One of the advantages of having spent so much time traveling in the same place is that it allowed me to get to know those corners that are not usually the most touristy of all. Of course, when I arrived I did all the tours suggested to tourists who are just passing through the province of San Juan, but a few weeks later I had already started to look for some not so well known tours. One of them was a small passage inside the Quebrada de Zonda, an area that we were lucky enough to explore quite a few times but that never failed to catch our attention 💕.
Una de las ventajas de haber estado tanto tiempo de viaje en un mismo lugar es que me permitió conocer esos rincones que no suelen ser los más turísticos de todos. Por supuesto que cuando llegué hice todos los recorridos sugeridos a los turístas que solo estan de paso por la provincia de San Juan, pero unas cuantas semanas después ya había empezado a buscar algunos paseos no tan conocidos. Uno de ellos fue un pequeño pasaje dentro de la Quebrada de Zonda, un área que tuvimos la suerte de explorar bastantes veces pero que nunca dejó de llamar nuestra atención 💕.

When it came to visiting somewhere close but beautiful, the Quebrada de Zonda was one of our favorites. The bus that took us there was the most frequent of all and just an hour away from downtown, you could be among beautiful rock formations. The coolest thing about this place is that the route went right through the middle of the gorge, so you had mountains on either side of them, which meant plenty of trails to hike and plenty of physical activity 😃.
Cuando se trataba de visitar algún lugar cerca pero hermoso, la Quebrada de Zonda era uno de nuestros preferidos. El colectivo que nos llevaba hasta ahí era el que tenía más frecuencia de todos y con solo alejarte una hora del centro de la ciudad, ya podías estar entre hermosas formaciones rocosas. Lo más genial de este sitio es que la ruta pasaba justo por el medio de la quebrada, entonces tenías montañas a cada lado de ellas, lo que significaba bastantes senderos para recorrer y hacer bastante actividad física 😃.

One of the not so well known trails in this place is the so-called "Quebrada de Juan Pobre", a small trail of about 2km in a fairly flat terrain but with the charm of being between high stone walls. After having hiked so much those days, we knew that this trail was going to be very short for my companions and me, so we only took one morning to go see it, just before we had to start our work shift at the hostel 😃.
Uno de los senderos no tan conocidos dentro de este lugar es la llamada "Quebrada de Juan Pobre", un pequeño recorrido de unos 2km en un terreno bastante plano pero con el encanto de ser entre altos paredones de piedras. Después de haber caminado tanto esos días, sabíamos que este sendero iba a ser muy corto para mis compañeros y para mí, así que solo nos tomamos una mañana para ir a verlo, justo antes de tener que empezar nuestro turno de trabajo en el hostel 😃.

As you advanced along the trail you could feel how the creek was "trapping" you between its large walls. Each time you walked into it, the natural corridor became narrower and narrower. I wonder who was the brave one who found this corner among these rock formations. Surely he was fascinated by them as we were at that moment ❤️.
A medida que ibas avanzando dentro del sendero podías sentir como la quebrada te iba "atrapando" entre sus grandes paredones. Cada vez que caminabas dentro de ella, ese pasillo natural se iba haciendo cada vez más entrecho. Me pregunto quién habrá sido el valiente que habrá encontrado este rincón entre estas formaciones rocosas. Seguramente quedó fascinado con ellas como nosotros en ese momento ❤️.

As always, I never research what is in every place I go because I like to surprise myself with my own eyes, so I didn't know what I was going to find at the end of this trail. What I did notice with my companions was that the trail was getting smaller and smaller, until suddenly, a sign indicated the end of the trail. Just like that, out of nowhere. I was like "really, this is the end?!". I think I even felt a little cheated that the end of the trail was a high stone wall that was already impossible to climb up. I even tried to climb up a bit to try to see what was beyond, but for the sake of my physical integrity, my companions told me to get down from there 😅.
Como siempre, yo nunca investigo qué es lo que hay en cada lugar al que voy porque me gusta sorprenderme con mis propios ojos, así que no sabía con lo que me iba a encontrar al final de este sendero. Lo que si notamos con mis compañeros es que el camino cada vez se hacía más y más pequeño, hasta que de repente, un cartel indicó el final del camino. Así, de la nada. Yo me quedé como "¿¡en serio, este es el final?!". Creo que hasta me sentí un poco estafada con que el final del recorrido fuera una alta pared de piedra por la que ya era imposible subir. Incluso intenté treparme un poco para tratar de ver que había más allá, pero por el bien de mi integridad física, mis compañeros me dijeron que me bajara de ahí 😅.

