Priroda moga grada i okoline | The nature of my city and its surroundings |
Danas cu da vam pisem o mojoj ljubavi prema prirodi, kako sam je zavoleo i na koji nacin. Prvo cu da vam opisem prirodu moga grada Vrsca i njegove okoline. Ostanite samnom jer vas ceka neverovatno putovanje kroz prirodu grada Vrsca sa okolinom, koja je neverovatna i nepostoji nigde na svetu. I sve to na krilima Kosave, najjaceg vetra, juricemo preko 120 kilometra na sat. A onda svracamo do moje baste pune cveca i drveca i uspomena,i neverovatnih stanovnika i najboljih drugara mog sveta prirode. Drzi te se polecemoooooo. Moj grad Vrsac je sam po sebi prirodni dragulj, nalazi se u najvecoj niziji u Srbiji, u Vojvodini u Panonskoj niziji. Po predanju tu je nekad bilo more, Panonsko more koje je davno nestalo, verovatno u slivu reke Dunav pa do Crnog mora. Sva zemlja u Vojvodini je veoma rodna I plodna zemlja, to je zitni kraj bogat psenicom kukuruzom secernom repom, a Vrsac je poznat i vinogradarski kraj, nezvanicno ima 3 podrum vina po velicini u Evropi sa prosecno 1500 hektara zasadjene vinove loze. Vrsac se proteze po padinama Vrsackih planina koje spadaju u red niskih planina sa najvisim vrhom Guduricki vrh sa visinom od 641 metar sto je najvisi vrh u Vojvodini i sa brdima Fruske gore pored Novog Sada jedino uzvisenje u Vojvodini. Pogled sa Vrsackog brega je neverovatan I neopisiv, kada je veoma vedar dan moze da se ugleda I planina Avala pored Beograda Koji je udaljen od vrsca preko 80 kilometra. | Today I will write to you about my love for nature, how I fell in love with it and in what way. I will first describe the nature of my town of Vrsac and its surroundings. Stay with me because you will have an incredible journey through the nature of the town of Vrsac with its surroundings, which are amazing and do not exist anywhere in the world. And all this on the wings of Kosava, the strongest wind, we will run over 120 kilometers per hour. And then we stop by my garden full of flowers and trees and memories, and amazing residents and best friends of my world of nature. Hold on, we'll take off. My city Vrsac is a natural gem in itself, it is located in the largest lowland in Serbia, in Vojvodina in the Pannonian lowland. According to legend, there used to be a sea there, the Pannonian Sea, which disappeared a long time ago, probably in the basin of the Danube River to the Black Sea. The whole country in Vojvodina is a very fertile and fertile country, it is a wheat-rich corn region with sugar beet, and Vrsac is a famous wine-growing region, unofficially has 3 wine cellars the largest in Europe with an average of 1,500 hectares of vines. Vrsac stretches along the slopes of the Vrsac Mountains, which belong to the low mountains with the highest peak Guduricki vrh with a height of 641 meters, which is the highest peak in Vojvodina and with the hills of Fruska Gora near Novi Sad the only elevation in Vojvodina. The view from the Vrsac hill is amazing and indescribable, when on a very clear day you can see the mountain Avala near Belgrade, which is over 80 kilometers away from the peak. |
Priroda i drveće | Nature and trees |
Vrsac je bogat listopadnom sumom Bagrema Hrasta koja je opet bogata sitnom divljaci a od krupne divljaci po atarima suma i okolnih sela ima divljih svinja, a kada su hladne zime sa planina Karpati u Rumuniji spustaju se i Karpatski vukovi,udruzenja za zastitu zivotinja trenutno gaje i jelene i kosute koje su nekad bili tu pa ce ih pustiti u prirodu kada za to dodje vreme. U Vrscu ima i veoma retke vrste zivotinja i lekovitog bilja. Dugorepa soba, orao zmijar, orao krstas. Vrsac je bogat i sa ribnjacima uglavnom sarana. Vrsac nema reku, ali ima puno malih potoka od kojih je najpoznatiji potok Mesic, koji je dobio ime po jednom selu na obroncima Vrsackih planina i manastira Mesic koji je jedan od najstarijih u Vojvodini. Vrsac je presecan tim potokom pa zato ima cak 17 mostova. Sto ga cini jedinstvenim grad bez reke sa 17 mostova. | Vrsac is rich in deciduous forests of Acacia Oak, which is again rich in small