Thanks @LivingUKTaiwan for the mention. We actually know each other! I've been telling him how great Hive is and how he should get blogging here. I've been trying to introduce this platform to a few of my friends as I think there are some great opportunities here. I wish I was more techy so that I could contribute apps and extensions to Hive like Pinmapple too.
It can be quite daunting and confusing as a newbie about which way to post, finding suitable tags, the dapps and creating your own style of writing. I've been here since 2017 but still a lot to learn and keep up with 👍
That explain everything!! No wonder a newbie knows about Pinmapple on his first post!!
It's great that you're bringing people on board, that's the best way, through word of mouth. Though maybe next time ask your friends to mention how they found out about Hive and the communities. In the past we've had newbies jump on board and know their way around everything like they've been around for ages, turns out they were alts created by users to milk the pool 😖!!!! Still a group of them around now.
If people know a new user is introduced to Hive by an existing user, it's adds a lot of creditability to their start. Fortunately Dave's intro was solid so didn't have that problem.
Thanks for supporting Pinmapple!! We appreciate that!
Yes I think I read about these duplicate accounts, vote circles and pools before. Not great when there are lots of people like us going at it alone taking time to plan decent post. Although our voting power might be low, hopefully we can contribute through what we post.
Will be introducing another friend soon when we get a chance to meet up, I will of course direct them to pinmapple... With a mention of me lol
@LivingUKTaiwan, you always seem to be a foundation of Hive knowledge. 👍
I spent so much time lurking around on Hive the past few years instead of doing more useful stuff IRL, so that probably helped 😂
And great stuff, get them all on Hive, particularly the good ones!! !