Winterchallenge - Winners Announcement! 😎🎉

in Worldmappin2 months ago

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As many of you know, from the 1st - to the 31st of December we launched our first challenge with the worldmappin project and we must say, we had so much fun with it!

The Worldmappin Winterchallenge

As we could see every day, we were not the only ones who had a hard time choosing the best posts in our traveldigest, who felt like traveling through your posts by reading them, and whose bucket lists even got longer and longer by doing so!

Big thank you to all of you!!

  • for sharing such great adventures with us 🏄‍♀️
  • for supporting each other with votes, comments, and general motivation 💪
  • for spreading the word about the challenge via posts, snaps, and comments 🥳

It was a big honor and a lot of fun for our team to accompany you guys during the challenge and even participate ourselves.

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Facts and figures

After evaluating the last month we are very happy and proud to share with you some facts and figures about it, which you as a community managed to reach! Congratulations! What an achievement!

  • Number of Participants: 222
  • Number of collected tickets: 2452
  • Number of published posts within the community: 2013
  • Number of curated posts: 510
  • Number of Snaps within the community: 770
  • Number of Snaps with hashtag #winterchallenge: 718
  • 1st place of Snaps in Peakd in terms of community
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd place with hashtags #traveldigest #worldmappin and #winterchallenge

Leaderboard Winterchallenge Rank 1-83

Leaderboard Winterchallenge Rank 84-179

Leaderboard Winterchallenge Rank 180-222

The Map of all curated posts of December

Winners Announcement 😎🎉

1. Worldmappin Winterchallenge Badge (everyone)

Congrats to all the 222 participants for collecting a minimum of 1 ticket in this challenge. You did a great job and very much deserve the prize of getting our worldmappin winterchallenge badge!

The distribution is a little bit delayed at the moment, but we will do our best to send it within the next few days.

@littlebee4 @lizanomadsoul @itravelrox @himalayanwomb @castri-ja @parvkhuller @pranavinaction @detlev @cajiro @vaibhavrawat @oscarps @hierundjetzt @ninaeatshere @triplug @dtam @gabrielatravels @viviehardika @biologistbrito @tanzil2024 @relf87 @ellie-mai @tatdt @larissalugo @tengolotodo @livinguktaiwan @tahastories1 @belkyscabrera @soyunasantacruz @alecaltab @avdesing @mayramalu @blaze8 @lett @marieyanlab @olusiu @fermionico @onyfest @lxsxl @riyat @enraizar @portugalcoin @softa @lauramica @wittyzell @bemier @crypticat @grindle @ibarra95 @veramen @wilfredocav @milesinverse @miljo76 @lachg89 @curamax @rebet @driipam @jahanvirawat @silviared945 @eolianpariah2 @miingjazz @belico @ct100 @gelultimate @jlinaresp @johntheroamer @lizhavesomefun @noemilunastorta @ph1102 @sararossi @yurche @luthis26 @patsitivity @florecitamejias @ybanezkim26 @sofathana @suisver @aswita @coquicoin @fernwehninja @isdarmady @jesuslnrs @macchiata @mipiano @abisag @damseth9898 @x-rain @sacra97 @bugavi @cre47iv3 @dimascastillo90 @ekna @elyssagween @fevyulous @filotasriza3 @jemima1996 @jordy0827 @koenau @krios003 @marinast @mizuosemla @noelyss @passenger777 @plantfuljourney @rafa-noor @reneyasmany @tinaagustina @tinabrezpike @travelshots @wesp05 @hindavi @gillianpearce @duskobgd @heroldius @iscrak @mili2801 @schmidi @titisnariyah @akipponn @bluemoon @emily22 @go-kyo @godslove123 @lunaticanto @moaz-sabir @nill2021 @nils1990 @palomap3 @pari.warsh @sassysniper @ervin-lemark @adaluna1973 @aibi93 @altheana @amaras @appleeatingapple @belug @bilgin70 @bluevibes @borniet @carminasalazarte @daddyvaldes @damelysh @davidsantafe @diamondinthesky @dinaaczib @elteamgordo @godfish @itsmemic @jane1289 @jijisaurart @jmjourneys @juancar347 @lanido @lazybug @louis88 @maxinpower @mibreit-photo @mimistories @missdeli @mobbs @namiks @nanaspeaks @nanixxx @noalys @osiris11 @pardinus @parissousa @photoparadise @priyanarc @quiubi @qwerrie @roseandshine @rt395 @sammy00 @shirienaj @slobberchops @sniki003 @steemflow @steemychicken1 @steevc @stellappreciates @thu172 @vanje @vaynard86 @voitaksoutache @xsasj @yanzkiecool @zakludick @dobro2020 @evelynchacin @masterswatch @suarlex @doriangel @madeirane @sunsea @aisha-rahim @almi @annasworld @baby1 @blkchn @charly.travels @coolsurfer @elchapito @honeydue @itz.inno @javedkhan1989 @joanm897 @jomaredquilang @ksteem @lileisabel @lizelle @lovelemon @marlynmont @mooontivated @mulik369 @peakd @sabosuke @sallamah @sampraise77 @sorin.cristescu @stayoutofherz @yolimarag


2. The Top Ten

It was a lot of fun for us to watch the leaderboard and see how you guys were fighting for every ticket to get right on top of the list. Even our team members were having lots of fun and joined in. Of course, we can not win anything ourselves, so we had to remove @lizanomadsoul & @detlev from that list of the top 10.

So, after 31 days of dedication, a lot of engagement through posts and snaps, and high-quality posting those are our well-deserved top ten users:

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She didn´t start right on the very first day, but came in strong and was leading the challenge after about one week already. Posting almost every day of the month with very high-quality content she had the longest breath of all. Her enjoyment of the challenge was contagious and it was cool to see how she also got in touch with the others and spread the word via snaps every day. There she is the well-deserved QUEEN of this challenge with 160 collected tickets and we very much enjoyed her showing us around Sweden, The UK, and Ireland bringing in the cold winter vibes.@littlebee4:

@itravelrox: The first days she was leading this challenge being super motivated and on holiday. Then first Liz overtook her and later @littlebee4. Her adventures in and around France and Japan brought feelings of Christmas and winter to all of us. With a little sun from The Philippines and Thailand, she made sure it didn´t get too cold as well - Thanks for the warm-up!

