Howdy ma'am, how'dya do?
Good morning. It's early. I've been awake for two hours but we have a puppy so I don't mind.
Born and raised. Graduated from Long Beach. Did we already talk about Kraken, the bar in Cardiff that was my uncles? I repeat myself often myself often. Yeah, Ca. Unless they're from Ca, they hate it so I just say west of here to bypass hate stares.
That hand is a headphone. Works better when I hold it to my ear. = }. Both hands actually, top and bottom. Nothing above my neck or below the waist is easiest way to say it. I have one open spot left on my right ribs about the size of a baseball I've been gonna put my last German Shepherd, Rook, on but it's been a blank piece now for about five years now. They just hurt too got dang bad anymore!
What's on hand where you are?
Much thanks Corvidae, always a pleasure when you stop by bless'yer heart.
My hand is a butterfly, part of a bigger piece on my forearm of my Squid chasing cosmic birds. He's a cat, though, not a squid. Just like your Rook was a dog, not a bird. I like tattoos and would get more if they weren't so expensive.
I think I may have gone to the Kraken once, although I don't remember anything about it other than the name. Shit. Almost the same age, practically neighbors.
I like your puppy. Does puppy mean you found a place to call home?
Yeah, Asheville. Finally parked. That took a long time. Without a dog, I had no reason to stop.
Her name's Atlas.
With a dog, you have every reason to go everywhere with a dog.
Hi Atlas!!! I like the way you hold up the world! Pilot holds up my world, too.