Yeah it's pretty fun, it was on New Years day too, wrapped in a warm velvety blanket, the price isn't that bad either, it's a good way to kill time indeed. I didn't think snow was your best feature in Aus! 🤣 I supposed it's like me and beaches at the current moment, I'm a little landlocked. I do want to go to Vancouver soon-ish if this pandemic could end, maybe i can find a beach to ride a horse on over there. hehe
Certainly easier if you have a bit of a trailer, we have nothing but a tent and an air mattress for now (and a giant tarp we turn into a really shitty camping castle in case it rains the entire week to keep our gear dry).
Basic camping is ok too, and I do that when I'm hunting and stuff, but yeah the trailer makes it a lot more enjoyable and easy I guess. I've done posts on my trailer...If I can find one I'll link it if you like?
I bet it makes a world of difference to have that little road abode! We want to get one but we live in a townhouse for now and have nowhere to store it affordably and our neighborhood is shady on a good day so we just don't for now. Go ahead and share it, I'll read just about anything of yours.
Storage of these things is always a bit problematic; We're lucky to have a spot for ours. So, I found a couple posts for you...
This is my swag, what I use when I'm out hunting by myself or with mates. (i.e. no Faith)
Here's my camper trailer.
I think the formatting is a bit buggered up as it's on the other platform, but you'll get the idea.
That's a neat little tent thing. I think I would want something more secure, to me it looks like my basic tent with a few fancy additions. The issue we come across here is wolves and bears, keeping food anything even dishes and cookware/snacks near sleeping quarters is dangerous. I think this would promote complacency. That swag thing looks pretty cool as far as portability.
A swag is not good protection against bears, but then we only have koala bears and they are good to cuddle. A swag is designed for portability, a single person sleeping solution.