Posting almost every day in December he showed us around the beauties of the Himalayas. Through his eyes, we were able to get to know more villages, mountain peaks, and breathtaking landscapes. We especially loved the cultural background stories about the temples, myths, and beliefs in the different places that he visited. It is a big challenge to travel and write at the same time! You have our full respect@himalayanwomb:

He took us on a trip through Spain in December. From north to south, we explored different cities and Christmas decorations in the cities and villages he showed us. It was great to see how much he engaged with the community during the challenge as well.@castri-ja:

We learned so much about India this month! He was also one of the brave travelers that we had the pleasure of going to the sacred land of the Himalayas. He took us on some hikes and mountain peaks but also showed us a bit of the city life in India.@parvkhuller:

He was also moving around in India. There must be something with the air over there giving them so much energy to post and engage with the community! - For sure, there are enough different places to share with us. Amazing how beautiful it is over there - We wonder if you guys have ever met living in the same area 😅@pranavinaction:

With him, we had the pleasure to get some warm into the challenge right from Venezuela. He showed us what it's like to spend December in his country. Also, we loved his daily snap announcement of the traveldigest and his personal favorite post of the day. Every day he was one of the first to announce it and definitely the most creative!@cajiro:

Again, there is a lot of trekking and hiking in India. Another adventurer explored the highest mountains in India and took us on the path with him. So many different colors, breathtaking landscapes, and awesome adventures. He must be in very good shape hiking so much with thin air. After this challenge, all the Himalayan guys got closer to each other and as far as we heard there will be a first meetup soon :)@vaibhavrawat:

With him, we were able to learn so much about the history, culture, and nature of Spain and La Gomera. Reading his posts feels just like opening a travel guide. He didn´t just take us with him but also gave us so much to learn about the places. - Thanks for that.@oscarps:

Right in between the Spanish mainland and Canary Islands we followed him on the adventures in Marocco. As a local, he moves around very easily in his country so it was great to explore the different cities, buildings, temples, and historic places on his side.@hierundjetzt:

Congrats to all of you! You just have won the pot of 150 HBD in equal shares. The win is very well-deserved!

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3. The Top Forty

We didn´t expect to have so many participants already in our first challenge! So to give back to even more participants, our beer master @detlev increased the pot for you.🍺🎄

We decided to expand the winners list up to the top 40 and distribute a total of 1296 BEER tokens & 40 QUEER tokens in equal shares. Of course, also here our team members can not win anything, so we had to remove @ninaeatshere & @lauramica from that list.

BEER Token

@triplug @dtam @gabrielatravels @viviehardika @biologistbrito @tanzil2024 @relf87 @ellie-mai @tatdt @larissalugo @tengolotodo @livinguktaiwan @tahastories1 @belkyscabrera @soyunasantacruz @alecaltab @avdesing @mayramalu @blaze8 @lett @marieyanlab @olusiu @fermionico @onyfest @lxsxl @riyat @enraizar

Congrats to all of you! You just have won the pot of 1296 BEER tokens in equal shares which are - 2 boxes of virtual BEER! 🎁🍻

Here’s what it means:
👉 Each winner gets 48 BEER tokens, which will be directly staked!
👉 With these staked BEER tokens, you can use the !BEER command twice a day in comments to share the virtual beer fun with your Hive community. 🥳
This means you tip that Hivian some extra funds.

Bonus Perks:
Thanks to BEER's “Proof of Stake” system, your tokens will grow automatically in your fridge (aka wallet). 🍺📈 New BEER tokens will be added to your wallet daily—perfect for even more fun on Hive. To get even more information about it check out the blog by @beerlover here on Hive for all the details. 🍻

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@portugalcoin @softa @wittyzell

Congrats to all of you! You just have won the pot of 40 QUEER tokens provided by our friend and sponsor @queercoin in equal shares.

We are proud that we did have them on board with us for this challenge and that we could support their mission: 😘😎

QueerCoin is not just a cryptocurrency; it’s a symbol of hope and a testimony to the resilience of the human spirit. With each transaction, QueerCoin sends ripples of positivity through the world, sowing the seeds of positive change, and nurturing a network of compassion and understanding. We firmly believe that financial empowerment, backed by a supportive community, can transform lives and break barriers.

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4. Raffle for Hoddies & Stickers

And now to the prize that most of you were looking for as far as we could see: The hoodies and the stickers. As promised those things are won randomly in a raffle. Of course, the more tickets you have the higher the chances of winning - well that is in theory. - In the end, it´s also a big question of luck!

We surprisingly got many comments, wishes, and even offers to get that hoddie hahaha - it was so much fun to see how bad you want it!

Of course, as owners of such hoddies, we can totally understand that. We all use it all the time as it is not only good-looking but also super comfortable! 😍

Proving that everything was in the hands of pure luck, @detlev, and @lizanomadsoul did the raffle and recorded it for you to make sure it is all honest and transparent.

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The packages are ready to be sent! Here are the winners:

The hoddies go to @littlebee4 & @avdesing

The stickers go to @lett @crypticat @olusiu and @driipam

Winners! From now on you have 24 hours to react and send us your name and shipping address to: [email protected]. If you don´t react in time, we will ask the generator again and the next participant has the chance of winning. - so you better hurry and stay tuned 😎



We want to grow and improve every day to do the best job possible for this great community. As you know, this was the first challenge that we launched as worldmappin team.

We had a lot of fun with it and have learned a lot from your reactions. But of course, we are also curious about how you experienced it! So please feel free to give us some feedback on what to keep and what to change for the next time.

  • What did you like /dislike?
  • Any ideas or wishes for the future?

From our side, we can just say that we are very honored and happy to be part of such a great community. It has been so much fun to work for this challenge and accompany you during this month!

Thanks again for your positive vibes! We just love you guys and can´t wait to develop this project even further this year!

