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RE: Thoughts from a lake house in Grindstone City

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)

Yeah … it is not easy booking a place on Lake Huron or Superior… you can have nice Sandy beach in one spot and, weeds, mud and silt 100 ‘ down the beach. The geese will destroy the most beautiful beaches with their poop. Some places will be crystal clean water and another area will have a crick with run off, dark water and algae… very hit and miss… it’s like you have to find the perfect spot and buy it. But those perfect spots on Huron go for millions. A tiny shack with a sandy beach and outhouse just sold for $400,000 next door … on Lake Superior. That’s cheap. We decided to just put in a pool … but even that is a ton of work to keep clean when you have a lot of trees. We are over 20 people now when we get together at the family cottage … and backyard pool. It’s a zoo.

This is near Tobermory ,… Bruce Peninsula… the Canadian side of Huron… opposite Grindstone City ..…



So much to see on that Lake….



Wow, that is Beautiful! I know what you mean about the lakes. Honestly, they could throw up some deterrents and it would make a huge difference. Not the rocks, but the geese for Sure. Up at Indian River they put wolf cut outs on the beach to scare the geese away.

Along the Rideau River Million dollar McMansion row …. to prevent Canada Geese from their beaches and lawns … people have strung rows of fishing line with tin plates, CD’s, silver tinsel, fake snakes, owls … it looks like a circus. Anything to keep them from pooping all over the beach. But then you can’t really use the beach since it’s covered in fishing line, tin plates, CDs etc etc

Yeah, I have a feeling it is probably a never ending battle. There is a house near my parents where they have some fake crows sitting in the yard to scare the wild turkey away. It's a tough balance between letting nature be nature and being able to enjoy your investment!