

Isn't that what we all yearn for?
A short lived happiness
And selfconvicton
That all is as it should be

Moments of solitude
The smell of sunrise
The warmth on our faces
Maybe a wet soil under our feet
Slowly heating up while we walk

We love to hide under it
The beauty is always appealing
The fragrance like that of a flower
Yes, we delude ourselves

But pain
The ultimate sacrifice
How we know we're still alive
Is ever present
Patiently awaiting our arrival

image source


Good lyrical text. Happiness is fleeting, a feeling of well-being that slips from our hands with great ease. Sometimes we want to escape, I think we all experience that at some point. It was a pleasure to read you. Greetings.

Buen texto lírico. La felicidad es efímera, una sensación de bienestar que se desliza de nuestras manos con gran facilidad. A veces, queremos escapar, creo que todos en algún momento experimentamos eso. Fue un placer leerte. Saludos.

I'm glad you found it pleasant. Thanks for coming.

Great piece. We all yearn for escape, freedom but most of the time, we don't found ourselves escaping to the right place. Thanks for this great piece

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your comment.

But pain
The ultimate sacrifice
How we know we're still alive
Is ever present
Patiently awaiting our arrival

I loved or called my attention to this paragraph of your beautiful poem, happiness is fleeting we always look for it when we have it in front of us, greetings and nice day ♥

Thank you. Have a nice day as well.

Beautiful, so many wonderful simple pleasures in this creation and yes to how pain reminds us what it means to really be alive. Love this @chinyerevivian xxxxx