game and from large game in the forest and surrounding villages there are wild pigs, and when the cold winters from the Carpathian Mountains in Romania descend and Carpathian wolves, animal protection associations currently breed and deer and deer that used to be there so they will be released into the wild when the time comes. There are also very rare species of animals and medicinal plants in Vrsac. Long room, eagle snake, eagle cross. Vrsac is rich and with ponds mostly carp. Vrsac does not have a river, but there are many small streams, the most famous of which is the Mesic stream, named after a village on the slopes of the Vrsac mountains and the Mesic monastery, which is one of the oldest in Vojvodina. Vrsac is intersected by this stream, so there are as many as 17 bridges. Which makes it a unique city without a river with 17 bridges. |
Okolina Vršca | Surroundings of Vrsac |
U blizini Vrsca kroz sela Ritisevo, Potporanj, Straza, Vlajkovac nalazi se kanal DTD, kanal koji spaja reke Dunav Tisu i opet Dunav, i nalazi se svuda po Vojvodini. Kanal je napravljen za navodnjavanje njiva po Vojvodini ali bogat je ribom raznim pticama sumom, I prestavlja raj za turiste lovce i ribolovce. U blizini Vrsca nalazi se i reka Karas koja protice blizu sela Vojvodinci, Straza. Inace selo Straza je zasticeni park prirode. Nedaleko od Vrsca na 30 kilometra nalazi se i gradic Bela Crkva koja ima 7 jezera I reku Neru koja se uliva u reku Dunav nedaleko odavde. U blizini se nalazi i Deliblatska pescara jedina pescara u Evropi. Vrsac sa okolinom je pravim raj na zemlji. Ah da, i da nezaboravim: Vrsac ima i vetar poznat pod imenom Kosava sa udarima vetra preko 120 kilometra na cas, sto ga cini najacim vetrom u Srbiji. Kosava i staze po Vrsackih planinama sa uradjenim odmaralistima prestavlja vazdusnu banju poznatu u svetu. Sa svojom starom kulom i utvrdjenjem koja je simbol grada I okoline koja prestavlja dijamant u ovoj kruni zavrsicu pricu o prirodni u mome svetu u mome gradu Vrscu. Ok, sad, pitanje: kada doci u Vrsac? Priroda u Vrscu je prelepa preko cele godine. | Near Vrsac, through the villages of Ritisevo, Potporanj, Straza, Vlajkovac, there is the DTD canal, a canal that connects the Danube rivers Tisa and again the Danube, and is located all over Vojvodina. The river was made to irrigate fields in Vojvodina, but it is rich in fish and various forest birds, and it is a paradise for tourists, hunters and fishermen. Near Vrsac is the river Karas, which flows near the village of Vojvodinci, Straza. By the way, the village of Straza is a protected nature park. Not far from Vrsac, 30 kilometers away, is the town of Bela Crkva, which has 7 lakes, and the river Nera, which flows into the river Danube not far from here. Nearby is Deliblatska pescara, the only sandstone in Europe. Vrsac and its surroundings are a real paradise on earth. Ah yes, and not to forget: Vrsac has a wind known as Kosava with wind gusts over 120 kilometers per hour, which makes it the strongest wind in Serbia. Kosava and the trails in the Vrsac mountains with the resorts are an air spa known in the world. With its old tower and fortification, which is a symbol of the city and its surroundings, which is a diamond in this crown, I will end the story of nature in my world in my city of Vrsac. Ok now, question: when to come to Vrsac? The nature in Vrsac is beautiful all year round. |
Moja ljubav prema životinjama | My love for animals |
Jos kao mali zavoleo sam zivotinje. Odrastao sam kod babe i dede jer su moji otac i majka radili,a baba me je cuvala. Imali su kucu pri kraju grada sa malom bastom pored koje je prolazio potok Mesic. Tu su oni uzgajali raznu zivinu, malo ali dovoljno: patke, pilici, bilo je tu i zeceva i poneko prase, male mace i kuce. Svako jutroja bih isao sa babom da nahrani zivotinje i pokupi jaja a ja bi se igramo sa pacicima i pilicima. Moj deda pored gradjevinarstva bavio se i lovom. Vise onako iz hobija. Secam se da je doneo mladu povredjenu lisicu, da je brinuo o njoj a kasnije vratio u divljinu. Jednom je cak doneo i mladog