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RE: The difference a year makes | 2 poems with a year gap [PT-ENG]

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

Hi! Very nice your poems, it makes a big difference in that year of your life and I'm glad it was for the better! I was able to read them more or less in your original language, looking up a word or two. Despite being similar to Spanish, as I was reading it I was thinking what it would be like to think of pain as feminine (in Spanish it is masculine, "el dolor"). Maybe pain is the same for us, but the images around it must be very different. Language stuff. !LUV !PIZZA


Hi @agreste! Welcome to my little corner of Hive 😄 thank you for your time and for making an effort of reading it in my mother language! It has some similarities with Spanish no doubt.

Relative to pain, in portuguese, its a feminine word "a dor". Which now that you have mentioned it, it's quite an interesting discussion to have 🤔 the different interpretation on different languages some words can have just by the fact they are considered feminine/masculine. At least, in binary languages such as portuguese or spanish that mostly every word has a genre... I think english is a more neutral way of communicating in that regard.

Anyways, thank you again for stopping by, it is nice to met you 😊🙌