Zašto ustvari ne mogu da se ugojim?🍔~Why can't I actually gain weight?🍔

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Zdravo Hiveri-i🫶🏻
Ja sam osoba koja jako puno voli da jede.😋Imam 40 kilograma jedva, a visoka sam 155.🤐Uvek sam se čudila kako sam mršavica kada je moja majka dosta krupnija kao i moja tetka, i baka mi je uvek imala lepu građu tela, a tata mi je po maminoj priči dosta visok i krupan.🙃
Ranije sam bila iskompleksirana jer sam mršava, dok sam bila mlađa, kasnije me nije bilo briga jer sam bila malo razvijenija, i s obzirom da nisam porasla, za svoju visinu sam bila ok.😬
Ja sebi danas izgledam solidno, i ako bih volela da budem malo još deblja, ali problem je što ne jedem sve, ne jedem redovno i ne jedem zdravo.🫥

Hello Hivers🫶🏻
I'm a person who likes to eat a lot. 😋I barely weigh 40 kilograms, and I'm 155. 🤐I've always wondered how skinny I am when my mother is a lot bigger like my aunt, and my grandmother always had a nice body, and my dad is quite tall and big according to my mom's story.🙃
Before, I was complexed because I was thin, when I was younger, later I didn't care because I was a little more developed, and since I didn't grow, I was ok for my height.😬
I look solid today, and I would like to be a little fatter, but the problem is that I don't eat everything, I don't eat regularly and I don't eat healthy.🫥


Ne ide mi za rukom da krenem da jedem zdravije malo i kuvanu hranu, baš imam problem sa stomakom, na primer kada jedem jednu te istu hranu, 2 dana za redom, meni se u stomaku stvori mučnina i kao da mi se hrana polako gadi, tačnije ta vrsta hrane.🤢Ako jedem nešto što ne volim, momentalno me tera na povraćanje i onda ne mogu jesti ceo dan...🤮
Nekako mislim da je sve to deo uma, deo mozga i zato želim to da promenim, trudim se, ali još uvek ne ide...🤷🏻‍♀️

I can't manage to start eating healthier food and cooked food, I really have a problem with my stomach, for example when I eat the same food, 2 days in a row, I feel sick in my stomach and it's like the food slowly disgusts me. more precisely that kind of food. 🤢If I eat something I don't like, it instantly makes me vomit and then I can't eat all day...🤮
Somehow I think it's all part of the mind, part of the brain and that's why I want to change it, I'm trying, but it still doesn't work...🤷🏻‍♀️


Jedem uglavnom burgere🍔, pice🍕, hranu iz MC, meso🥩, pomfrit🥔, piletinu, i da ne nabrajam, ali najviše od svega volim pečenu prasetinu.🤩
Baš volim doba kada se peče, to mi je nekako najomiljenija hrana, pa nakon te mi je pasta.🍝
Ali i pored te gojazne hrane ja se ne gojim😱

I mostly eat burgers🍔, pizzas🍕, food from MC, meat🥩, french fries🥔, chicken, and not to mention, but most of all I love roast pork.🤩
I really like the time when it's baked, it's somehow my favorite food, so after that it's pasta.🍝
But even with all that fattening food, I'm not gaining weight😱


Nadam se samo da kada budem bila starija, za sve ovo što se nisam gojila, da se neću samo naglo ugojiti i biti kao lopta...😪
Luda sam za slatkišima🧁 i grickalicama🍿, kao što sam bila luda i za sokovima🧃.
Zbog bolesti, tačnije zbog kamena u bubregu, izbacila sam sokove i pijem samo flaširanu vodu, barem sam nešto promenila na bolje.😂

I just hope that when I'm older, for all that I haven't gained weight, I won't suddenly gain weight and be like a ball...😪
I'm crazy about sweets🧁 and snacks🍿, just like I was crazy about juices🧃.
Due to illness, more precisely due to a kidney stone, I gave up juices and only drink bottled water, at least I changed something for the better.😂


Isto sam imala pre problem, kada sam gladna da me mrzi da idem da jedem i da mi je bilo draže da pregladnim, nadam se da nisam bila jedina koja je to radila, i to sam sada skoro promenila...🫣
Nadam se da ću uspeti sve loše stvari promeniti, a trenutno sam jako gladna, i vreme je za neke ukusne makarone.😏

I had the same problem before, when I'm hungry he hates me to go eat and I'd rather be too hungry, I hope I wasn't the only one who did that, and I've almost changed that now...🫣
I hope I can change all the bad things, and right now I'm very hungry, and it's time for some delicious macaroni.😏


Sada bih pojela ovu sliku da mogu...😫

Now I would eat this picture if I could...😫

Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🥰🍔

Greeting from your Rebecca🥰🍔


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I hope you will start to eat more things apart from burgers and pizza 😅
You are young, and probably your body spends all the calories, but indeed, you have to think about the nutritive value of the food and the consequences to your health :)
And as we get older, we do gain weight, believe me 😂
I eat the same as before, but the kgs are going up 😶

As a suggestion, don't forget to interact with other users on the platform. Visit their posts more often, it is much more fun to go together with others, from all over the world than alone 😉
Happy holidays 🎄

If I had to gain weight, I would like it not to be too much. I will try to avoid fast food so hope for the best. Unfortunately, I can't train much because I had a spine operation, so I have to manage my diet a little better. Thanks for the suggestion, happy holidays!☃️🎄

hit the gym, start eating well, meat and rice and all kind of vegetabales, and you will see improvement in a month. ✌😁

I would like to be able to go to the gym, but I can't because of my spine, I'll try to correct a little healthier food from now on, to like rice too, so we'll see.😬

there are plenty of excercies for building muscles, that doesnt involve forcing your spine.

By all means, thanks for the advice