Firenze | Piazzas, Art, Pizza, and Wines

in Worldmappinlast year


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Hi there travelers!

I'm back after a few months of traveling and without much inspiration to write to keep telling you about the trip, this time to Firenze. After Rome this was our next stop.

Since it's been a while since the last post, let's recap everything we've visited.

The first stop was in Naples and we ate a delicious pizza, then we took the ferry to Capri and we also visited Anacapri, with a cable car to the highest point of the island and we went down making a lovely trail. We continued to the Amalfi Coast and took the opportunity to visit Sorrento, which was an incredible surprise. Departing by train to Pompeii where we will visit the Ancient City of Pompeii and taste wine at the foot of Vesuvius and see how the locals prepare artesanal wines. Then we head to Roma, where we pass by the main sights of the city and after a few bottles of wine we battle with a scooter through the streets of Rome. Now it's time to go to Firenze.

After a two-hour train journey, we arrived at Yellow Square Hostel in Firenze.


After the unattractive Rome hotels, the Yellow Square hostel was excellent! Helpful staff and a modern and relaxed atmosphere.

Yellow Square

Super clean bathrooms and structure for travelers with individual safes, cupboards with locks, Office and recreation area, grange bathrooms different from the small bathrooms in Rome...

Cozy and well-appointed rooms provide a homely atmosphere for solo travelers. And of course, we meet Brazilians... we are everywhere. haha

But what I liked the most was the breakfast, I had a pistachio croissant that was wonderful and became my daily breakfast. I couldn't wait to order a croissant and Doppio Espresso to start the day of hiking.


I remember that one day I took 2 Doppio Espresso and added it to a single cup. The attendant was shocked. haha, I laughed at her reaction and all I could say was, "I really like coffee". haha


For guest interaction, the hostel creates a series of activities and events such as movie nights, karaoke nights and parties to encourage interaction with visitors.

Making new friends and meeting people from all over the world was very easy thanks to this.

I met several students there. A Nuclear Physicist, an art student and other people from different places, visiting or doing exchanges.

Firenze Downtown

Firenze was a haven of peace after the noises of the city of Rome. Strolling around here is very calm and that's why you can see many studying in isolated areas, or even in places with more people studying, writing or drawing. Very cool.

The impressive Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore was the first stop. An architectural spectacle with its imposing dome and marble facade. After a short morning tour, stop for bruch!


It was nice to go through the markets, churches, museums and the Piazzas, an easy city to move around and that feeling of being safe.

In the afternoon we pass through the Piazza San Marco area and pass in front of the Leonardo da Vinci Museum. The whole city looks like a museum with old buildings and an atmosphere of art reigns in the city. Apart from the river, which is a show in itself.

At night, one of our favorite places and it was unforgettable was Pizzeria Trattoria San Jacopino, founded in 1985, which surprised us with a top dinner.

I was lucky enough to taste the best Florentine steak. I had already eaten this typical Tuscan dish, but I never had the chance to try such a delicious one.


The meat had that smoky flavor that comes from a quality grill and was juicy, tender and incredibly flavorful. Dinner was spectacular and just looking at the photo now, I want to go back to order another one. Of course, with a good Tuscan wine. It was all excellent.

The plan for the second day was to see the sunset over the city. After visiting Basilica of Santa Maria Novella, with nubaldo temple, will there be sunset?

We went there to see the sunset over the city from high points like Piazzale Michelangelo. But we ended up finding an even higher point to see the view of the city. The Church of San Salvatore al Monte. Which is just above Piazzale Michelangelo.


The view of the entire city from the top was absolutely incredible, making the uphill and downhill hike well worth it. Missing a drone...

Then we dedicate ourselves to passing through the bridges of the city, seeing the famous Ponte Vecchio, Ponte Santa Trinita and visiting Piazza della Signoria.

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Several people practicing sports on the Arno River, such as canoeing and rowing.

It was time to move on to Milan, but Firenze won my heart. But as I mentioned, still in Tuscany, we went to visit Siena and San Gimignano, but I think it deserves its own post, right?

I really liked Firenze, a wonderful city full of arts, an open-air museum... very fascinating and impressive architecture. A place to relax and enjoy art in general. The quiet streets and parks, except when ambulances go by screaming.... fantastic museums and restaurants.

Would you like to see more pictures of Firenze?
See you soon.

