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RE: Automatic Node Switch and More Updates

in About PeakD4 years ago (edited)

Hey I'm curious if peakD could open up the option for users to have more freedom on how their profile could look, and more boroadly, on the experience using this frontend? For example I like how onchainart community gives the option to have the content display in clean images. I would love to view everything like that and believe each profile would look so much more appealing too. I selected "portfolio" but then looks like I need to upload images now so I'm thinking, why doesn't it take into account what's already posted?

I recall reading a post from agro that was talking about tribes and having the freedom to make it look unique but everything out of that fella is money first. Charging some hundreds of dollars for that is absurd. Something like visual appearance is also an option that platforms that offer it, usually offer it free as a "skin" effect. So I'm thinking that maybe Hive and the front-ends are all lacking in that area.

Anyway if this is not at all something that you consider doing then this comment is pointless. If it is however, then I would wonder if a "click on/click off" option to edit the look of things would be doable. Which as a benefit to this frontend, means it becomes more inviting, and in effect, is what keeps a person returning. Content is obviously KING but the physiological thing of "look and feel" is also pivotal to sustaining users.

PeakD is superior to the other fronts but IMO, needs polish.



That view is called the photo view and all communities are open to using it they would need to go to their settings. It's important to note that communities can only suggest by default it's still the consumer's choice.
But perhaps you're talking about opening up that view style to all consumers at all time. This is something that is doable BUT it's not a popular view style nor helpful in many cases (mostly just helpful for photography communities) so there is a give and take... do we give all options all the time or do we not overwhelm the majority of users who would hate that viewstyle most of the time? Perhaps there is something in settings that can be done to let users enable that view style however we need to think carefully about how we make sure the settings doesn't get to overwhelming. I'm guessing we will tackle it in the future after we tackle some big things... in the meantime we also would love to figure out if the 3 to 4 view styles really are the best options or if they can be tweaked to be even better. For that we will take mockup suggestions if anyone had any. For sure making sure the most used view styles are best should be top priority.

Yeah I agree with your reasoning and believe in simplicity too. That's why I wondered if an on/off option would work where a person sees a live change to the things they're choosing to show or not show and not so much about adding a whole lot but simply cleaning up the look.

For example, I find it an eye sore to see on the profile the "SETTINGS" and "ACTIONS" when they could be in the drop down menu or reduced to their icons. The "FOLLOW" would be better suited under the avatar of users. Then BADGES seem too large too and labels like ADMIN and user and tag identifiers could be less loud.

Even simple tweaks like making the notification icon count the same color red as that which in in the PEAKD logo all work towards that look and feel which humans automatically find satisfying. SKINS would then have another positive effect and Dapplr have pleased a lot of people with their app by doing that.

Good to know it's on your horizon then and maybe I'll mock up something in time. I decided to add a banner to my profile recently and it gave me a half chub so then I thought more broadly about the look and feel of this place.

Cheers for your response!