It's been a couple of weeks now that I got back from my second big vacation of the Summer. With memories of Marquette still dancing around in our heads, @mrsbozz and I started to pack for her family trip to Lake Huron.
Just about every year her parents and siblings (along with their families) all get together and rent a location somewhere to hang out for a week or so. Last year it was Hocking Hills down in Ohio. This year our family trip took us to Grindstone City.
Given the fact that there are 16 of us, it can be hard to find places in prime locations that have adequate accommodations for the entire group.

With eleven adults and five children, I am sure you can understand that there are a lot of things that need to be considered. Having that many people with just one or even two bathrooms could spell disaster for the whole week. After kicking around several options, we finally decided on this house in Grindstone City right on the shores of Lake Huron.

As you can see, it is in a beautiful location with a great view of the harbor across the street. The road that runs between the house and the harbor is a public road that leads out to a park at the point. It received a fair amount of traffic during our stay, but it wasn't too disturbing.
We found this house via VRBO and all of the details were handled by my mother in law.

The loft area upstairs had a total of four bedrooms. One of the beds was out in the middle of the common area which was a little confusing. No one ended up sleeping in that bed. It would have been hard anyway with the sun streaming in the large windows each morning that looked out over Lake Huron.
There was also one large bathroom upstairs and a washer and dryer for laundry.
The loft looked down over the common area which in my opinion could have been a little larger. Besides the dining table, there was very little space for everyone to actually sit down and easily communicate with each other. Very often we found ourselves shouting across the room to carry on a conversation.

This is the bed I mentioned that was just sitting out in the middle of the upstairs space. You can see the laundry and bathroom in the background.

This was the view of the house from the back. On the main floor was the living area as well as a large kitchen and a single bedroom with an attached bathroom that we allowed my mother and father in law to have since they were paying for the trip after all. It was the only room in the house with a king bed.
Down in the basement was three more bedrooms, a bathroom, and another kitchen area.

While the upstairs kitchen was reserved for the meal prep, the downstairs kitchen is where we kept all of our snacks and beverages. I know it looks like a lot of junk food, but those kids can put that stuff away like you wouldn't believe. There wasn't too much left by the time we left.

Of course when you are dealing with a big loud Catholic family, alcohol is a must!

No, really. It looks like a college frat house fridge am I right?!
We actually had to make a couple trips to the local grocery store to restock on some of the beverages in the refrigerator believe it or not! To be fair though, @mrsbozz and I also brought a lot of stuff home. We probably only drank about 1/3 of the stuff we took for the week.

The house also included a "game room" that was available for our use. Really, it was just a Quonset building that smelled and got much too hot in the middle of the day for us to really spend any time out there. I think when we booked the place, we thought we would use it a lot more than we actually did.

I went out there exactly once and it was to take the pictures for this post that you see above. It wasn't as cool of a space as I thought it would be and the kids only spent limited time out there. The adults spent pretty much zero time in the "game room".

Of course, the big draw for this place was the fact that it sat on the shores of Lake Huron. Unfortunately, we didn't have the best of weather while we were there. The wildfires in Canada continued to dump a haze across the sky. When it wasn't hazy, it was far to hot and humid to enjoy the outdoors.

Additionally, there was a gaggle of geese who had decided to take up residence on the beach area. The entire yard both front and back was covered with goose poop. Even the beach was in a pretty sorry state. The water was quite mucky and the one time I went out far enough to get past the muck it was too rocky to get a good footing without destroying your feet.

Despite all of that, we did spend a bit of time down at the Tiki Bar they had installed on the edge of the property. As you will see in the next set of pictures it afforded some beautiful views when the clouds finally cleared.
There was a fire pit right near the Tiki Bar that the kids roasted marshmallows over for smores one night.

As much as the adults decided to steer clear of the water, the kids of course didn't seem to mind. They played in the water pretty much every day we were there. There was one day that the ladies decided to find some beach rakes and they cleared up the sand as much as they could from the goose poop.
I spent the morning fishing, but the rest of the family had a nice time laying out in the sun while the kids played in the water.

One thing we have found interesting after staying at a couple of places like this is the fact that they are never quite what they seem in the photos. The photos are always going to show the best side and the best qualities of a place.
Once you get there, you start to notice the flaws and the cracks that they glossed over. The geese on the beach is one such example. Dust and cobwebs here and there, other areas they didn't clean quite as well as you might have thought, cracked paint, etc.
I'm not saying a place should be perfect, but when you spend a couple thousand dollars to stay at a place, you kind of hope it will be a little higher quality.

