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RE: Walking the Streets of Amsterdam

in Worldmappin4 years ago

I think it would have a much different feel in the summer. Blue skies reflecting off the canals and flowers everywhere would make it very different I think. We love the Netherlands, all the towns we have been to there. Last year we did a four day tour of a bunch of cities in May and it was beautiful. I did a post about it a long time ago. This was before I knew about Pinmapple and the haveyoubeenhere community though.

If you haven't been to the Netherlands take a look at the post below, you don't have to read it or comment, just scroll through the photos and you will see what I mean about the flowers and canals. So beautiful. We really want to go back and bike through the tulip fields but we will likely miss it this year.


I just checked the link you sent and thank you for that. Yes, it does change during the summer. I have been following a youtube channel for a while now called Pick Up Limes, a Canadian nutritionist who moved to the Netherlands and decided to live there. I'm not sure which city.

The bicycle lifestyle and canals are beautiful! I have only ever been to the tip of Terneuzen for the coffee shops haha and haven't been able to cross the canal. Ah so many places to see!

Sounds like a fun trip ;)
Yes, there are so many places to see. Too many for one life time.