Uruguay - Visit to the historical center of Colonia del Sacramento, a must-see of the area. / Visita al Casco Histórico de Colonia del Sacramento, un imperdible de la zona. 😃❣️

in Worldmappin3 years ago

Every time I go to a new place I try not to see too many pictures of the things I'm going to find because I like to surprise myself with my own eyes. And so it was on this trip: I wanted everything to be a surprise. The only information I had barely read mentioned anything about the Casco Historico of the city, it showed only a couple of pictures but when we were finally there in Uruguay, we were able to tour it completely ❣️.

Cada vez que voy a un lugar nuevo trato de no ver muchas fotos de las cosas que me voy a encontrar porque me gusta sorprenderme con mis propios ojos. Y así fue en este viaje: quería que todo sea sorpresa. La única información que apenas había leído mencionaba algo sobre el Casco Histórico de la ciudad, mostraba solo un par de fotos pero cuando finalmente estuvimos allí en Uruguay, pudimos recorrerlo por completo ❣️.

Portadas de 18cm x 12 cm.jpg

The night before while at the hostel, I had met a girl with whom we got to talking about life and travel. She had that adventurous spirit that gets you excited and offered me to go on a night walk through the Casco Historico of the city. She had already visited it during the day but I hadn't, so it suited both of us for the walk. It was a great walk because everything was super quiet; I wish I had a camera that takes good pictures in low light, but since this is not the case I had to wait until the next day to be able to portray the whole place 😅.

La noche anterior mientras estaba en el hostel, había conocido a una chica con la que nos pusimos a hablar de la vida y los viajes. Ella tenía ese espíritu aventurero que te emociona y me ofreció hacer una caminata nocturna por el Casco Histórico de la ciudad. Ella ya lo había visitado durante el día pero yo no, así que nos convenía a las dos el paseo. Fue un gran paseo porque todo era super tranquilo; ojalá tuviera una cámara que saque buenas fotos con poca luz, pero como esto no es así tuve que esperar hasta el otro día para poder retratar todo el sitio.


This part of the city was the first to be founded when the Spanish and Portuguese arrived in these lands more than 500 years ago and is currently declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. It goes without saying that this invasion was not at all peaceful as everything was in those times: the native peoples were subdued by the invaders and forced to adapt to their violent customs. At last "civilization" had arrived.

Esta parte de la ciudad fue lo primero que se fundó cuando españoles y portugueses llegaron a estas tierras hace más de 500 años y actualmente está declarado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco. No hace falta aclarar que esta invasión no fue para nada pacífica como lo era todo en esos tiempos: los pueblos orginarios sometidos por los invasores y obligados a adaptarse a sus costumbres violentas. Al fin había llegado "la civilización".


Subsequently, conflicts arose between the Spanish and the Portuguese for the total possession of the area, where they destroyed the city with several attacks against each other. All this situation was calmed by means of many treaties in which the colony passed from hand to hand, until in 1700 it was definitively granted to the Spaniards.

Posteriormente surgieron los conflictos entre españoles y portugueses por la posesión total de la zona, en donde con diversos ataques entre ellos fueron destruyendo la ciudad. Toda esta situación se calmó mediante muchos tratados en donde la colonia pasaba de mano en mano, hasta que en el 1700 fue definitivamente otorgada a los españoles.


For many years this part of the city was left aside to build in the surroundings and everything was left in ruins, until less than 50 years ago the Uruguayan government put back in value the historic center, maintaining its original essence of colonial buildings and cobblestone streets.

Durante muchos años esta parte de la ciudad fue dejada de lado para construir en los alrededores y todo quedó en ruinas, hasta que hace menos de 50 años el gobierno uruguayo puso nuevamente en valor el casco historico, manteniendo su escencia original de construcciones coloniales y calles empedradas.


The most famous street in the small town is the "Street of Sighs". There are several versions that explain the reason for its name: one says that because it is a narrow street, the wind of the Rio de La Plata crosses it making some noise; another version is a little more poetic and indicates the story that a young woman was waiting for her beloved in this street and was killed right there, so at night you can still hear her sighs of love, and finally, one version says that in this street were the brothels, so men sighed and complimented every time they saw the women here. Well, 3 versions quite different from each other. I was more convinced by the one about the wind, but it could be any of them 😅.

La calle más famosa dentro del la pequeña ciudad es la "Calle de los Suspiros". Hay varias versiones que explican el por qué de su nombre: una dice que por ser una calle angosta, el viento del Río de La Plata atraviesa haciendo algo de ruido; otra versión es un poco más poética e indica la historia de que una joven esperaba a su amado en esta calle y fue asesinada allí mismo, entonces por las noches aún pueden escucharse sus suspiros de amor, y por último, una versión dice que en esta calle se encontraban los prostíbulos, por lo que los hombres suspiraban y piropeaban cada vez que veían a las mujeres de aquí. Bueno, 3 versiones bastante diferentes entre sí. A mi me convenció más la del viento, pero bien podría ser cualquiera de ellas 😅.


