
make me want to act fast
while on my free time
l knew i need that
can not wait to grabbed the pack
keep it on a sofa and chew
longer i have touched stuff
how it taste i have missed it
and it was driving me crazy
I found a good spot for it

l got their number
why that anyway
was for home delivery
they talk they do it
maybe some other days
lf i need it that way
l truly needs it that way
my friends too they like it
the father gotten the house delivery number
barely can someone refused it
l look at my two friends
excited they were
l walk to get a motorcycle
l hop on one
good man drive safely
we will get there

he looks at my hands
seeing my golden popcorn
he get surprised
like i hold it softly
did not want to break the pack
loving that way it was packed
we get to my house
l paid him the charge
l get inside and after that
the time was equals to enjoyment time.

ln this provision store that i went to get some stuff, a man was coming in to get some stuff in the shop as well, later on, he noticed that his children were pointing him to see the popcorn store that was made on a small block house beside the provision store.

Honestly, i did perceived the sweet aroma that was traveling out from the popcorn store, but i was just about getting the stuff I buy and then go there to get some.

After l got the item, i went there straight and buy one thousand naira popcorn, when the man came there, he saw me buying the popcorn.

lt was just like, anyone who entered the store will have to buy the popcorn later on, but the deal was, the people who prepared it, cause a lot of sweet aroma in the air, and anyone who passed through the place will just want to buy.

lmage source


Popcorn aroma is magical

l hardly resist the popcorn, l enjoy it and I was excited l went there to get some. Thank you for the great comment friend.

You're welcome baba

Alright friend, l hope you are enjoying the festive season.


l am enjoying the festive season too, my regard to your family's and friends ❤️

The aroma is top notch

l control myself not to eat the popcorn l bought on the way going to house, but the aroma wanted me to, the bike man did not know the person he was carrying, felt like he won a lottery 😁😁

 2 months ago  

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