Your worldmappin team:
@ninaeatshere @lauramica @ybanezkim26 @glecerioberto @masterswatch @arcange @rivalzzz @louis88 @uniforced @godfish @sunsea @detlev @lizanomadsoul

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Como muchos de ustedes saben, del 1 al 31 de diciembre lanzamos nuestro primer reto con el proyecto worldmappin y debemos decir que ¡nos divertimos mucho con él!

El Reto de Invierno de Worldmappin

Como pudimos ver cada día, no fuimos los únicos a quienes nos costó elegir los mejores posts para nuestros traveldigests, ni nos entraron ganas de viajar a través de sus posts al leerlos, ¡ni cuyas listas de lugares a dónde ir se hicieron más y más largas mientras lo hacíamos!

¡¡Muchas gracias a todos ustedes!!

  • por compartir tantas grandes aventuras con nosotros 🏄‍♀️
  • por apoyarse mutuamente con votos, comentarios y motivación general 💪
  • por difundir el reto a través de publicaciones, snaps y comentarios 🥳

Fue un gran honor y de mucha diversión para nuestro equipo acompañarlos durante el desafío e incluso participar nosotros mismos.

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Datos y cifras

Después de evaluar el último mes, estamos muy felices y orgullosos por compartir con ustedes algunos datos y cifras sobre él, que ustedes, como comunidad, ¡han conseguido alcanzar! ¡Felicitaciones! ¡Fueron logros grandiosos!

  • Número de participantes: 222
  • Número de tickets recolectados: 2452
  • Número de publicaciones en la comunidad: 2013
  • Número de publicaciones curadas: 510
  • Número de Snaps en la comunidad: 770
  • Número de Snaps con hashtag #winterchallenge: 718
  • Primer lugar de Snaps en Peakd en términos de comunidad,
  • Primer, Segundo y Tercer lugar con los hashtags #traveldigest #worldmappin y #winterchallenge

Tabla de Clasificación del Reto de Invierno / Ubicaciones 1-83

Tabla de Clasificación del Reto de Invierno / Ubicaciones 84-179

Tabla de Clasificación del Reto de Invierno / Ubicaciones 180-222

Mapa de todas las publicaciones curadas en Diciembre

Anuncio de los ganadores 😎🎉

1. Insignia de Reto de Invierno de Worldmappin (todos)

Felicitaciones a todos los 222 participantes por conseguir un mínimo de 1 ticket en este desafío. Han hecho un gran trabajo y se merecen el premio de conseguir nuestra insignia de Reto de Invierno de Worldmappin!

La distribución está un poco retrasada en este momento, pero haremos todo lo posible para enviarla en los próximos días.

@littlebee4 @lizanomadsoul @itravelrox @himalayanwomb @castri-ja @parvkhuller @pranavinaction @detlev @cajiro @vaibhavrawat @oscarps @hierundjetzt @ninaeatshere @triplug @dtam @gabrielatravels @viviehardika @biologistbrito @tanzil2024 @relf87 @ellie-mai @tatdt @larissalugo @tengolotodo @livinguktaiwan @tahastories1 @belkyscabrera @soyunasantacruz @alecaltab @avdesing @mayramalu @blaze8 @lett @marieyanlab @olusiu @fermionico @onyfest @lxsxl @riyat @enraizar @portugalcoin @softa @lauramica @wittyzell @bemier @crypticat @grindle @ibarra95 @veramen @wilfredocav @milesinverse @miljo76 @lachg89 @curamax @rebet @driipam @jahanvirawat @silviared945 @eolianpariah2 @miingjazz @belico @ct100 @gelultimate @jlinaresp @johntheroamer @lizhavesomefun @noemilunastorta @ph1102 @sararossi @yurche @luthis26 @patsitivity @florecitamejias @ybanezkim26 @sofathana @suisver @aswita @coquicoin @fernwehninja @isdarmady @jesuslnrs @macchiata @mipiano @abisag @damseth9898 @x-rain @sacra97 @bugavi @cre47iv3 @dimascastillo90 @ekna @elyssagween @fevyulous @filotasriza3 @jemima1996 @jordy0827 @koenau @krios003 @marinast @mizuosemla @noelyss @passenger777 @plantfuljourney @rafa-noor @reneyasmany @tinaagustina @tinabrezpike @travelshots @wesp05 @hindavi @gillianpearce @duskobgd @heroldius @iscrak @mili2801 @schmidi @titisnariyah @akipponn @bluemoon @emily22 @go-kyo @godslove123 @lunaticanto @moaz-sabir @nill2021 @nils1990 @palomap3 @pari.warsh @sassysniper @ervin-lemark @adaluna1973 @aibi93 @altheana @amaras @appleeatingapple @belug @bilgin70 @bluevibes @borniet @carminasalazarte @daddyvaldes @damelysh @davidsantafe @diamondinthesky @dinaaczib @elteamgordo @godfish @itsmemic @jane1289 @jijisaurart @jmjourneys @juancar347 @lanido @lazybug @louis88 @maxinpower @mibreit-photo @mimistories @missdeli @mobbs @namiks @nanaspeaks @nanixxx @noalys @osiris11 @pardinus @parissousa @photoparadise @priyanarc @quiubi @qwerrie @roseandshine @rt395 @sammy00 @shirienaj @slobberchops @sniki003 @steemflow @steemychicken1 @steevc @stellappreciates @thu172 @vanje @vaynard86 @voitaksoutache @xsasj @yanzkiecool @zakludick @dobro2020 @evelynchacin @masterswatch @suarlex @doriangel @madeirane @sunsea @aisha-rahim @almi @annasworld @baby1 @blkchn @charly.travels @coolsurfer @elchapito @honeydue @itz.inno @javedkhan1989 @joanm897 @jomaredquilang @ksteem @lileisabel @lizelle @lovelemon @marlynmont @mooontivated @mulik369 @peakd @sabosuke @sallamah @sampraise77 @sorin.cristescu @stayoutofherz @yolimarag


2. Los Diez Primeros

Fue muy divertido para nosotros revisar la tabla de clasificación y ver cómo luchaban por cada ticket para llegar a lo más alto. Incluso los miembros de nuestro equipo se divirtieron mucho y se unieron. Por supuesto, nosotros no podemos ganar nada, así que tuvimos que eliminar @lizanomadsoul y @detlev de la lista del los 10 primeros.