In the end though, all that really matters is the fact that we got to spend some time together with our family. That's ultimately what is most important. We laughed, ate, drank, played games, talked, got on each others nerves, and spent time together.
Sounds like a pretty great trip to me right?!
Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports

I love the last photos. Family gatherings could be fun and hectic. I’m sure you had such a great time ☺️☺️
Thanks! It was a blast!
You’re welcome
That's a nicely stocked fridge! Looks like a fun trip and a relaxing location.
Yeah, a fridge like that makes any destination a winner!
I'm liking the stocked and organised drinks refrigerator !
My oldest niece was in charge of that! She did a great job.
Yeah … it is not easy booking a place on Lake Huron or Superior… you can have nice Sandy beach in one spot and, weeds, mud and silt 100 ‘ down the beach. The geese will destroy the most beautiful beaches with their poop. Some places will be crystal clean water and another area will have a crick with run off, dark water and algae… very hit and miss… it’s like you have to find the perfect spot and buy it. But those perfect spots on Huron go for millions. A tiny shack with a sandy beach and outhouse just sold for $400,000 next door … on Lake Superior. That’s cheap. We decided to just put in a pool … but even that is a ton of work to keep clean when you have a lot of trees. We are over 20 people now when we get together at the family cottage … and backyard pool. It’s a zoo.
This is near Tobermory ,… Bruce Peninsula… the Canadian side of Huron… opposite Grindstone City ..…
So much to see on that Lake….
Wow, that is Beautiful! I know what you mean about the lakes. Honestly, they could throw up some deterrents and it would make a huge difference. Not the rocks, but the geese for Sure. Up at Indian River they put wolf cut outs on the beach to scare the geese away.
Along the Rideau River Million dollar McMansion row …. to prevent Canada Geese from their beaches and lawns … people have strung rows of fishing line with tin plates, CD’s, silver tinsel, fake snakes, owls … it looks like a circus. Anything to keep them from pooping all over the beach. But then you can’t really use the beach since it’s covered in fishing line, tin plates, CDs etc etc
Yeah, I have a feeling it is probably a never ending battle. There is a house near my parents where they have some fake crows sitting in the yard to scare the wild turkey away. It's a tough balance between letting nature be nature and being able to enjoy your investment!
Wow what a place! We had a family gathering over the weekend too and it is so great to look forward to these events as they approach each year. Hot and humid dead in the middle of summer? Who would have thunk that?
The closest i have been to lake huron this year has been Grand Bend on the other side of the lake. They call it our province’s west coast and is quite the body of water.
Thanks for sharing the family vacation with us Bozz!
That looks like it was a much nicer beach than ours. I think we just hit a bad area or something. It gets hot here, but there is usually a bit of relief (like at night). That wasn't the case here.
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What a lovely pictures
I love the ocean view and family gathering is a lot of fun. And I'm glad you enjoy yourself
Thank you!
Your vacation story from Grindstone City is a charming reminder that imperfect moments with family make the best memories. Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure! Thank you for the kind words!
Thats an amazing place for a staycation. And like a dream home for me. Wish i get to own one someday.
This one definitely had it's flaws! It was a great time spent with family though!
I love your pictures, specially the last one! Tiki Bar looks super nice next to that beach, and it’s great that the kids could have some tasty marshmallows close to it! Nice and relaxing landscape there!
Thank you! We made the most of the time we had together!
How long are we talking here? More than a week cooped up in that house with a family and I'd need all that alcohol to keep from going nuts. Spending time fishing sounds right up my alley!
Looks nice, though. Love the view!
Four nights, not too bad, but that is about the limit we can handle most times! It was still better than being at work, so I can't complain too much!
Four nights is doable, I can see that. Booze would help. haha. But yea, absolutely better than work. Especially with a nice view like that to enjoy everyday. Wake up, go fishing, play with kids, enjoy some adult beverages and games with the adults, go to bed and repeat. That wouldn't be a bad life!
You pretty much hit the nail on the head there. It was a really great time!
Having 16 people to stay in that building seem not to be a bad idea. I think it is big enough for you all to manage.
I love the fact that you have a happy family.
Enjoy the vacation!
Thank you! We made it through yes!
Damn, that's a lot of alcohol. Not that I don't drink alcohol too often but I've never seen such amounts ever, lol
Haha, just remember it was split across 11 adults. Hopefully that makes it not seem so bad!
Having this annual family get together is a must. It further strengthens the connection and bond. The area still looks inviting and perfect for a stay though you were able to see some flaws. But your were right, what is more important is the experience and the happy memories you shared with your family. This is something you'll look back.🤗
Yeah, it was great. As I said in another comment, it was still better than being at work, so I can't really complain. It's just interesting how even things we think are perfect and pristine are flawed when you see them in the proper light.
Looks like a great place to visit. That fridge is very well stocked!!! The game room looks cool, surprising it wasnt used more though, but I guess the beach was more attractive.
Yeah, we actually played most of our games at the big dinning room table. I will be covering that in another post I think.
The vicinity including the rooms and the interior of the house made it a perfect place for vacation for family and friends. Enjoy and have a good day.
Thanks, you too!
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