gavrana koji je verovatno ispao iz gnjezda a nije Jos mogao da leti. I o njemu je deda prinuo pa ga je pustio na slobodu. Tako da sam ja oduvek bio okruzen zivotinjama. Uvek nadjem vremena da se poigram sa nekim psom da nekoj zivotinji pomognem ili pomazim. | Ever since I was a kid, I loved animals. I grew up with my grandparents because my father and mother worked and my grandmother took care of me. They had a house near the end of town with a small garden next to which the Mesic stream passed. There they raised various poultry, a little but enough: ducks, chickens, there were also rabbits and some pigs, little kittens and houses. Every morning I would go with my grandmother to feed the animals and pick up the eggs and I would play with the ducks and chickens. In addition to construction, my grandfather also hunted. More like a hobby. I remember that he brought a young injured fox, that he took care of her and later returned to the wild. Once he even brought a young raven that probably fell out of the nest and could not fly yet. His grandfather also brought about him, so he released him. So I've always been surrounded by animals. I always find time to play with a dog to help or help an animal. |
Moj drugar Kivi | My friend Kiwi |
Ovo sam ja i moj drugar, papagaj Kivi. On je papagaj moga sestrica Filipa, pitom je i jede iz ruke, pomalo je šašav, ali dobar, voli sve da vidi i proba. | This is me and my buddy, Kiwi Parrot. He is my nephew Philip's parrot, he is tame and eats out of hand, he is a bit silly but good, he likes to see and try everything |
Čuvaj se psa | Beware of the dog |
Ovo je moj drugar Bobi. On je rase Staforski terijer, i upoznali smo se kada sam radio jedno seosko domacinstvo,krecio, u blizini Vrsca. Bobi cuva to domacinstvo i pored toga sto je veliki i jak, on izgleda i veoma opasno, ali on je ustvari jedna velika maza i dobar pas. Svako jutro bi nas sacekao zajalao a onda potrcao da se mazi. Bobi voli i da spava, nasao bi hladovinu i tamo bi spavao sve dok ga nebi oteralo sunce, a onda bi opet potrazio hladovinu. | This is my friend Bobby. He is a Staffordshire Terrier breed, and we met when I was working in a rural household, near Vrsac. Bobby takes care of this household and despite being big and strong, he also looks very dangerous, but he is actually a big pet and a good dog. Every morning he would wait for us, yawn and then run to cuddle. Bobby also likes to sleep, he would find shade and he would sleep there until the sun drove him away, and then he would look for shade again. |
Čuvajte sa piste, krećemo | Get off the runway, let's go |
Ovaj šmeker na motoru je moj macak Srecko. Srecka je pronasla gazdarica gde sam krecio, otisla je da baci smece u kontejner i pronasla dva maceta. Jedno je ona odnela na selo kod njenih a drugo sam uzeo ja, i dao mu ime Srecko. | This fan of motorcycles is my cat Srecko. Srecko has found the landlady where I was painting, went to throw the garbage in the dumpster and found two cats. One she took to the village with her and the other I took, and gave him the name Srecko. |
Pravi heroj | A real hero |
Ovako je Srecko voleo da spava,na ledja i sve cetiri noge u vis. | This is how Srecko liked to sleep, on his back and all four legs high. |
Nerazdvojni drugari | Inseparable friends |
Srecko bi me sacekao da se vratim sa posla a onda bi zajedno odmarali i spavali. | Srecko would wait for me to come back from work and then they would rest and sleep together. |
Uspomena i sećanje | Memory and remembrance |
