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RE: William is maudlin (Original poem).

Truly, most of us waste time away without realizing what we are letting go of. It is only time, which has the power to make us reunite with ourselves. You might be wondering as to why am I bringing time here, it is because of your first two verses;

Yellow as sunlight in the morning, twenty years old
Tossing and turning, William is a brave soul.

It kind of gives off the impression that time here plays the major game. Even from your further discussion, I felt that TIME is what we are losing, the purposelessness and lack of wisdom, eventually derails us from time, doesn't it? So, I think.


I agree: Time is a decisive resource in our lifespan. Surely we all waste it sometimes and somehow, some of us try to harness it to make the most of our lives with it, and some pursue it until they have extracted the last single drop into something they really want. However, I think that we all go through stages, in which biology also plays a vital role because it limits us to invert the time in what we actually want. We think that we are free in our minds and will, but they are widely determined by our chemicals and cells.
I guess that what I am trying to say is that we all grow and somehow go through the same paths as many before us until we really get aware of our reality, and the purpose we want to fulfill to live a better life.
I wish that I gave myself to be understood with all this. I salute you and thank you greatly for your contribution. Thanks also for taking the time to read what I wrote. Greetings.

It was a pleasure reading. Thanks for replying to me too. I guess I understand it better now. It is more than time, it is about self-growth, self-awareness, and purpose of life.