RESULTS of #ZapFicMonday Week 25: "shock"! 3 WINNERS and 3 runners up!

in Freewriters3 years ago

37 amazing ZapFic stories! Thank you so much to everyone who took part in week 25 of #ZapFicMonday!

I have chosen 3 winners and 3 runners up!

Runners Up…




Congratulations to the runners up, you win a 50% upvote from on your comment (link drop)

And now the three winners…




Congratulations to the winners! You win a Hive SBI share, each, and a 100% upvote from on your comment (link drop)

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And now, ZapFicers are you ready for the next ZapFic challenge?

If you love microfiction check out the

ZapFic Challenges

#ZapFicMonday and #ZapFic50Friday

every Monday and Friday in the Freewriters Community!


Check out the new @Freewritehouse / @Zapfic.Club collaborations, #ZapFicMonday and ZapFic50Friday, and win! Only in the Freewriters Community!


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Congratulations to fellow winners @philomenob and @blitzzzz, and also to honorable mentions @carys, @justjen71, and @luizeba!

Thank you! And congratulations to you too. Your story was lovely. I found it funny. It was totally unexpected to have her murderer of a lover fall into the tub. Good riddance!

I'm so excited, congrats to all.

Congratulations to winners @deeanndmathews, @philomenob, @blitzzzz, and also to runner-ups @carys, @justjen71, and @luizeba

Thank you!

Congratulations to the winners and everyone that took part, I forgot to enter 🤣🤣🤣

🤗Thank you ZapFic Club! Congratulations to the other winners and the runners-up. Let’s keep writing!

Congrats to the deserved winners 🎉

Congratulations to the winners and other runners up! So excited to be a runner up. (That sentence sounds incorrect!)

Thank you.

Congratulations to everyone, these were really good!

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