Srecko je bio ljubimac svih nas, a najvise moga oca, zato sto su se oni druzili dok smo ja i moja supruga radili a sin bio u vrtic, oni su bili sami kod kuce, zajedno su jeli gledali televiziju druzili. Kada je Srecko porastao cesto bi odlazio od kuce trazeci drustvo neke macke, ali bi se brzo vracao. Jednom se nije vratio, nije ga bilo kuci mesec dana,da bi se najzad vratio mjaukajuci I grebajuci vrata od kuce, moj ga je otac cuo i pustio unutra. Njihovoj sreci nije bilo kraj,a ja sam zabelezio taj trenutak i susret. Nazalost, moj otac je preminuo evo vec ima tri godine a i Srecko je zauvek nestao. Meni je ostala lepa uspomena na oca i mačka, Srecka, koja će sad ovde na Blockchain većno da se pamti i ostaje u sećanje, zauvek. | Srecko was a favorite of all of us, especially my father, because they hung out while my wife and I worked and my son was in kindergarten, they were alone at home, they ate together and watched TV. When Srecko grew up, he would often leave home looking for the company of a cat, but he would return quickly. Once he didn't come back, he wasn't home for a month, and finally he came back meowing and scratching the door of the house, my father heard him and let him in. Their happiness did not end, and I noticed that moment and meeting. Unfortunately, my father passed away for three years now, and Srecko has disappeared forever. I have a fond memory of my father and cat, Srecko, who will now be remembered forever on Blockchain and will remain in my memory, forever. |
Prenosiva ljubav | Transferable love |
Ljubav prema zivotinjama preneo sam i na moga sina Vuka. Jos kao mali hteo je da hrani golubove, golubova ima mnogo u centru grada Vrsca pa smo mi isli u centar grada da ih hranimo, a onda je Vuk pozeleo da ima i svoje golubove kuci. Skupljali bi stari hleb i razno zrnevlje i ostavljali ispred kuce, i vodu u neku posudu. | I passed on my love for animals to my son Vuk. Even as a child, he wanted to feed pigeons, there are many pigeons in the center of Vrsac, so we went to the city center to feed them, and then Vuk wanted to have his pigeons at home. They would collect old bread and various grains and leave them in front of the house, and water in a container. |
Tata, vidi ovo | Dad, look at this |
Polako golubovi su dolazili upocetku plasljivo a posle sve vise i slobodno. Nastavili smo da ih hranimo svaki dan, pogotovo je vazno zimi da imaju hranu jer nemogu sami da pronadju zrnevlje. | Slowly the pigeons came at first timidly and then more and more freely. We continued to feed them every day, it is especially important to have food in winter because they cannot find grains on their own. |
Uspeo sam, tata | I did it, Dad |
Srecno i veselo dete. Vremenom broj golubova narastao je na 10, koji dolazi stalno i poneki gladni golub svrati. | Happy and cheerful child. Over time, the number of pigeons has grown to 10, which comes constantly and some hungry pigeons stop by. |
Ljubav koja ostaje vecno | Love that stays forever |
Moj sin Vuk je porastao i jos uvek hrani svoje golubove. Ta ljubav u njemu neće nikad da se gasi, i ponosan sam na tome, sto sam uspeo da mu to prenesem. | My son Vuk has grown up and still feeds his pigeons. That love in him will never go out, and I am proud of the fact that I managed to convey it to him. |
Mali vrabac, velika sreća | Little sparrow, great luck |
Sledeca prica je o malom vrapcu, kojeg smo pronasli nedaleko od nase kuce kada smo se vracali iz vrtica. | The next story is about a little sparrow, which we found not far from our house when we were returning from kindergarten. |
Brzo detinjstvo vrabca | A sparrow's quick childhood |
Kada mladi vrapci uce da lete, cesto se nadju na zemlji, ili ispadnu iz gnezda i postanu lak plen za macke, ili ih nesto zgazi. Njega smo cuvali na balkonu bio je uvek slobodan, davali smo mu hranu i vodu. Cesto su dolazili veliki vrapci, verovatno mama i tata, do njega. Kod nas je bio sve dok jednog dana nije osnazio krila i odleteo. Nas malisa odleteo je u slobodu. | When young sparrows learn to fly, they often find themselves on the ground, or fall out of their nests and become easy prey for cats, or are trampled by something. We kept him on the balcony, he was always free, we gave him food and water. Big sparrows, probably mom and dad, often came to him. He was with us until one day he strengthened his wings and flew away. Our little one flew free. |
Novi drugar u nizu | A new buddy in a row |
