Good morning @nanixxx, You made me laugh 😂. In parts, I think my Antonio Lopez really knows what paths led him to create those two heads.
The van thing, it's post today is an exception. It's dedicated to a group of Hiviers who, more or less, started posting at the same time I started, and we met during some Discord healing. I wanted to thank them for the company they have kept me company during this time.
I'm curious to know what else you're going to tell me about publishing? I will tell you that I have found that my publication photographs are a great mirror in which I see myself, or see much of who I am.
I had to say more... That this three-day walk, starting with Valentine's Day, is a luxury that Hive and you of course allow us to have. It feels so close!
And Selene was carrying a beautiful full moon that night, if I remember correctly.
Estoy esperando ya la próxima publicación. 🤓 Sin presiones pero que no demore tanto. 😆
You noticed, it was Valentine's Day..., I feel, or am, in a very special moment in my life and this post I think reflects it very well.
About the next posts and the times. I've been working for a month now (I can't help but dedicate days and days to some posts) with two posts, one quite obscure. It's been a few years since I've had a hard time descending into the underworld, saying hello to the monsters and coming back to the light, my place. So what's coming will be different. I hope you can enjoy it too.
Happy afternoon @nanixxx.
La luz es tu lugar.
Voy a dormir ya 😴. No ha parado de llover. Hasta mañana. Y que sea hermoso. 👋🏻
Un poco tarde 😂 Buenos días!!!
💆🏻🤭 El tarot ya me había advertido de esto. ¡Buenas noches! 🤣
🤣 Buenos dias,@nanixxx. Tengo una gran duda. Le he preguntado al mazo de cartas, pero no las entiendo, creo que me contestan en arameo. Te lo pregunto a tí, cómo vas con 🦷?
Abrazo 🤗
Buenos días, a ver... En pocas palabras, estoy atemorizada. Tengo consulta en un ratico. Estoy haciendo café para desayunar e irme. La muela puedo perderla y me siento mal anímicamente por unas cuantas razones que resultan de todo ese proceso. Pero supongo que un día, me recuperaré y pues... La vida sigue.
. Ah, perdona... Y abrazo recibido que sí hace falta. Gracias. 🤗