How easy it is to bullshit you in 3.. 2.. We were east bound on US Highway 369.
No we were not.
I've never heard of US Highway 369. I got that number from Lil Jon. Don't believe everything you read.
We were west bound on US Highway 218, about 20 miles east of Charlotte, North Carolina, when Miss Deborah, the store clerk at Piedmont Market and the two of us crossed paths.
Pura had to pee. In case you're just tuning in, a lot of these encounters and experiences begin with Pura had to pee. Had she not stayed true to form, I might've never known what Christmas trees do in October.
They had Halloween decorations all over the place. Front of the store, back of the store, parking lot, the ceiling and walls; pumpkins, skeletons, witches, pumpkins, goblins, pumpkins—₿⓪0̴!
We'll browse the joint on our way out. First things first—toilet. While she does that, I'll grab a coffee and snap photos just in case Miss Deborah says the funniest shit I heard all day at the checkout counter and I write about it.
3.. 2..
Oh hell no.
Houston, we have a problem. This is the first place we've seen in a while. No telling when the next toilet is.
Now she's at the point of no return. You know, the one where you finally found a toilet and have to pee so bad you already began mentally coaching yourself through the motions; button, zipper, practically feel the relief only to discover the toilet's inoperable.
She's crip-walkin like a Thriller video audition.
Maybe it just needs cleaned but still works, says sincerest DanDays in a failed attempt to alleviate the pressure she's experiencing. You got this. I'll go find out.
I quickly made my way back to the front of the store, totally prepared to lie my ass off about she's pregnant or not pregnant or whatever Miss Deborah needs to hear to let Pura in that bathroom. I was unaware of Miss Deborah's name at that point, we've yet to introduce ourselves.
Hi. I said in charismatic, charming, not creepy at all voice. Is the bathroom out of order like broken or out of order like something else? My wife really, I really emphasized really, reeeaally needs to use it.
We're in North Carolina, "The South," they call it. Not Deep South like Georgia or Louisiana where between their dialect and lazy jaws, when they get to talking, I can't tell if they're welcoming me or warning me.
Southern charm nonetheless. Jaws are slightly less lazy here so conversations are easier to follow with fewer "what?" or "would you say that again please?" but they're still lazy; ya'all is you all and fixin'to means I'll get to it when I get to it.
Awe hun, that sign ain't fer ya'all it's fer summon else. Ya'all go right ahead n handle yer business mmkay.
I took off to relay the good news.
While she does that, I poured her a coffee, now we each have one—not as obvious we only stopped for the bathroom. Snapped a few more, time to check out.
"Thank you so much, I had to pee so bad my eyeballs were floating" Pura says to Miss Deborah whom we're about to find out is Debbie.
No problem sweetie. Where ya'all from? How'd ya find us? I'm Debbie, call me Miss Deborah.
Pleasure to be met. I'm Arts, this is my wife, Pura. West of here.
That's how I answer that question in The South or up and down the east coast of the US, "where are you from?" West of here. They hate Californians. Might as well be Russian in Europe. My blanket response is 'west of here' to avoid a death stare followed by a hand gesture pointing to the door.
Miss Deborah wouldn't do that, I don't think. She's a Southern Belle. At least I'm pretty sure she wouldn't.
I juss put'at sign on der before ya'all come in. Ya'see I gotsa lady, erry Tuesdee she comes in her and it's right around'is time, too, I'm surprised ya'all ain't seen'er, and juss does sump'm God awful to my torilette.
She said 'torilette.' Never heard someone say toilette with an R like that. Wash and washer I've heard called warsh and warsher but torilette's a new one.
I laughed. Can't help it, I laughed out loud. Now I need to know more.
Every week, really? What, just comes here and blows up the bathroom?
Oh, hardly hunny. Try fux'up errthing mmkay. Lass week I had to call a plumber out here ya'all, I ain't foolin. I don't know what the hell she done-did to my torilette but I plunged'n plunged'n it dint budge!
Miss Deborah's motioning her arms up and down to show us how, to no avail, she forcefully plunged the toilet like a paramedic pumps a chest during CPR.
I laughed louder out loud.
Pura's nudging my arm like maybe I should show more concern and less humor but I can't help it. This lady's hilarious. I don't want the show to end.
That bad huh?
That bad'n the sink too! She clogged the whole drain up with paper n leff the faucet on so the sink's o'erflowin, the torilettes o'erflowin, I ain't kiddin ya'all, it was a river in'air mmkay. But whhyyyy the sink?? Why? Is she warshin'er ass in my sink?!
