Ohh shit :/…niiicee😄yes yes Venice I would also go to Venice.🤯It is my biggest wish to visit Venice and Rome😍…Oh it’s fine all will search on google or maybe on Tik-Tok😄🙌
Ohh shit :/…niiicee😄yes yes Venice I would also go to Venice.🤯It is my biggest wish to visit Venice and Rome😍…Oh it’s fine all will search on google or maybe on Tik-Tok😄🙌
Well, if you have never been to Venice, you have your answer 😁
Also, there is a place that I really desire to visit someday, but I have never been there so far. It's a bit distant, depends on how many kilometers you want to drive - but probably there are good connections even with public transport. The place is named Sirmione, on the lake of Garda.
(photo taken by Google, I hope it's not a problem)
Ooo nice place😍😍i google it ,beautiful place 😍but it’s far but we will see 😃and thank you very much😃
We will see, yeah 😁 I will look forward to read some post about Italy on your blog 😎
Goodnight :)
We are barely at the end of February now😭We are going on vacation to Italy in July😭and good night 💤
Haha, I have an outstanding memory 😁
But what I want the most is to ride a gondola on the river, maybe visit some landmarks, museums, illusion museums….😄