Sledeci Vukov drugar je pas Bubi. Tako ga je nazvao Vuk. Bubija smo pronasli jedne zime dok smo se igrali na snegu ispred kuce. Iznenada kod nogu pojavio se mali pas. Uneli smo ga unutra, ugrejali dali mu toplog mleka, i mali pas je zaspao. dali smo oglas dali mozda neko trazi psa, ali niko se nije javio. | Vuk's next friend is the dog Bubi. That's what Vuk called him. We found Bubi one winter while we were playing in the snow in front of the house. Suddenly a small dog appeared at his feet. We brought him inside, warmed him with warm milk, and the little dog fell asleep. whether we advertised whether maybe someone is looking for a dog, but no one responded. |
Nerazdvojni drugari | Inseparable friends |
Vuk i Bubi postali su nerazdvojni. Zajedno su vozili auto. | Vuk and Bubi became inseparable. They drove the car together. |
Kako lepo uživamo | How nice we enjoy |
Zajedno sedeli i gledali crtane filmove. | They sat together and watched cartoons. |
Posle Bubi-ja, biljni svet | After Bubi, the plant world |
Nazalost Bubi je jednog dana nestao neko je ostavio vrata od kuce otvorena i Bubija vise nismo nasli. Nadam se da je srecan gde god se nalazi. Mi volimo i biljni svet, volimo da imamo cvece u svojoj basti zato ga i sadimo i cuvamo a i volimo da sadimo drvece. Zapamtio sam reci moga nastavnika muzicke kulture Marinka, koji je rekao "Vredis onoliko koliko si posadio drveca". Zato sam ja kad god sam mogao sadio drvece. | Unfortunately Bubi disappeared one day, someone left the door of the house open and we never found Bubi again. I hope he is happy wherever he is. We also love the plant world, we love to have flowers in our garden, that's why we plant and preserve it, and we also like to plant trees. I remembered the words of my music teacher Marinko, who said "You are worth as much as you planted trees". That's why I planted trees whenever I could. |
Ovako je sve krenulo | This is how it all started |
Posadili smo prvo drvo ispred kuce. Jednu vrbu. Kasnije smo ogradili sa ciglama i sipali zemlju. Nazalost vrbu je neko ukrao,iscupao iz zemlje. Kasnije dok smo mi sadili cvece u basti neko je cupao krao i cvece dok smo mi bili na posao. | We planted the first tree in front of the house. One willow. Later we fenced it with bricks and poured earth. Unfortunately, someone stole the willow, pulled it out of the ground. Later, while we were planting flowers in the garden, someone stole flowers and while we were at work. |
Moja žena stiže nam u pomoć | My wife is coming to help us |
Nastavili smo ovako. Uz pomoc moje supruge, Vukove mame. | We continued like this. With the help of my wife, Vuk's mother. |
Cveće koje niče samo | Flowers that sprout alone |
Razno cvece smo sadili, tako da sad imamo cvece preko cele godine, i dva mlada drveta, jedno smo posadili to je ljubicasti jorgovan, a drugi je mlada vocka, jos neznamo sta je nije jos rodilo samo je cvetalo, i ono je samo niklo jer je Vuk bacao u bastu semenke od voca koje je jeo. | We planted various flowers, so now we have flowers all year round, and two young trees, one we planted is purple lilac, and the other is young fruit, We still don't know what hasn't given birth yet, it's just blooming. And it just sprouted because Vuk threw fruit seeds he ate into the garden. |
Posađen je cvet | A flower was planted |
Mlad jorgovan koji smo posadili. | The young lilac we planted. |
Obnova Crkve | Restoration of the Church |
Nastavili smo I dalje sa sadnjom cveca i drveca. Uz dozvolu svestenika oca Nenada nabavio sam i posadio crveni bozur, u porti crkve u Vrscu, poznatu kao mala Crkva. Kada je otac Nenada dosao na sluzbu u toj crkvi,Crkva je bila napustena zakljucana I oronula, koliko dugo nije bilo vernika i sluzbe u toj crkvi. Uz pomoc oca Nenada i dobrih ljudi Crkva je obnovljena sredjena je porta crkve i crkveni Dom. U obnovi crkve ucestovali smo i mi. | We continued to plant flowers and trees. With the permission of the priest Father Nenad, I procured and planted a red peony in the gate of the church in Vrsac, known as the small church. When Father Nenad came to serve in that church, the Church was abandoned, locked up and dilapidated, for how long there were no believers and service in that church. With the help of Father Nenad and good people, the church was rebuilt, the church gate and the church house were arranged. We also took part in the renovation of the church. |