I can hardly control myself—hunched over at the waist, holding myself up against the counter, laughing my ass off watching Miss Deborah put on a helluva performance acting like a psyche ward escapee bouncing off the walls in the bathroom, showering in the sink and washing the floor in toilet water.
Pura broke her silence. Now we're both laughing uncontrollably.
I ain't kiddin ya'all, that's why I gots'at sign up'air. I try to be nice n neighborly n I don't mind cleanin torilettes mmkay, I mean if ya gotsta go, ya gotsta go! But she ain'ever usin my torilette again ya'all and Ima tell'er why too bless'er heart.
I thanked her for the free entertainment. Told her I'm glad we stopped. Paid for the coffee's, keep the change, out the door we went.
She told us stop by any time we pass through, said tell all our friends about her market and how she has the best deals on eggs in three states.
They drivin all the way from Wilmington n Lexington fer my eggs ya'all I ain't kiddin. A dozen of'em at the Walmart er $7 and thems double A. We don't mess wit no double A eggs mmkay, all my eggs is jumbo and I sell'em by the case. 60 eggs fer 30 bucks. Ain't a Walmart nowhere gonna beat my eggs.
Will do, Miss Deborah. I'm glad we met.
Ya'all come back now ya'her!

Yep... I did the usual. I started a snappy paragraph or two comment/reply to another home run of a post. Fuggin' comedy gold. And the best kind cuz it is real life. This clown world shit show is the gift that just keeps giving. Am I right..?
Well let me tell you Hivians that are still reading this nonsense spilling out of my @krazzytrukker brain. That very comment/reply to Arts (@dandays) has turned into what you will read if you follow the link below to my #weekend-engagement post about respect. Something that Arts and a few others on here definately have.
My Respect.
Another Comment/Reply that went... "Krazzy"
This is the first comment I read this morning. Love it when things work out the way they're supposed to.
Whaddup! Good morning and all that. Really appreciate you dude, thank you. Posting to COM is the toughest for me. I'm a nervous wreck when it's time to click the post button, seriously; sweaty palms, I mean sweaty, too, like wiping'em on my pants and a chest like ka'pow! ka'pow!
So, when they're received well and not a second sooner, the tension dissipates.
I'll be headed over to your rant in just a moment.
Seen Pantera once. Lemme rephrase that. They were at a show I was at one time. I don't remember any of it.
Much love Rand! Knuckles - Pooky. Ears - Sami.
All good bro.
img-src issue fixed also...
Did you had to make me read (I mean, speak) in Miss Debbie's accent? 😩😂 That was almost unfair to me
Well, you could convince me to go get eggs at her shop. At least, I could rapport with her using her accent I've just learnt 😅
It's been long I read from you, a nice comeback post for me hehe
Always nice to see you. Thanks for keeping an eye on me and thanks for the curation.
I'm so glad that accent comes across right, tough to sound like them with a keyboard. Don't move your jaw, barely crack a smile but have a lazy jaw—talk. Like that.
= }
Cheers Merit.Ahama.
Lol now I feel like I'm about to sound weird 😅
Aw'darlin. Ya'sound good as sweet tea'n Spring mmkay.
We both laughed hysterically here when I read it that way out loud to @pooky-jax
I stopped and said I can't do her voice. But go ahead and hear it in Paula Deans Voice...
I work with a woman who’s from that area just about, Charlotte and I know the accent well and rather enjoy it. She’s quite the woman!
Oh man miss Deborah I will have to go on Tuesday’s and get those eggs and the story of the toilet for myself if we drive through there. Supposedly we are driving down to Florida in March. I’ve heard that before but my wife cancelled so until we get in the car, I’m not sure if we will be going lol. We will likely be in the same boat though, ssiena is always stopping somewhere to pee. I might get her a she-wee for the trip if we do make it. That way she can just let er rip on the side of the road out a funnel.
Pretty good idea to opt out of the California name, I dislike hearing it too even though I know it’s not all assholes but sadly enough of them to give it a bad name.
West of here.
In EU or UK, say California and they treat you like a royal. When I tell'em I'm from Los Angeles, you'd be surprised how many times I was asked if I know movie stars. Like me and Tina Fey just chill out on the weekends or something.
What's up man? I've been in a couple unique, eclectic type country stores in my life but only one I wrote about. = }
March. I won't hold my breath. Kidding. If you give me about a 48 hour window, I'll meet up with you. Coffee, no coffee, or neither, it's all good. Used to be all I need was a 24 hr window but I got a puppy now so.... 48.
Keep me posted. Thanks man.