Finally, we were able to visit what was the entrance to the entire city. Around it was a great wall built at the time of the attacks, of which some remains still remain. It is amazing to think of the people contemporary to all this, living in conflict, and now in the present day us strolling around and taking casual photographs. But I guess that's the feeling that comes with visiting a historic place.

Por último, pudimos visitar lo que era la entrada a toda la ciudad. Alrededor había una gran muralla construida en la época de los ataques, de la cual aún quedan algunos restos. Es increíble pensar en la gente contemporánea a todo esto, que vivía en conflicto, y ahora en la actualidad nosotros paseando y tomando fotografías casuales. Pero supongo que es el sentimiento que se genera al visitar un lugar histórico.


Since the spirit of our trip was to save and save, we looked up the history of the city on the Internet, but if your wallet is not so tight, you can hire guided tours that tell you these curiosities and more. It was very interesting to walk around the small neighborhood, and I'm glad we had both versions of the place, night and day. Although the memories of the city in the dark will remain only for me this time 😅.

Como el espíritu de nuestro viaje era ahorrar y ahorrar, buscamos la historia de la ciudad en Internet, pero si tu billetera no está tan ajustada, se pueden contratar visitas guiadas que te cuentan estas curiosidades y más. Fue muy interesante caminar por el pequeño barrio, y me alegra haber tenido las dos versiones del lugar, de noche y de día. Aunque los recuerdos de la ciudad a oscuras quedaran solo para mí esta vez 😅.

❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️

❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️


With lots of love. / Con mucho amor.
Lau 💕.

📸 Cover created with Canva. All the images are my property 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.


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What a spectacular place, I have always thought that the historic centers collect the identity of urban history, the city, its contrasts, its origin and its essence in itself. I love that which demarcates the positions founded on the: Calle de los Suspiros, it is proper of the values of the space and those cobblestone roads are very attractive and look very warm. Well, that's the value of history and civility itself. 😊

I'm glad you liked this place. It was very charming and going through those streets with so many stories to tell was great. I am glad that they have preserved their essence, so we can all be part of what was before. Thank you for your visit ❣️.

Amigaaaaa! necesitas un ayudante de fotografía? o no se, para cargar equipos jajaja, que bonito me gusta viajar y acabo de hacerlo con tu publicación 😊😁😎

Jajajaja yo siempre tengo la mochila lista para ir a donde sea :p Y estas invitado cuando quierassss.

Siiiiii 🥳🏃🚌🚈🛳️✈️🚀🗿⛪💒🏯🏟️🏡🛕⛩️🗽🗼

Hermoso recorrido fotográfico de un lugar que simplemente se ve mágico. Se no que te sumaste al disfrute y sin expectativas. Yo creo que es la mejor forma de hacerlo.

Gracias por compartir

Que bueno que te gustó Adriana. Era un lugar hermoso, había que compartirlo. Saludos ❤️.

Interesting about the history and that they preserved this place in remembrance of what sounded like a turbulent and perhaps traumatic time. At least that’s the takeaway I’ve got.

Loved the different legends of why they call it sigh street.

Also that you don’t like to view pictures before you go somewhere new, I feel like I have to know where I’m going or what a place looks like to decide if I want to see it person! Though, to each their own.

Yes, my friend is just like you. She really needs to see the place before evaluating whether to go or not haha. I like surprises... and so far nothing has disappointed me. Perhaps because the fact of walking already makes me happy, I'm very simple in that aspect.

Thanks for stopping by ❤️.

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Ohhh, thank you very much for the support. I really appreciate it ❤️😍.

It's amazing when you meet new people sharing the same passion with you and having lots of experiences to share and places to see :) lovely place!

Yessss, and the story with that girl is that I never contacted her again. She had given me her phone number and I didn't check it at the time (she was from Chile and also liked to do tourism in this region of South America). The next day she left very early, and when I tried to send her a message, I got an error. So I didn't know anything more about her and I'm sorry because it would have been great to do a trip together, she had the same adventurous spirit as me. I should have asked her what her Instagram was 😂.

Ah..snap! I had a similar experience and that feels so bad! But yeah, definitely asking for social media pages next time as it's a lot easier to keep in touch :)

Siempre es lindo encontrar un poco de Uruguay en Hive!



Era muy lindo, volvería pero con unos cuantos dólares más 😂.

Si.. Uruguay no es precisamente barato!

Que hermoso lugar y las fotografías ni hablar, un ciudad con una gran historia😍

¡Gracias Noalys!

It's nice to visit places rich in history. You get to enjoy the place and learn, as well. Every corner in the street is gram-worth, plus it looks peaceful.

Thank you, it was a very nice place ❣️.

That is such an amazing place! thanks for sharing this with us :D

Thank you Macchiata ❤️.

Hermoso paseo compartido y disfrutado a través de las fotografías tan hermosas. Muchísimo éxito. Un abrazote @lauramica

Muchas gracias Sacra, que bueno que te gustó 😍.

Great post! the information and the photos makes me look forward to my trip to Colonia in January 2023 :)

Wo-hoo. You will love it ❣️.

I am really looking forward to visit :)