Entonces, después de 31 días de dedicación, mucha participación a través de publicaciones, Snaps y contenido de alta calidad, estos son los usuarios merecedores del estar entre los 10 primeros:

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Ella no empezó bien el primer día, pero entró con fuerza y ya lideraba el reto después de una semana. Publicó casi todos los días del mes con contenidos de muy alta calidad y fue la que tuvo la continuidad más larga de todas. Su entusiasmo por el reto era contagioso y fue genial ver cómo también se ponía en contacto con los demás y difundía el reto a través de snaps todos los días. Ella es la merecida REINA de este desafío con 160 tickets recolectados y nosotros disfrutamos mucho con ella mientras nos mostraba Suecia, Reino Unido e Irlanda y nos traía las frías vibras del invierno. @littlebee4:

@itravelrox: Los primeros días lideraba este reto estando super motivada y de vacaciones. Luego primero la adelantó Liz y más tarde @littlebee4. Sus aventuras por Francia y Japón nos trajeron a todos sentimientos navideños e invernales. Con un poco de sol de Filipinas y Tailandia, se aseguró de que tampoco hiciera demasiado frío - ¡Gracias por acercar la calidez!

Publicando casi todos los días de diciembre nos mostró las bellezas del Himalaya. A través de sus ojos, pudimos conocer más pueblos, cimas de montañas y paisajes impresionantes. Nos encantaron especialmente las historias de trasfondo cultural sobre los templos, mitos y creencias de los distintos lugares que visitó. ¡Es un gran reto viajar y escribir al mismo tiempo! Tienes todo nuestro respeto.@himalayanwomb:

Él nos llevó de viaje por España en diciembre. De norte a sur, exploramos diferentes lugares y las decoraciones navideñas de las ciudades y pueblos que nos mostró. También fue genial ver lo mucho que se involucró con la comunidad durante el reto.@castri-ja:

¡Aprendimos tanto sobre la India este mes! También fue uno de los valientes viajeros con el cual tuvimos el placer de ir a la tierra sagrada del Himalaya. Nos llevó a algunas excursiones y cumbres de montaña, pero también nos mostró un poco de la vida de la ciudad en la India.@parvkhuller:

Él también se movía por la India. Algo debe tener el aire de allí que les da tanta energía para publicar y participar en la comunidad. - Seguro que son todos los lugares diferentes que hay para compartir con nosotros. Fue increíble ver lo hermoso que es por allá - Nos preguntamos si alguna vez ustedes se han encontrado ya que viven en la misma zona 😅.@pranavinaction:

Con él, tuvimos el placer de tener en el desafío el calor proveniente directamente desde Venezuela. Nos mostró cómo es pasar diciembre en su país. Además, nos encantó su Snap diario del traveldigest y su post favorito del día. Cada día era uno de los primeros en anunciarlo y, sin dudas, ¡el más creativo!@cajiro:

De nuevo mucho trekking y senderismo en la India. Otro aventurero que exploró las montañas más altas de la India y nos llevó con él por su camino. Tantos colores diferentes, paisajes impresionantes y aventuras increíbles. Debe de estar en muy buena forma para hacer tanto senderismo en la altura. Después de este reto, todos los chicos del Himalaya se acercaron los unos a los otros y, por lo que hemos oído, pronto habrá un primer encuentro :)@vaibhavrawat:

Con él pudimos aprender mucho sobre la historia, la cultura y la naturaleza de España y La Gomera. Leer sus publicaciones se sintió como abrir una guía de viajes. No sólo nos llevó con él, sino que también nos dio mucho que aprender sobre los lugares. - Gracias por eso.@oscarps:

Justo entre la península ibérica y las Islas Canarias, lo seguimos en sus aventuras por Marruecos. Como local, se mueve con mucha facilidad por su país, así que fue genial explorar las diferentes ciudades, edificios, templos y lugares históricos a su lado.@hierundjetzt:

Felicitaciones a todos. Acaban de ganar el pozo de 150 HBD repartido en partes iguales. ¡Se merecen esta victoria!

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3. Los cuarenta primeros

¡No esperábamos tener tantos participantes en nuestro primer desafío! Así que para retribuir a aún más participantes, nuestro maestro cervecero @detlev aumentó el pozo para ustedes.🍺🎄

Hemos decidido ampliar la lista de ganadores a los 40 primeros y repartir un total de 1296 BEER tokens y 40 QUEER tokens en partes iguales. Por supuesto, aquí tampoco pueden ganar nada los miembros de nuestro equipo, así que tuvimos que eliminar a @ninaeatshere y @lauramica de la lista.

BEER Token

@triplug @dtam @gabrielatravels @viviehardika @biologistbrito @tanzil2024 @relf87 @ellie-mai @tatdt @larissalugo @tengolotodo @livinguktaiwan @tahastories1 @belkyscabrera @soyunasantacruz @alecaltab @avdesing @mayramalu @blaze8 @lett @marieyanlab @olusiu @fermionico @onyfest @lxsxl @riyat @enraizar

Felicitaciones a todos ustedes! Han ganado el pozo de 1296 Beertokens en partes iguales que son - 2 cajas de CERVEZA virtual! 🎁🍻

Eso significa que:
👉 Cada ganador obtiene 48 BEER tokens, los que serán directamente stakeados!
👉 Con esos BEER tokens stakeados, ustedes pueden usar el comando !BEER dos veces al día en comentarios para compartir la diversión de la cerveza virtual con la comunidad de Hive (dándole a los usuarios de Hive algunas recompensas extra) 🥳.

