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RE: Raspberry Pi Foundation Launches Pi 400

in STEMGeeks4 years ago

and a treat for you:

not sure its the right video where it hits something (dome?).. I dont have time... things are speeding up these days for lassecash...

but this video is worth watching:

^^ 100% quality music video with flat earth proofs inside the video.

Rest assure people will wake up with decentralized video services like LBRY/ODYSEE, its only a matter of time.


You had time to respond and throw in your remark that the Earth is flat, but not enough to actually prove to yourself it isn't for a few measly bucks.

How is Lassecash speeding up? There was less than $15 of volume in the last 24 hours.

How is Lasse's Angels coming?


Thanks man, this gave me a big chuckle, I felt like Santa Claus for a second.

I see you are still trying to pump your own coin. How long can you keep that going?

Surely you have lots of pictures of the edge of the Earth you could share.