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~ Firenze expenses

see you soon


🍍my Pinmapple

versão brasileira


Olá viajantes!

Estou de volta depois de alguns meses viajando e sem muita inspiração para escrever para continuar contando sobre a viagem, dessa vez para Firenze. Depois de Roma esta foi nossa próxima parada.

Como já faz um tempo desde o ultimo post, vamos recaptular tudo que já visitamos.

A primeira parada foi em Nápoles e comemos uma deliciosa pizza, depois seguimos de balsa para Capri e também visitamos Anacapri, com teleférico pra ponto mais alto da ilha e descemos fazendo uma trilha encantadora. Seguimos para a Costa Amalfitana e aproveitamos para conhecer Sorrento, que foi uma incrível surpresa. Partindo de trem para Pompéia onde para conhecer a Antiga Cidade de Pompéia e degustamos vinho aos pés do Vesúvio e vimos como os locais preparam vinhos artesanais. Depois seguimos para Roma, onde passamos pelos principais pontos turísticos da cidade e depois de algumas garrafas de vinhos batalhamos com um patinete pelas ruas de Roma. Agora chegou a vez de ir para Firenze. Tutto a posto? Allacciate le cinture!!!

Depois de uma viagem de trem de duas horas, chegamos no Yellow Square Hostel em Firenze.

Depois dos nada atraentes hotéis de Roma, o hostel Yellow Square foi excelente! Funcionários prestativos e com um ambiente moderno e descontraído.

Yellow Square

Banheiros super limpos e estrutura para viajantes com cofres individuais, armários com fechaduras, Área de escritório e recreação, banheiros granges diferente dos pequenos banheiros de Roma...

Os quartos aconchegantes e bem equipados com um ambiente acolhedor para viajantes individuais. E claro, encontramos com brasileiros... estamos em todos lugares. haha

Mas o que mais gostei era o café da manhã, tinha um croissant de pistache que era maravilhoso e passou ser meu café da manha diário.

Não via hora de pegar o croisssant com um Expresso Duplo pra iniciar o dia de caminhadas.


Lembro que um dia peguei 2 Expressos Duplo e juntei em uma única xícara. A atendente ficou chocada. haha, Dei risada da reação dela e só pude dizer, "gosto muito de café". haha


Para a interação dos hóspedes, o hostel cria uma série de atividades e eventos como noites de cinema, noites de karaokê e festas para incentivar a interação com os visitantes.

Fazer novos amigos e conhecer pessoas de todo o mundo foi muito fácil graças a isso.

Conheci vários estudantes por lá. Um Físico Nuclear, estudante de arte e outras pessoas de diferentes lugares, turistando ou fazendo interecambio.

Firenze Downtown

Firenze era um refúgio de paz após os barulhos da cidade de Roma. Passear por aqui é muito calmo e por isso da pra ver varios estudando em areas isoladas, ou até mesmo em locais mais com mais pessoas estudando, escrevendo ou desenhando. Muito legal.

A impressionante Catedral de Santa Maria del Fiore foi a primeira parada. Um espetáculo arquitetônico com sua imponente cúpula e fachada de mármore. Após um breve passeio matinal, parada para um bruch!


Foi legal passar pelos mercados, igrejas, museus e as Piazzas, cidade fácil de se locomover e aquela sensação de estar em segurança.

À tarde passamos pela região da Piazza San Marco e passamos em frente ao Museu Leonardo da Vinci. A cidade toda parece um museu com construções antigas e atmosfera de arte reina na cidade. Fora o rio que é um show a parte.

Já de noite, um dos locais que mais gostamos e foi inesquecível, foi na Pizzeria Trattoria San Jacopino, fundada em 1985, que surpreendeu com um jantar top.

Tive a sorte de provar o melhor bife florentino. Eu já tinha comido esse prato típico da Toscana, mas nunca tive a chance de experimentar um tão gostoso.


A carne tinha aquele sabor defumado que vem de uma grelha de qualidade e era suculenta, macia e incrivelmente saborosa. O jantar foi show e só de olhar para foto agora, já quero voltar para pedir mais um. Claro, sempre com um bom vinho. Foi tudo excelente.

O plano para o segundo dia era ver o pôr do sol da cidade. Depois de visitar Basílica de Santa Maria Novella, com templo nublado,será que vai ter por do sol?

