Looking through the glass
I find myself transported,
To a land filled with bombs,
To a land filled with tears...
Sorrow, suffering and death.
A million shrouds,
To cover the heads of few,
Living a life of hell.
In the midst of heaven.
They sing a melody,
Of long sleep.
When the children,
Below are awakened
By the noise, that clutches
The mortal soul,
Fire fire everywhere,
Not a single patch of peace.
Yet we seek freedom,
To eternity.
When our backyards,
Are not clean.
Let peace prevail,
Let the dead rest
Let a new world
Be rebuilt.
From the edge of sorrow,
For a better morrow.
Subject: Genocide of Gaza
About: This short poetry highlights the suffering of our mortal friends in Gaza, the daily atrocities committed over them and a hope that some where peace and justice will prevail.
Link: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=gaza&ko=-1&iax=images&ia=images&iaf=license%3AAny%2Csize%3ALarge
Note: All images have creative commons license and are free to use.
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