incredible how the natural events that have happened throughout history do not cease to surprise us today, unstoppable and imposing nature has always been and more than once the human being has wanted to challenge it but has always lost.
Despite this, there is no more insistence than that of the human being to dominate everything, to dominate nature, and although he believes he has won, it is only a matter of time before nature takes action against this problem, it is not that the human being has won, it is that nature gives him a certain time to retract his actions and improve things but most of the time it is not like that.
So let's talk about the navigators of the open sea and no, not precisely about the first Phoenician navigators before Christ, let's talk about Astorius, a navigator of the Mediterranean sea, egocentric, bold and passionate about discovery.
Astorius was a child who was born in a golden cradle, with all the luxuries for having and for having at that time, he loved to climb and appreciate the weather day and night, under the premise of the God Zeus, Astorius wanted to be a God who He had nature under his control, moving the hurricane winds from the east, whipping the Atlantic seas, moving the volcanoes from the north and watering the landscapes of the west with delight, making the clouds rain as high as his eyes could reach.
One night of storm and strong winds, Asotius woke up between the screams of his servants and the strong blows that the window dealt on his lost gaze on the ceiling.
The drops of an angry sky fell everywhere and instead of squeezing the sheets and looking with fear at such a moment, a smile is drawn on his face and the cries from the end of the corridor that pointed to his room, slipped away in the cold environment that the storm brings with it.
Such a scene took him out of his bed and took him to the balcony to admire in amazement the parade of colors falling from the sky onto the earth, the fire over the town and the sea hitting the palm trees on the beach, the noise of the wind shaking the window of his room. Such a scene filled his eyes with an intense shine, for him it was beautiful, for him it was a work of nature and he wanted to make art with his hands just as nature did the night in front of him.
Over the years Astorius sold all his belongings, his house, his assets, his land inherited from his family, his parents died the day of the storm and that did not cause him great sadness, for him it was his ticket to the great show of the nature.
He ordered the construction of a large ship and recruited experienced men to fulfill his dream, he told the legend that a remote island in the shape of the moon had a
Zeus' thunderbolt that according to legend had been thrown at someone who had challenged him. Artorius wanted to take the lightning and seize the power of everything.
As fast as he could he took his way to the unknown horizon and sailed the seas for months, years and in his birthplace nothing more was known about him, he never returned.
On his journey he did not find said island, he did not find his dream, not even a storm came his way, the sea treated him so well that I doubt what he had seen that night, the weather was always good, the winds always carried him to land but not to which he belonged, the scene of that moment in his childhood disappeared and as expected his money ran out, his crew abandoned him and he just stayed, but in his head he never gave up, he took a new direction and an idea it ran from him, just like that man who challenged Zeus he would too.
He used his influences under his father's deceased name and a treasure that no one wanted he got, the dead king's treasure he acquired. A cursed treasure that whoever carries it will be cursed and everything he touches will perish, but Astorius was smart and made some boots with the wood of the trunk, because if he touched the ship after being cursed it would rot, he gave gold to a stranger to take him to the center of the sea.
With great haste, he took a new course, towards the center of the sea that his map indicated and when he arrived he shouted to the clear sky: Show me your anger and I will show you that I am stronger than you.
He took off his boots and threw himself into the sea, it began to change color and whoever had brought him on his boat fled in terror when he saw how the sky around him began to cloud over, the fish in the sea began to float and between laughter and laughter his dream came true, he saw the scene of his childhood that he longed for so much, he wanted to defeat the force of nature but it did not win, but nevertheless a figure appeared before him.
The Goddess of the weather could it be? He wondered, walking towards him his gaze directed and with each step he took in the water it cleared up and gave life, flashes from the sky illuminated his walk and the blackened sky with little light acted as a hat, because the goddess before him She was looking at him steadily from her eyes to her heart.
Artorius, amazed at such beauty, fell in love and against the force of nature had lost all hope of winning, but nevertheless benevolent words came out of his mouth.
I am the strength and the spirit, the calm of the grateful and the sentence of those who do not appreciate my presence, I am the sea, I am the wind, the clouds of day and night, the earth under your house, the tree in your garden, I am the life that gives life and that you eat from me, I am the balance of your life, the nature that I am for you.
Artorius, without words and only tears, felt happy, he did not win over nature, on the contrary, he lost, but he won the happiness of seeing her turned before his eyes into a very beautiful being, very beautiful as he imagined her, as a woman she is nature for whom I sigh, beautiful beautiful and benevolent.
Here ends the story of the boy who dreamed that one day he would tame nature but lost to her, although grateful in the end for her apology.
Nature always fair, always on the move gives us a thousand and one good things in this life, protect it and take care of it, be a good human being, live and let live and you will be rewarded.
La historia mencionada es de mi autoría y el nombre mencionado nada tiene que ver con alguna historia parecida, gracias por leerme / The mentioned story is of my authorship and the name mentioned has nothing to do with any similar story, thanks for reading me

While reading I wondered which direction the story would take. You did a great job and the story was interesting, became stronger and you even included a happy end.
Thanks for joining pic1000.👍
thanks, I haven't had much time to focus on hive and even I didn't know where the story was heading.
thanks for your nice comment.