Malo istorije crvenog cveta, božura | A little history of the red flower, the peony |
Porta male crkve posle obnove, i pauza dok smo sadili drvece u krugu porte. Inace crveni božur koji smo sadili u porti crkve tesko sam pronasao, jer je u mome kraju redak, uglavnom postoji bele boje, a crveni bozur raste samo na Kosovo. Na Kosovo Polje 1389. godine sukobile se dve vojske. Na jednom strani Turska vojska sa 120 000 ratnika na celu sa Turskim sultanom Muratom. A na drugoj strani Srpska vojska sa 70 000 ratnika na celu sa Srpskim knezom Lazarom. Oba vladara su poginula, sultan Murat je jedini Turski sultan Koji je poginuo u borbi,ubio ga je najveci Srpskim vitez Milos Obilic. To je najveca bitka u srednjem veku u Evropi,sa najvise ratnika, skoro svi su poginuli a od tolike krvi beli bozur je pocrvenuo i postal je crveni bozur. Eto malo i istorije, a biče u mojim postovima još mnogo više istorije i vrednih informacija o svemu. | The gate of the small church after the renovation, and a break while we planted trees in the circle of the gate. By the way, I could hardly find the red peony that we planted in the church gate, because it is rare in my area, it is mostly white, and red peony grows only in Kosovo. In 1389, two armies clashed on Kosovo Polje. On one side is the Turkish army with 120,000 warriors led by Turkish Sultan Murat. On the other hand, the Serbian army with 70,000 warriors led by Serbian Prince Lazar. Both rulers were killed, Sultan Murat is the only Turkish Sultan who died in battle, he was killed by the greatest Serbian knight Milos Obilic. It is the biggest battle in the Middle Ages in Europe, with the most warriors, almost all of them died and from so much blood the white peony turned red and became a red peony. Here is a little history, and there will be many more in my posts more history and valuable information about everything. |
Mislimo na budućnost | We think about the future |
Posadili smo 3 drveta naravno uz dopustenje oca Nenada. Posadili smo javor,Jasen I beli brest. Iskopali smo dovoljno duboke rupe sa arsovom postaviti drvo sa busenom zemlje sipali dovoljno vode i zatrpali sa zemljom. Narednih dana isao sam da drveca zalivam da bi se primili. | We planted 3 trees of course with the permission of Father Nenad. We planted maple, ash and white elm. We dug deep enough holes with ars, set up a tree with a sod of earth, poured enough water and buried it with earth. The next few days I went to water the trees to receive them. |
Neočekivani poziv | Unexpected call |
Neocekivano dobili smo poziv od crkvene opstine po zavrsetku obnove crkve i crkvenog doma, da prisustvujemo proslavi. Na proslavi otisao sam ja i moj sin Vuk. | Unexpectedly, we received an invitation from the church community after the completion of the new church and church home, to attend the celebration. My son Vuk and I went to the celebration. |
Iznenađujuća nagrada | Surprising reward |
Na iznenadjenje dobili smo zahvalnicu i ikonu presvetle bogorodice koju je moj sin Vuk primo. | To our surprise, we received a letter of thanks and an icon of the Most Holy Mother of God, which my son Vuk received. |
Planeta koja diše | A planet that breathes |
To nam je dalo Jos vise motiva da nastavimo dalje da brinemo o prirodi, zivotinjama i biljkama najvise o drvecu, jer je drvece pluca planete. | This gave us even more motivation to continue to care for nature, animals and plants, especially trees, because trees are the lungs of the planet. |
Čuvajte prirodu i planetu | Save nature and the planet |
Eto tako se zavrsilo putovanje bar do sad kroz moj svet prirode pa da nastavimo dalje na prolece. Cuvajte prirodu jer priroda cuva vas. | That's how the journey through my world of nature ended, at least so far, so let's continue in the spring. Save nature because nature protects you. |
Pozdrav od Ujke ~ Greetings fron Uncle
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