Ventajas adicionales:
Gracias al sistema «Proof de Stake» de BEER, tus tokens crecerán automáticamente en tu congelador (también conocida como wallet). 🍺📈 Cada día se añadirán nuevos tokens BEER a tu billetera - perfectos para divertirte aún más en Hive. Para obtener aún más información al respecto echa un vistazo al blog de @beerlover aquí en Hive para conocer todos los detalles. 🍻

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@portugalcoin @softa @wittyzell

¡Felicitaciones a todos! Acaban de ganar el pozo de 40 QUEER tokens proporcionado por nuestro amigo y patrocinador @queercoin, repartido en partes iguales.

Estamos orgullosos de haber contado con ellos para este reto y de haber podido apoyar su misión: 😘😎

QueerCoin no es solo una criptomoneda; es un símbolo de esperanza y un testimonio de la resiliencia del espíritu humano. Con cada transacción, QueerCoin envía ondas de positividad a través del mundo, sembrando las semillas del cambio positivo, alimentando una red de compasión y comprensión. Creemos firmemente que el empoderamiento financiero, respaldado por una comunidad solidaria, puede transformar vidas y romper barreras.

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4. Rifa por sudaderas & pegatinas

Y ahora vamos con el premio que la mayoría de ustedes estaban buscando por lo que hemos podido ver: las sudaderas y las pegatinas. Como prometimos, estas cosas se ganan al azar en un sorteo. Por supuesto, cuantos más tickets tengas más posibilidades tendrás de ganar - bueno, eso es en teoría. - Al final, ¡también es una gran cuestión de suerte!

Sorprendentemente recibimos muchos comentarios, deseos e incluso ofertas para conseguir esa sudadera jajaja - ¡fue muy divertido ver lo mucho que lo deseaban!

Por supuesto, como propietarios de estas sudaderas, podemos entenderlo perfectamente. Todos las usamos a todas horas porque, además de bonitos, son comodísimos. 😍

Para que todo quede en manos puramente de la suerte, @detlev, y @lizanomadsoul hicieron el sorteo y lo han grabado para que el proceso sea honesto y transparente.

Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-05 um 17.16.40.png

¡Los paquetes están listos para ser enviados! Aquí están los ganadores:

Las sudaderas van para @littlebee4 & @avdesing

Las pegatinas van para @lett @crypticat @olusiu and @driipam

¡Ganadores! A partir de ahora tienen 24 horas para reaccionar y enviarnos sus nombres y direcciones de envío a: [email protected]. Si no reaccionas a tiempo, volveremos a preguntar al generador y el siguiente participante tendrá la oportunidad de ganar. - así que apresúrate y mantente atento 😎



Queremos crecer y mejorar cada día para hacer el mejor trabajo posible para esta gran comunidad. Como saben, este fue el primer reto que lanzamos como equipo Worldmappin.

Todos lo pasamos muy bien y hemos aprendido mucho de sus reacciones. Pero, por supuesto, también tenemos curiosidad por saber cómo lo han vivido ustedes. Así que no duden en darnos su opinión sobre qué mantener y qué cambiar para la próxima vez.

  • ¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó y lo que no te gustó del concurso?
  • ¿Tienes algunas ideas para concursos en el futuro?

Por nuestra parte, solo podemos decir que nos sentimos muy honrados y felices de formar parte de una comunidad tan genial. Fue muy divertido trabajar para este reto y acompañarlos durante todo este mes.

¡Gracias de nuevo por sus vibras tan positivas! Los queremos mucho y no vemos la hora de poder desarrollar aún más este proyecto este año.

Su equipo de Worldmappin:
@ninaeatshere @lauramica @ybanezkim26 @glecerioberto @masterswatch @arcange @rivalzzz @louis88 @uniforced @godfish @sunsea @detlev @lizanomadsoul

There are 2 pages
 2 months ago  

Congrats to all the participants. We had so much fun! Thanks <3<3


Has sido el mayor ejemplo a seguir ❤️❤️❤️ me has dejado sin palabras jefa ¡eres la mejor!!!

 2 months ago  

Awww que palabras tan lindas. Significa mucho para mí viniendo de ti. 😍
😎😘☀️ ahora tu me dejaste sin palabras 😅😱

 2 months ago  

Awww that is so kind @himalayanwomb - even though I was 2nd in the leaderboard 😅😎☀️😘

 2 months ago  

Thanks @himalayanwomb for your kind words coming from your heart <3 - yeah, you have to love what you do to do it right :)

Unfortunately, I only recently started writing again and only noticed the challenge in passing. Congratulations to the winners of this competition and to everyone who participated.

A big thank you to the team at @worldmappin for your passionate support in helping us be creative. You’re truly amazing – keep up the great work!

You will be ready for the next one @vanje 🐝👍 Thanks for your kind words and support 😘

Awww I got my own top 3 queens @littlebee4 @itravelrox & @avdesing 🙌👑🥰 I loved talk to you guys on snaps and learn about your ways to travel 👌🏻

I am very happy that the #spanish community has been active and involved in the challenge, it has been great to see people from all over the world participating despite the difficulties.

This challenge has been a very enriching experience, thanks to the @peakd team for their support and giving us the space in snaps so that more people could join the challenge.

In this regard is my feedback, I think we could look for a better way to carry the challenges by snaps to not annoy so much users who are not participating. We loved seeing the feed full of #winterchallenge posts, but maybe not everyone. It's something we can think about at WMP to improve the experience.

And of course it's been an honor to have such a great team in @worldmappin this great idea was a lot of fun, thanks for every contribution @masterswatch @arcange @rivalzzz @louis88 @uniforced @godfish @sunsea @detlev

And also @lauramica @ybanezkim26 @glecerioberto @lizanomadsoul for the extra effort every day in the curations during December, there has been a lot of work and we have to recognize them all the effort! You guys rocks!

What a great December we had! ❄️🎄🗺️🥰

It was a wonderful contest... I'm already excited! I won! I can't believe it, thank you so much!!!! Thank you!😃

Don´t forget to write an email to [email protected] with your address within the next 24 hrs so you don´t lose your win 😘You sure did @avdesing! Congratulations! We are very happy for you.

Thank you! No, I won't forget!!!😃

You can also get in touch with @lizanomadsoul with DM on discord.