Fomos lá ver o pôr do sol sobre a cidade de pontos elevados como a Piazzale Michelangelo. Mas acabamos encontrando um ponto ainda mais alto para ver a vista da cidade. A Chiesa di San Salvatore al Monte. Que fica um pouco mais acima da Piazzale Michelangelo.


Foi absolutamente incrível a vista de toda a cidade de cima, fazendo a caminhada por subidas e descidas valer a pena. Faltou um drone...

Depois dedicamos para passar pelas pontes da cidade, ver a famosa Ponte Vecchio, a Ponte Santa Trinita e visitar a Piazza della Signoria.

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Varias pessoas praticando esportes no rio Arno, como canoagem e remo.

Como tinha comentado, ainda na região da toscana, fomos visitar Siena e San Gimignano, mas acho que merece um post próprio, ne?

Gostei muito de Firenze, cidade maravilhosa cheia de artes, um museu a céu aberto... bem fascinante e a arquitetura impressionante. Um lugar para relaxar e apreciar arte em geral. As ruas e parques tranquilas, exceto quando as ambulâncias passam gritando.... museus e restaurantes fantásticos.

Gostaria de ver mais fotos de Firenze?
Nos vemos em breve.

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~ Firenze expenses

see you soon


🍍my Pinmapple


Why are you downvoting new members instead of teaching them?

Following downvote trails

Trip loka hein mano

Foi mesmo. Valeu maninho tmj

Arrasou nas fotos, viu? essa vibe do hostel, com karaokê e festas, deve ter sido animal, conhecer gente de todo canto. Amei as fotos e parabéns pela viagem, fico feliz pela sua conquista amigo

obrigado @ayummi
vibe incrivel mesmo, foi show!



I've been there, and I really find it stunning.
Architecture, food, views ..... it's just beautiful.
I would definitely like to visit Rome too. Actually whole of Italy is in my visit list .
Thank for fir sharing your experience and stunnung photographs. 🤗

Italy is on my heart since piccolo!

Yes, the food was great, best Fiorentina Steak i had on my life.

want to visit all places possible.

tks for you visit and comment.

I love the given vibe of Firenze, though I never visit this place before. Just stunning, it would be an amazing time to have some food chilling with this incredible architecture as well.

Have a nice day ❤️!

very happy that you can feel some of the Firenze vibe reading my post. I try to write while you travel. But there's so much I've experienced that is kind of inexplicable. but I try. Thanks!!!


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I think I'd love to visit Firenze more than Rome being a fan of less crowded places, lol, but Rome is definitely worth the effort, especially with all the famous touristic attractions it has for visitors. I'm glad you managed to see them both!

Hi Gabriela, happy to see you here and check out my post.

Totally get you on the love for less crowded places, so i think you will love it with charming streets, artistic vibes and Renaissance beauty.

Rome's grandeur make it unforgettable as well, but it's noisy and crowded as a big city usually is.

And yes, managing to experience both cities was a dream come true. Always wanted to visit them both.

tks for stopping by!


Hiya, @LivingUKTaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Daily Travel Digest #1970.

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Thanks for the support @livinguktaiwan
Very happy that you like my post

OMG, I can still remember the flavor of those croissants filled with pistachio, what a tasty thing!! I haven’t been to Firenze, but I was in Genova, which I believe has similar food, according to the pictures.

All the people that visit Firenze become in love with the city! Your pictures are stunning!! Thanks to the great quality I could enjoy that amazing landscape full of details!

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Yeah right?! The dough and that cream... Was one month eating it, no reason to choose something else for breakfast. Haha. And i like salty breakfast, bit didn't care.

Supper recommend add to your travel list. Tks for the complements. You inspired me with your posts. 😁

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Não li tudo mas você me contou boa parte. Feliz por essa trip maravilhosa que você fez. Saluti


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Looks like you enjoyed yourself there:)
Such a lovely place to visit!!

Yes, love visiting and spend couple of days there. was a great base. Next we are going to Siena. Firenze was the right choice to stay in Tuscany.


Looks like you are about to cover the whole country:) Thats very exciting!!

Missing the South Sicily, need to go back asap

Aah Sicily is hard to top, indeed!!:)

Must visit for sure.

Why did you downvote my post?
I have never interacted with you, and I post only my original material.