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RE: How I Closed Out 2021 by Pissing my Pants: A Comedy Open Mic Contest Entry

in Comedy Open Mic3 years ago

In massage school I had to memorize the ten cranial nerves, and one of the pneumonic devices I used to help me remember where they were and what they did was "vagus rhymes with anus" (I didn't come up with that but of course I would remember it). I've read studies that hypothesize that some hallucinogens affect the vagus nerve, and that's why you trip out, feel euphoric, and sometimes shitpiss your pants. Well, they didn't say shitpiss your pants. I figured that part on my own.
Poogasm sounds fantastic! Option two, if the panties don't start working...


Ahaha I never needed a mnemonic for vagus, but love that some people are going around mantra'ising that! That's brilliant.

Ahhhh you can keep poogasm for free!