Perhaps one expects that at the end of each trek there will be some beautiful landscape to contemplate and say that it was worth the whole journey, but in this case I discovered that it is not always so. My final balance of this walk was that the best of it all was not at the end, but in the meantime. Those high stone and clay walls so tall and imposing made you feel small and were incredible. And since it was an out and back route, on the way back we were able to see other shapes that we had not appreciated before. Well, in the end it wasn't so bad, what do you think 😅?
Quizás uno espera que al final de cada trekking haya algún paisaje hermoso para contemplar y decir que valió la pena todo el recorrido, pero en este caso descubrí que no siempre es así. Mi balance final sobre este paseo fue que lo mejor de todo no estuvo al final, sino en el mientras tanto. Esas altas paredes de piedra y arcilla tan altas e imponentes te hacían sentir pequeño y eran increíbles. Y como era una ruta de ida y vuelta, en el regreso pudimos ver otras formas que antes no habíamos apreciado. Bueno, al final no estuvo tan mal el recorrido. ¿Qué les parece 😅?

Choosing the province of San Juan for my first long trip was one of the best decisions I made this year. I think Argentina has a lot of beautiful places to visit and I will always be grateful to be able to visit some of them. Each one of them has its charm and I like being able to go and see them with my own eyes. In the meantime, although the end of the trek was not what I expected, I'm glad I enjoyed the whole stretch until I finished it 💕.
Haber elegido a la provincia de San Juan para mi primer viaje largo fue una de las mejores decisiones que tomé este año. Pienso que Argentina tiene un montón de lugares hermosos para recorrer y siempre voy a estar agradecida de poder recorrer algunos de ellos. Cada uno de ellos tiene su encanto y me gusta poder ir y verlos con mis propios ojos. Mientras tanto, aunque el final del trekking no fue lo que esperaba, me alegra haber disfrutado de todo el tramo hasta que lo terminé 💕.
❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️
❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️

Lau 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.
Without a doubt, it was a great advantage to have been staying for an indefinite period of time in this province, it gave you the opportunity to see little-known places that were worth visiting.
What I liked the most about this province is that you have traveled almost to all destinations by bus, which means great savings in terms of transportation.
What a shame that the path you have chosen to walk ended with a huge stone, what a great disappointment.
Beautiful photographs, I like this province more and more
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon dear friend @lauramica
Hello Luis. I am glad you liked this province, it is really beautiful and it is true that the public transportation made everything easier. Not in all places it is like that.
I hope you had a good New Year's celebration, I send you my best regards 😃!
Travel Digest #2103.
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Hiya, @livinguktaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @pinmapple team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know you have your own profile map?
And every post has their own map too!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Climbing a rocky mountain is indeed tiring, but after seeing the beautiful scenery there, the tiredness will immediately disappear, it's truly an extraordinary experience
Absolutely, that's the best reward of all :)
It is not terrible that you found an insurmountable obstacle at the end of the path. It is important that you sat in good company (who loves you as soon as they asked you not to climb the rocks, they care about you)..
This narrow passage reminds me of the scenes of many movies, in which ambushes were made 😀
You are right. Maybe I'm a little enthusiastic sometimes and always want to go further, but it's better to stay in the safe place. And... I'm also glad there wasn't an ambush just at that moment 😅.
Gracias por su apoyo Mayvileros ❤️
Increíbles paisajes colega !!! . Me encantó que compartieras con nosotros las sensaciones que percibiste. Este tipo de relieve casi siempre invita a grandes rocas con silencios ensordecedores, como para reflexionar. Gracias amiga por regalarnos cada línea con gran amor. Felicidades y felices fiestas.
Muchas gracias a vos por pasar. me alegra que te haya gustado este lugar. ¡Feliz año nuevo ❤️!
Muy buen post amiga!! Comparto con vos, siempre viajo sin haber investigado, o habiéndolo hecho muy poco porque también disfruto esto de sorprenderme con mis propios ojos. Además, el estar en un mismo lugar durante bastantes días o semanas, te invita a explorar esos lugares poco turísticos, como bien nos comentas.
Muy buen post!! Me encantó tu aventura por San Juan!
Muchas gracias Belén ❣️. Lo mejor es sorprenderse de una. Ahora estoy en El Bolsón y sé que hay un montón de lugares hermosos pero no quiero ver la foto de ninguno para que la sorpresa sea aún mayor jaja.
Saludos, feliz año nuevo 😃
Wow your country are really blessed with mountain, i love seeing you sharing some mountains photos with us. Well done. Merry Christmas
Thank you very much Moses! Argentina is truly beatiful. Happy New Year 💕!
We must visit such special places during vacations. One of the biggest benefits of visiting such special places is that one feels very relaxed by seeing all such natural sights.
Yes, the peace in these places is indescribable :)
Yeah amazing.
One of the best thing of nature to view at is the mountains and knowing that this place is filled with nature is the most interesting thing.
Yes, I love places like this :)
A wonderful place, a very enjoyable walk. merry christmas
Thank you! Happy New Year for you ❤️