Pura's got it right, a full bladder is the best way to ensure you get to see everything, although sometimes you get to see things like the restroom after the lady washes her ass in the sink and you can never unsee it.
There are too many fun things in that store. And what's your hand tattoo? I have a hand tattoo too.
I have a friend from San Diego who moved to Charlotte for a couple years until her brother selfishly got cancer and she had to move back to be close to him even though he survived. She loved it, though. A super artsy environment. She hated being back in SD until she found someone to be stuck there with.
Have you always been from California? Why did I think it was somewhere else, like midwest somewhere or other?
Howdy ma'am, how'dya do?
Good morning. It's early. I've been awake for two hours but we have a puppy so I don't mind.
Born and raised. Graduated from Long Beach. Did we already talk about Kraken, the bar in Cardiff that was my uncles? I repeat myself often myself often. Yeah, Ca. Unless they're from Ca, they hate it so I just say west of here to bypass hate stares.
That hand is a headphone. Works better when I hold it to my ear. = }. Both hands actually, top and bottom. Nothing above my neck or below the waist is easiest way to say it. I have one open spot left on my right ribs about the size of a baseball I've been gonna put my last German Shepherd, Rook, on but it's been a blank piece now for about five years now. They just hurt too got dang bad anymore!
What's on hand where you are?
Much thanks Corvidae, always a pleasure when you stop by bless'yer heart.
My hand is a butterfly, part of a bigger piece on my forearm of my Squid chasing cosmic birds. He's a cat, though, not a squid. Just like your Rook was a dog, not a bird. I like tattoos and would get more if they weren't so expensive.
I think I may have gone to the Kraken once, although I don't remember anything about it other than the name. Shit. Almost the same age, practically neighbors.
I like your puppy. Does puppy mean you found a place to call home?
Yeah, Asheville. Finally parked. That took a long time. Without a dog, I had no reason to stop.
Her name's Atlas.
With a dog, you have every reason to go everywhere with a dog.
Hi Atlas!!! I like the way you hold up the world! Pilot holds up my world, too.
These potatoes are looking so fresh and good, jam are not really my thing tho,. probably because I have not tried it at all
Whaddup @temi-lee. Welcome to month three in blockchain life. I'm glad you found me.
I thought those potatoes pictured well too. I bet they fire real good out of a potato launcher.
Gee, wonder how you tell a story so good 😅.
I didn't meet Miss Deborah but I am here laughing my a** out also 🤣🤣
I can't believe I was reading her words with a southern accent 😅
Miss Deborah is so good 🤣
That sure is a nice thing to say. Thanks Stevenson7.
She was so funny. Her daughter was behind the ice cream doing artsy stuff. Just the two them and us, a store full of a little bit of everything and the most entertained I've been in awhile.
Glad we stopped.
Funny way to ward-off the weird lady too I might add 😅
Try this, it's fun. Totally done up Barbie doll lookin chick; expensive glasses and fancy stiletto's, drives a navy blue Range Rover. All legs when she gets out of the thing.
Sees her sugar daddy on Tuesdays.
Piedmont, it's the nearest running water, she can't scrub herself fast enough like get tf off me.
Bee honest... If Pura was more active here on Hive would you make a post about her torilette journeys? I think perhaps since she she keeps you around for your humorous personality and wit.
Did yall git som of dat double cola? mhmm...
Remember that facebook convo I screenshotted ya about the EPA and medical procedures? I ended it with a classic bless your heart...
Good timing bless'yer heart!
No of course not, what are you, a psyche ward escapee? Kidding. She's married to me dude, super thick skin. Good thing she thinks I'm funny!
We do things individually actually that most couples don't, this is one. She tried for awhile, her thing's instawhateveritscalled. Kinda cool we have own virtual worlds.
Much thanks for the support. The reblogs. This.
I will say though that this is one of the coolest road side country stores I have seen. The produce looks amazing there!
Probably the coolest one I've seen too. A little bit of everything; antiques, nursery, farm to table produce, glad we didn't miss it.
This was a hilarious read 😂
Miss Deborah is definitely good at narrating incidents...just like yourself 😂
Appreciate the feedback, comedy posts make my hands sweat like I hope it's not just me who thinks it's funny! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.
You're no stranger to narrating either. Barely a year and a half in, you already passed 300 posts. Well done. That's impressive.
Welcome to Hive.
It definitely wasn't only you😂. It's posts like yours that help me start my day on a lighter note😅
I've had my ups and downs like I should but my journey here has been totally worthwhile. I enjoy every moment I get to interact with people around the world☺️.
