Walking the Streets of Amsterdam

in Worldmappin4 years ago


This trip dates back a year or so ago to February 2020, just a few months before covid reared its ugly head and we were rudely placed into our first lockdown. Its just a little over a year later now and we are in the exact same situation, relegated to our homes, back in a semi-quarentined state. But anyway, enough of that.


I'm sure that February isn't an ideal time to visit the Netherlands. The flowers aren't in bloom and generally the winters in Northern Europe tends to be wet and rainy with an ever present cover of grey clouds in the sky. This was certainly the case for us during our trip to the city. But bad weather aside, we still enjoyed our trip to the big city and we even managed to snap off a few half decent pictures.


Even in drab and dreary weather Amsterdam has quite a bit to offer.


For one thing there is the architecture of the old town which is a mix of modern design along side what I refer to as old timey Flemish. We spent pretty much an entire day just walking the streets of this part of the city, taking in the views and experiencing the culture.


Speaking of interesting cultural notes, sex work and prostitution is completely legal in the country. In many of the ground floor windows, like the ones in the above two photographs, we actually saw a few lingerie clad sex workers. They would be just sitting there, half naked in a chair reading a book while they waited for a customer. We saw this both during the day and at night, though the workers seemed to be a little more lively at night time and a little more skimpily dressed.


Like many parts of the Netherlands, Amsterdam is full of canals. Everybody who reads my blog knows how I feel about canals. I love them!



Many of the canals are lined nose to tip with house boats, which I just think is really cool. I have this romanticized view of what it would be like to live in one. Many are probably cold and damp but I picture them to be all warm and cozy inside.


Boat tours of the canals are another big attraction in the city. It wasn't something that we took part in but it was neat seeing the boats make their way through parts of the city.


We spent a lot of time walking through the streets and alleyways of the old town and popping into a few shops to view their goods.


Drug culture is big in Amsterdam, of course. Practically every drug is legal in the country and you can buy them all in many stores in town. Coffee shops as well sell marijuana and people smoke while they sip their coffee. We didn't partake in any of that either but it was still neat to experience such a different culture than what we are used to.


One neighborhood that we walked through had about a dozen stores with these long arms in various poses holding up the store signs. I tend to get a kick out of details like that.


Often its the smaller details of a city that gives it its character. I really liked the bright red painted shutters. We saw them in a few locations.


We saw these bronze, back to back, his and hers art sculptures during our walk from the subway station to the downtown. I dont know who the artist is but I quite like the design.


At night my wife and I did a self guided tour of the Redlight district and both agreed that its something that has to be experienced if you visit the city. Sex work is typically very secretive and relegated to the dark outer corners of society. This makes it all the more interesting to see all out in the open, in plain sight. Its almost like you're in a bit of a different world. The whole area was quite busy but there was security patrolling all over the place so everything felt very safe. You aren't supposed to take pictures in the district, for obvious reasons so I don't have any to share. But it really is the type of place you have to see for yourself anyway so there is no real loss.

As a consulation I have one last photo of the city at night. I know its not as interesting as a sex worker bathed in the red glow of neon lights but its all I got, so hopefully you enjoy it.


Well, thats all I have for Amsterdam at the moment. Until next time. Thanks for reading!


Wow that was a fun tour of the city. Great buildings and canals and art!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Wow!! How beautiful! I can't resist going there soon. The hand signage, the architecture and the lovely clean places. Okay so you guys explored that area of the city as well. It's all good and nice. Every picture is interesting to look at.
Hope you have a lovely weekend:)

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for commenting.

A nice report once again. So you were holding back on us the whole time, huh? The last time I went to Amsterdam I had the hardest time finding a dog-friendly hotel. At 1:00 A.M. it got on my nerves and I just drove home. Helluva trip, Saarbrücken to Amsterdam and back on the same day :-) I haven't been there since, but the next time I'll have the camper, if traveling w/o a sheaf of paperwork is still permitted then. Have a great weekend :-)

We never had a problem finding a hotel that allowed pets, but that being said, the pet fees in The Netherlands were the highest we've seen in all of Europe. 30 euros per night! And we stayed two nights! Most places are 7-12€ and sometimes a flat rate of 20€ or something like that. 30 was a slap in the face. A camper would solve that issue nicely - that is, if you ever get to use it. Hopefully late spring things start to open up again.

Oh, I'll get to use it! I'm fully prepared to have the coming unconstitutional travel ban in Germany tested in court. Europe, of course, will be closed to me for the time being. I'm not willing to submit to any test, nor am I willing to be a guinea pig for anybody's vaccine. And I don't have the financial wherewithal to fight foreign legal battles. It is what it is...

Yeah I hear ya. Germany is a big country though so you have plenty of options. France is similar in that sense which is good. We have a lot we still want to see here.

Options, yes. But I will get fined and I will have to fight it, for the privilege of going somewhere where everything is closed. But I'll do it. Provoking a fine is the cheapest way to court for a little guy like me. I can't afford a constitutional lawyer to go to the supreme court ahead of time. I hope at least a few other people will also resist this emerging dictatorship with civil disobedience. It's almost too late.

Quite an experience though, the way you described it especially seen through this beautiful architecture. The sharp vibe that I could sense from the photos has a dark edge compared to the other places you've featured. I have never been to Amsterdam. The canal houseboats look interesting by the way.

I think it would have a much different feel in the summer. Blue skies reflecting off the canals and flowers everywhere would make it very different I think. We love the Netherlands, all the towns we have been to there. Last year we did a four day tour of a bunch of cities in May and it was beautiful. I did a post about it a long time ago. This was before I knew about Pinmapple and the haveyoubeenhere community though.

If you haven't been to the Netherlands take a look at the post below, you don't have to read it or comment, just scroll through the photos and you will see what I mean about the flowers and canals. So beautiful. We really want to go back and bike through the tulip fields but we will likely miss it this year.


I just checked the link you sent and thank you for that. Yes, it does change during the summer. I have been following a youtube channel for a while now called Pick Up Limes, a Canadian nutritionist who moved to the Netherlands and decided to live there. I'm not sure which city.

The bicycle lifestyle and canals are beautiful! I have only ever been to the tip of Terneuzen for the coffee shops haha and haven't been able to cross the canal. Ah so many places to see!

Sounds like a fun trip ;)
Yes, there are so many places to see. Too many for one life time.

February is never a good time to go anywhere in Europe, everywhere is so depressing, but luckily the beautiful cities don't lose their charm as we see from your visit.

Yeah I agree. I try to save the places I really want to go for the spring and summer. I've found that castles and museum are good to see in the winter. You sometimes miss out on the gardens but thats about it.

Thank you for the tour. I love the architecture and village feel from the photos. Maybe I'll get to visit there one day.

Yeah for a big city it does have a village like feel to it in the old part of town

who knew Those lines of colorful homes would light up at night like that 😍 it feels like Christmas all over again 😁 thank you for sharing!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It does have that Christmasy feel to it a bit

This is a whole lot of pictures...

One day, i will also take pictures on that famous bridge...

Is the bridge famous? I didn't know.

It sure is.

Hmm thats interesting. Thanks for pointing that out.

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