👍👍👍 Thank you!!

You do deserve it! 🙌🎁💪🏼

Hahaha it was so fun. I love all the interactions on Snaps, too. :)

Well said… it was wonderful to see so much excitement.
Thanks you sooooo much 🤗🤗😘 we had fun.

A great month it was for sure.

Thanks for your great engagement at the planning and start of the challenge and for your continuous support in motivating all the participants as a team member @ninaeatshere! It wouldn´t have been possible without you <3 - We learned a lot about snaps thanks to you.. I am sure we will find a way next time to spam a little bit less 😅

 2 months ago  

Thanks a lot @ninaeatshere! You did a very good job as well 😘😘😎😎 Thanks for your continuous engagement and support even from the other side of the globe.

Congratulations to my friend, @littlebee4! I knew you would win! Also congratulations to everyone who participated! Your enthusiasm in this challenge and in the community overall has moved us curators. Thank you all for making @worldmappin a great and dynamic place for everyone!

Thanks for all you do! Have a wonderful week.
!HUGThank you so much my friend @ybanezkim26 🤗😊 it was so much fun.

You're so full of energy! It's so great to see you win. Well-deserved! Have a wonderful week and enjoy your win!

Thanks. Much appreciated 🤗😊 happy to be buzzzziiinnnggggg around 🐝
Enjoy your week too.

Thanks for your extra effort this month @ybanezkim26. You have been the most active curator that month 😘 - It sure was a tough job.

She spend so much effort.....


Oh my gosh thank you for the badge and stickers🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻!!!
I wanted some HIVE merch but idk where to get it, so this is like a Christmas present to me😆!

I’ve been nothing but happy by being able to participate in this challenge and to see all of the amazing posts. I wouldn’t change anything, not sugarcoating or anything but everything was just how it was supposed to be💕

You are very welcome @driipam. Please make sure you send us your shipping address within the next 24hrs to [email protected] so you won't loose the gift 😅 - We are looking forward to seeing you pin them on your adventures already.

Via email right? Already did😎!

Oohh I’ll make the best use of those stickers 😁

Yes via email to: [email protected]

Weird, we didn´t receive any. Please try again or contact lizanomadsoul on discord in dm.

Congrats to all the winners especially @littlebee4 and @avdesing for winning the awesomely cool hoodie.

And great work to Worldmappin for hosting a very successful first contest. Look forward to more to come.

I'm super super happy!!! I can't believe it!!! This contest was really good, fun and interesting. Thank you so much!!! Here's to many more contests!💗

Thank you so much Pauline 😁 wooohhooo we won a hoodie 🥳🥳 so happy!
It was a fun month.

Have a beautiful new week.

Thanks @livinguktaiwan for the compliment. Coming from you it means a lot for us, seems like we learned from the best 😘😎 We are also looking forward to the next one already.

Many adjectives are needed to describe this wonderful experience that we have shared through our winterchallenge ❤️. Truly a super special trip! Thanks to this beautiful community to the great teamwork that allowed us to grow and get to know each other even more 🥰 Congratulations to all the participants and may we continue to grow within Hive through initiatives like these 🤗🤗

@lizanomadsoul @detlev @lauramica @ybanezkim26 @ninaeatshere @glecerioberto My favorite team forever 🤩🤩😍.

¡¡¡Graciaaaaaas, qué bonito!!!
Me encantó verte participar y estar presente día a día en la comunidad.
Te esperamos por Discord en el canal de Spanish 😉

Clarooo 😃 por favor, podrías enviarme el enlace?? 🙈😊

Jajajaja claro que sí:

Gracias 😀🤗

And again you find the most beautiful words for us @cajiro <3

 2 months ago  

😍😍😍😍 Thanks for your words @cajiro


!BEERA big congratulations to our queen @littlebee4; she deserves the hoody. Congratulations to the other winners for your great job. I am pleased to be in the top 40; I also won BEER! Wishing you good luck for more stories in 2025.

Thank you so much for your wishes 😊
Congratulations to you too, well done 🥳

Up to more travel posts 🍾🥂

Thanks for supporting the community so much @tanzil2024. Enjoy your BEER! 😎

Oh my God, big congratulations to the winners and the participants. During the winter challenge I absolutely enjoyed everyone's posts because base on myself, I love winter. Especially the posts of @littlebee4 Sweden is absolutely beautiful in winter.

Thanks @worldmappin and team for this great and brilliant challenge. I enjoyed to share my story in winter also.

Thank you so soooo much 🤗😊 I am happy to have shared them with you.
Congratulations to you too 🥳🥳

Thanks @viviehardika. It was a big pleasure for us to watch you guys participate. Congrats on rank 17 out of 222! What a great job - You can be very proud on yourself 😘

Thank you @worldmappin I almost can't believe that because my score is far behind the top ten.

Well the top 10 was very eager to win @viviehardika 😅

In each of our travel summaries, we warmed our hearts on cold winter evenings with adventurous and exciting stories from different parts of the world. The biggest gain is that a community where everyone excitedly shares their stories, votes and comments on each other grows and strengthens day by day. I congratulate all participants, especially @littlebee4 and @itravelrox, who share their experiences in this community every day and win the award they deserve. Endless thanks to all my @worldmappin teammates who prepare such organizations and share these articles with us with confidence and sincere feelings. I can make a small suggestion. A blog post written on a day and time determined by the Wordmappin team but unknown to the authors can be published with the slogan “Lucky Author”. For example: The first post that comes to the wordmappin community on Thursday at 14.00.

Thanks for your beautiful and kind words @passenger777. It was a pleasure for us to organize and accompany the challenge and community members. The suggestion is noted. :)

Congratulations to you too 🥳🥳 well done!Thank you so soooo much @passenger777 😁

Up to more adventures together! let's have fun.

Have a great weekThanks for the badge... It's a shame I wasn't able to take part more in this challenge... another great initiative and well done to @littlebee4 👏

You are most welcome @heroldius. Thanks for joining in - maybe next time you will jump in even more <3 it was a pleasure to have you on board. Great week to you too.