Thank you very much✨
You're most welcome.
If I had a more endearing catch phrase for gratitude right now than Thank you I'd blow up this response like the Piedmont Market torilette.
I really appreciate that.
You're learning nicely. Hey if you ever get tripped up, I still do from time to time, it happens, shoot me a line. I don't know everything but I'll teach you everything I know.
Now you just moved from making my day to making my whole year🥺🥺🥺. I think we should really find a new phrase that amounts more than thank you because I need to tell it to you✨☺️
I really appreciate words of encouragement and I won't hesitate to ask questions when I get hooked. Thank you @dandays ✨
It's always a pleasure ✨
60 eggs fer 30 buckaroos? What in tarnation?
Crazy, right? Pre covid prices like it never happened.
She said she ha people come all the way from Atlanta for her prices. Farmers mainly. I just mapped it—250 miles.
Dan rolling around the South...
Also Dan when is asked where he is from when he needs coffee outside of Cali...
I've been all over the south and I don't think I've ever heard toilet pronounced in such fashion.
West of here, that's a good'un. Gonna have to try something similar next time I get asked where I'm from. Don't think it'll work though.
Don't forget, there's always the woods the next time the bathroom is broken.
Pura? The woods?? LtfOL Damn, you got jokes.
Whaddup Colonel? First time we heard that too. Even when I hear southern slang that's unfamiliar, it's easy to make sense of it. But torilette?? 3 syllables and ends in TE, that's a first.
I'm likely to pull off West of here a little better than you sir. Here. I'm like totally for sure dude you could pull it off in Europe.
= P
I rock paper scissored #COM #MarketFriday and #LooLoo. #COM rocked.
Total lie. I thought about those communities though so I'm given'em der plug mmkay yee haw!
I have two questions for you:
What is Cowboy Candy?
Why, oh WHY did you not buy such dancingly delightfully delicious eggies?
Hey young lady exclamation point. Comedy.. yikes.. hardest post button to click. Thank you. Much appreciate it.
Sweet jalapeños.
I know, shit the bed exclamation. At the time, we didn't know where we'd sleep next. Does it have a kitchen, fridge? Didn't know. Left with two coffee's. Lame.
blushes profusely to the point of making hair redder permanently
Better than hair dye.
Why such a hard post button to click? This is hilarious! Reading that accent just about killed me.
Sweet and spicy. I don't think they sell such a thing here, even disguised with a Canadian twist.
There's always a portable cooler, just have to restock the ice and eat a lot of egg based things. Even so, sixty eggs is A LOT for two people and no kitchen.
I would have bought those jalapeños though.
I'm looking forward to getting back over there. Cool little roadside market. We have a kitchen now.
Comedy. Firstly, so cool you enjoyed it. When I put them together I'm always a wreck like sweaty palms even I hope it's not just me who thinks it's funny cuz there's no body language at all—hand gestures, facial expressions.
I mean, wouldn't wanna crack a Russia joke without that stuff.
Ohhhh, so it's not far from you, well then, you're all set for egg adventures, just don't throw them at the wrong targets.
That's a problem when not in person. That said, there are several ways to pick up the funny without body language. 😉😏
It's not that far I don't think, probably less than 100 miles. We'll get back there—coolest roadside market ever. I'll keep you posted.
Highway 441, remember that one? Aka Blue Ridge Pkwy? Don't think I told you yet, we're less than a mile from it. Blue Ridge itself, like the real touristy part, through the elevated bridges and mountainous landscape and stuff is a bit of a drive still, phone says 50 miles but 441 is a couple stop signs away.
Yesssssssssssss....I do and drool. You're in such a great spot. Please drive and take more photos. Pop into the touristy part for stories, I'm taking all laughs I can get.
Another adventure thanks to Pura's bladder! What would you see without it, not much I tell you! Did you catch site of the torilette trasher? Some crazy ass people in the world!
Also happy new year to you, Pura and her Bladder!
Happy new year mimismartypants! Always nice to see you.
No, we didn't. But I imagined her, ready? She drives a Range Rover, it's navy blue, wears $300 shoes, $3,000 sunglasses and doesn't want her sugar daddy to know about her IBS.
😜😂😂🤣 great story! Miss Deborah is a character! excuse me tho, I feel I must go pee now..
Get ahold of yourself chinito!
I'm glad you like this one, thank you. She was great, helluva story teller. All she needed was an audience and there we were.
Hahaha hubby and I both laughed out loud 🤣😂🤣
The encounters one can have sometimes. Hilarious and they stay with you.
