Ahhhhh, I see.
She saw the light burnt that her brain bright. Many things I say are lost in translation for many a, um, just say long time, screwed up the ryhme here.
I was raised Athesit.
I don't know what that is but it looks curious. Sounds like you were raised from the dead, which would explain the witchery elements you describe. I like your logic. Really, these things are all the same, but that's a secret mostly unknown, but readily observable, if your interface is sufficiently functional.
I forgot all I knew about that A word long ago. They're all just stories anyway.
Everything I know about Jesus I learned from Lamb.
I've heard rumours that there are there different ones and I didn't learn that from Christopher, lmao, that's familiar.
Huh. Athesit sounds like something from a fable or Greek mythology, maybe? I have no idea. Could explain a great deal of things pertaining to the why-I-grew-up-fucked-up factor. Can't even disbelieve in anything properly.
Lamb is sooooo good! I cried a little at the end. (Spoiler alert, Jesus dies.)
This is how it is in this world. All that flockery is by design.
I simplied...bye, bye beliefs, hit the road mindtrap beliefs and don't come back no mo no mo no mo.
Spoiler alert, I read him.😂
I like this god. He rides on a rat. It's very homoerotic. And he was once so passionately engrossed in a writing project that when his pen broke he snapped off a tusk and used that instead. We have a lot in common.
You've gone Hindu now?
I'm not sure what that is, my brain just froze on that word, can't seem to process it.
If you need a tusk, I have one, but it's not elephant god's tusk so it probably doesn't count.
Don't need a tusk, but thanks for the offer!
I'm not hindu, I'm just everything whatever I like whatever works whenever I want it. Best.religion.nonreligion.ever.
It's alright, you'd never be allowed to have it because you're on the wrong side of the border. According to Cites; can't send such a precious thing out of this corporation to your corporation, or any other corporation.
Sounds like you'd fit in very well into a northern corporation.
I think I might have a carved walrus tusk somewhere that I stole from an evil ex boyfriend who got it from someone, probably some chick he was dating, when he lived in Alaska.
If it means taking a drug test and filling out this application for employment first, I'm just gonna stay unincorporated. Or, you know, here, in Portland, where everything whatever I like whatever works whenever I want it pretty much flies for everyone.