Thank you so much ☺️ 🥳
Still, well done to you also 😎 a fun challenge this was.
I hope you can next time.

Have a great Monday 👋🏻

Looking forward connecting and staying in touch with the other Himalayan friends too and surely meeting them maybe we would plan an expedition too altogether. :)Thank you so much @ninaeatshere @lauramica @ybanezkim26 @glecerioberto @masterswatch @arcange @rivalzzz @louis88 @uniforced @godfish @sunsea @detlev @lizanomadsoul and team @worldmappin for the #winterchallenge I am very greatful that I made a position in the top 10. The winter challange inspired me to post everyday and explore the places and share my experiences. It really inspired me.

Thankyou so much team Worldpappin Means a lot.🙏
Many greetings and blessings from Himalayas🏔. Have a nice day 😊 And many congratulations to the others members mentioned over the post. 🙏

you guys really set the bar high for everyone @parvkhuller. Well done!

 2 months ago  

You did an awesome job @pranavinaction

Congrats to the winners 🥉 @littlebee4 & @avdesing, thanks so much for the mention, it was a pleasure to participate.

Cheers @worldmappin!🤗😊

You are most welcome @belkyscabrera and congrats to rank 27! That is impressive 😎 - Keep up the great work!

Thank you kindly 😊
Congratulations to you too 🥳
Have a nice day!

Thank you so much @belkyscabrera!!!💗💗💗

Thanks for the mention and support certainly a phenomenal initiative as well as all the participations in it, it was fun and refreshing, thanks for the badge.

You are most welcome @mili2801! Thanks for your participation. Badge will be distributed as soon as possible <3

What a blast!!! it was a fun challenge and it encouraged us to write more. I am grateful that I managed to get into the top 10 of this competition and I congratulate everyone who made it in this list, not only the top 10, but all the people who took part in this amazing competition are meant to be praised. Thanks @worldmappin team for everything.

Me and all my Himalayan boys are planning a meeting real soon!!!

Amesome 😎 The Himalayan boys 😂 You guys did bring in very special adventures! Thanks for taking us with you @parvkhuller. We are already looking forward to read all about your meetup! Thanks for your engagement <3 Your win was very well-deserved.

Congratulations everyone.

Congrats to you @godslove! You ranked 122 out of 222! Great job!

So cool!! Thanks for the badge 💓💓💓💓

You are very welcome @lunaticanto. We will give our best to distribute it as soon as possible :)

Congrats all, well deserved... 😁

Congrats to you too @priyanarc! It was great to see you back in the community! Hopefully you find the time soon again to tell us about your adventures <3

Thanks, yes I will definitely share my travel stories soon...😇

Congratulations to the winners 👏

Congrats to you too @biologistbrito! Rank 18 out of 222 is a very good job!! Thanks for joining in 😎

Hey, congrats on this huge community engagement. It shows that with right people, ideas, and tools sky is the limit !LOLZ

More of this, please. So I can be a part of it right from the start. Easter as the next excuse for the challenge?

Now, I need to find and take some time to go through the posts of the most productive participants. Many great travel ideas are stored there for sure.

Thanks again and all the best in 2025 !INDEED

@tipu curate

A shame you didn´t find the time to join in more @ervin-lemark. We were counting on you 😅 - Easter is noted as a suggestion. We will see what we can do 😘 Enjoy the virtual travel and thanks for supporting everyone so much!

Well, double pressure at the office coupled with holidays time ... usual excuse !LOLZ

I still have a list of hikes/travels with tones of photos to publish. So, count me in on next challenge/occasion.


Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France?
There was nothing left but de Brie.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ervin-lemark



@worldmappin, I sent you an

@ervin-lemark denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@ervin-lemark thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

You are so welcome!!

Why did the banker quit his job?
He lost interest.

Credit: lofone
$LOLZ on behalf of ervin-lemark



@worldmappin, I sent you an

Wow! It's amazing, thanks for the mention and congratulations to the winners 🤩❤️.

You are very welcome @bluevibes. Thanks for participating :)

Congratulations to the winners 👏

Thanks for your support @quiubi 😊

Wohoo! Congrats to all participants and thank you so much for that pot of 150 HBD, I got my share. I really had fun in December. So far, the most productive month I've been blogging since I joined Hive in Feb 2023. Hahaha!

Congrats to you @itravelrox - you did an amazing job and the 2nd place is very well deserved! We are counting on you for the next one 😎, thanks for bringing in some girls power 🤗 - Oh really? The most productive month?! We feel honored to hear that haha. Sorry that the luck was not on your side. But who knows, maybe the winners don´t react within the 24hrs and then you have a 2nd chance 😎

Hahaha no problem. Maybe I'll get the hoodie next time. 😀

Congratulations to all winners 🏆 👏 🙌

Congratulations on your rank 26 out of 222 @tahastories1! Very well done! Enjoy the beer <3

Best of luck in the next challenges @worldmappin.

I hope to be able to participate and have fun again soon.

A big hug😜

We will certainly count on you for the next one @castri-ja 😎 you have a rank to defend now. Thanks for your engagement in this challenge. It was fun to watch you fight for it.

Congratulations to all participants and especially to the winners. Please... bring a hoodie design that is not too warm for Cuba. Hahahaha... @avdesing you have started the year well by winning a raffle.

jajajaja a mi me vendrá super bien, no hace mucho frío pero si que la voy a usar! Si! orgullosa de esta maravillosa comunidad que me ha apoyado tanto!!! Viva!! Gracias Nani!!💗💗💗

Hahaha, we are working on the design for the stickers and hoddies (also shirts and else) so you can order one yourself in your region soon @nanixxx 😎

😀 What great news!

First of all I would like to thank the Worldmappin team because this team has worked impartially to provide a great platform for travel and nature lovers where we can freely share our beautiful travel experiences.Thanks for the mention and congratulations to the winners 🙏❤️

Awww, thanks for your kind words @mulik369! It is a real honor for us to work for a community like that with members like you <3 Thanks for your participation.

I loved sharing my travels and connecting with everyone. 😍 Thank you so much to the worldmappin team for organizing this amazing event and to everyone who supported me along the way. Congratulations to all the other winners!

Awww, thanks for your kind words @ellie-mai! We are happy to hear you had a great time joining in this challenge. Thank you for your great contributions! Rank 21 out of 222! What a great achievement. Enjoy the beer 😘

Thank you very much for the great support. @worldmappin

You are most welcome @noelyss! Thanks for your participation <3

Congrats to all the winners!
Really enjoyed this challenge and this is one of the best organised challenges that I have been in! Loved the leaderboard and credit to the team for curating the best content in the daily digest!
Thanks for the prizes too!

You are most welcome @relf87! Thanks for your kind words and your engagement during the challenge. We are very happy that you enjoyed the challenge and that it has been organized so professionally even though it was our first one 🤓 - Congrats on your high ranking! Enjoy the beer - cheers


Congrats everyone.

Thanks for supporting everyone.

Awesome! What a great way to end the year. Cheers to the @worldmappin team and congrats to all the winners and participants 🤗

Thanks @veramen! Congrats to you too! Rank 49 was not that far away. We will be counting on you for the next challenge 😎 Thanks for joining in!

Congratulations to everyone and to the team that made this contest possible, without a doubt this community has a lot of quality content.

Thanks @wilfredocav! It sure has! That´s why we love giving our best for this community! - The users like you make the difference. Thanks for joining in the contest as well. <3

Very cool! Well done everyone!



My daughter was over the moon when she heard we won the award. Thank you so much 😊

Awww, that is great to hear @blaze8! It was well-deserved. Keep up the great work and enjoy your beer ;)

Thank you! I will! Cheers! !BEER

BEERHey @worldmappin, here is a little bit of from @blaze8 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congrats to everyone! This was so much fun!!

Thanks @gabrielatravels! It was so great to have you on board for this challenge <3

Thank you so much, I am so happy to see my name listed here ❤️

You are most welcome @suarlex <3


Thank you for the wonderful adventure we had together last month! It's great to be able to take part in this really exciting competition!

I'm very happy to have finished in the top 10 and I congratulate all the winners and all the participants!

I wish this project and this WORLDMAPPIN community every success!

Best regards 😘

You are most welcome @hierundjetzt! Thanks for your continuous engagement and high-quality content! Your top 10 ranking was well-deserved. Thanks for your support.

Congratulations to all the winners was fun and joy to read about winter challenge posts. :)

Thanks for your support and for joining in yourself @hindavi! It was great to have you on board <3

I wasn't in Norway; otherwise, I could have engaged a little more in this challenge.

Next time :)

congrats to all the winners and @itravelrox, you made it!

Hahaha, at least we have a representative from Southeast Asia. :D

She sure did @macchiata! Thanks for your engagement as well! Rank 82 out of 222 is impressive! Keep it up.

Great work, guys! Congratulations to the winners! 🎉🥂🥂

Great work of you too @x-rain. Rank 86 out of 222 is impressive! Cheers to you too.

Are you serious? I won? God! What a joy! I didn't expect this, thank you so much!!!! In a few moments I will be in touch with you! Thank you so much!💗💗💗

It's always a pleasure to be here showing different places in my area, thank you always for the support, thank you!💗💗💗

Seems like the churros brought you some luck @avdesing! 😅 Congrats! you have 24hrs to send us your shipping address via mail or Discord (lizanomadsoul). It has been a pleasure to watch you engage with everyone during December <3 Thanks for your support.

The churros are delicious and the Christmas season is beautiful! Thank you! In a moment I'll get to it!😃


Estoy súper contenta por tiiiii me alegra mucho que te lleves ese suéter, espero muchas fotos con él en futuros posts! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

Te puedo asegurar que si bien me gusta la privacidad y anonimato y no salga mi cara... si que la voy a usar y habrá fotos!! Si!!! Viva Wordmapping!!!!😁

Congratulations to all, because everyone is a winner.

And very special for those first 10 places, they did extraordinary.

Thanks to the @worldmappin team for this challenge, they are a leading hive community and an example for everyone.

Special thanks to @nina @ninaeatshere and @lizanomadsoul, @ybanezkim26 for their support to me and for giving me the illusion of winning ticket.

Thank you very much @detlev for the token, I will use two drops of your beer a day, I really liked my prize thank you, it will be for another opportunity the sweatshirt.

Thank you very much.🥰😍

Congrats to you too @soyunasantacruz - ranking 28 out of 222 participants is very impressive! You have been engaging a lot and have been a great example. Thanks for joining in with so much effort! Sorry, you didn´t win the hoodie this time - seems like luck was not on your side this time. But we hope you enjoy the beer 😘

Thanks for your kind words regarding our community work. We really give our best but members like you make it worth it! Thanks for your love and engagement <3

 2 months ago  

You are welcome @soyunasantacruz. It wasn´t an illusion 👍🐝

🤣😁, I was referring to the excitement of winning ticket


Congratulations for the winner, and thank you for @worldmappin to have this content 🩷🩷

Thank you so much @worldmappin team, I'm proud to be among so many nice people who put their heart and seriousness in running this contest. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this contest and congratulations to the @worldmappin team.

Thanks @triplug for putting your heart and effort into this challenge as well. It is users like you that keep us motivated <3


Congratulations to all of us! Did not expect this to experience. Thank you @Worldmappin community. Happy to be part on this challenge.

Yeah! What a great community we have! Its great to have you on board @yanzkiecool! Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to all the winners. It has been a fun experience, the publications increased in quality and quantity. For me it was very pleasing to know about different beautiful places in the world, it is the greatest merit. I love this community, thanks @worldmappin team for your great work and support 💐🤗

Yeah, the competition was very high during the whole month. We had so many high-quality posts coming in! A real pleasure to read them all! Glad you enjoyed it as well @mayramalu 😘 Thanks for your engagement and support <3

Thanks for the badge, worldmappin! This is awesome!

You are very welcome @luthis26 - we will distribute it as soon as possible :)

There are 2 pages