Have an awesome weekend! Great story @dandays 😉👋🏻😎
That's so cool you guys read it together. Thanks for bringing your husband over. Tell him I said yaw'right-yokay? = }
How's Scotland? Freezing, wet and cloudy? ....
How exciting for you guys. New chapter. Life's great, It's always doing lifey things.
Cheers LittleBee.
Anytime when it’s very funny 😆
I did, he said all okay 👍🏻
so far we are lucky with the weather. We only had 3 days that was too bad to go out. Further it is rather mild. We did cross the Cairngorms and there was snow and ice on the roads. Now we are next to Loch Ness for a few days until we travel further 😎 further and further hahahaha
If all is well we reach the destination next week. But bad weather is predicted so it could be delayed. Let’s hope not as from Monday onwards I have no other accommodation booked hehehe 🤭
Adventures, love it 😎
Indeed a fully new chapter 🤩 so far we love it. Life is indeed great.
How is the renovation going?
Coming along nicely. Been real cold lately, makes it tough to do things. We're enjoying ourselves. Thanks for asking.
Yes! I love it.
Cold days are brrrrrrr, luckily one can dress for them.
We reached our destination. No mobile reception here or any internet (yet)
So I haven’t been around here or even updated a part further. Will try today or tomorrow to post the next part.
It’s snowy here… 30 cm of snow. The views are just amazing, real winter wonderland. I even build a snowman ☃️ today hahaha 🤣
Will post about that soon too.That’s good to hear @dandays 😎 you are welcome.
Hahaha true adventure. All went well and we rented something unseen.
This place is huge!!! We didn’t realise hahaha 🤣 will work for a little bit until we find some land 🤓 and a little cottage to settle down.
Have an awesome mid week 👋🏻☃️😎 talk soon.
Hi my dear friend @dandays I always read your post they are very interesting. Maybe one day I could go over there.😎. Who know.
Hello Denisda. Thank you, I'm glad I'm able to keep your interest. If I ever get boring, just say something and I'll kick my ass for you. = }
No way keep your ass intact if you are very Dynamics, your post are really nicest. Kisses jajajajaja 😅😅
It's funny when you spell out the way she said toilet... torilette I can totally hear it!!
That is quite hilarious. That toilet ruiner must have the innards of hell!
Whaddup boom! Long time no see. Happy new year and all that.
I'm glad it came across alright. It's tough to understand in person, I'm often "excuse me?" "Say that again, please." Typing it ain'uch izzier mmkay.
Much thanks man.
DD! I love a good accent that you can barely understand. Getting it down in text is also awesome!
Happy New Year!!
When we went to that meet up in Halifax, me and slobberchops were bla bla'ing about accents cuz it's something Brits and Americans do in England. He said "I have no problem understanding you." I was, well, yeah. I can say R and annunciate my vowels.
= }
Still not sure why England ran me outta there.
Ha, I never have an issue with American accents even the crazee southern ones. English ones on the other hand, lol, shambles!
Brddrilliant mate.
Yaw'right yokay?
Yaw'right. Oh, Loavelay chap!
K bye, b-b-byyyeeeee bye-b-byeeee.
:0D perfect!
I first read "Raffles Family Fail Fest" and was delighted with this innovating idea. Then I read twice and thought ' Nah back to ordinary'...what's this "POT" book about...wanna have it just because it has a skeleton on it...and it's on sale.
Great place you found there, no kidding...and Pura is not alone, that much I can tell you. There are billions of pee stories out there 😂.
Lotta good one-liners huh? Did you see the pumpkin carrying contest? How fun would that be.. Buncha overalls with no shirts underneath, sandals n socks and talk with lazy jaws competing in a pumpkin carrying contest. Just saying it is funny.
Antique store / market / nursery / torilette /
Pura loved that book. Had we known where we were going at the time, she would've got it.
Nice to see you in the comment section again. You back or...? Breaks are good. I split for 7 months once. Those are exclusive photos by the way. You're not missed or anything in case you can't tell.
🎶 Pumkin Carrying Contest...pumkin carrying contest... 🎶 Waiiit a minute....
My bad lol.
😘...I wanna know what's behind door Super the supermarket? And What is in season?
Yah I don't know how much of back I am, but more than recently lol.
Well, la-di-da, Mr. Fancy Words ain't never had ta pop a squat on a turlet before! I reckon we'll just have ta put buh-days all over Dixie so's Mr. Europoopin' can have a familiar place to plant his ass!
But seriously folks, thanks for bringing this to the Comedy Open Mic community! I always miss you while you're away, and I always want more when you post! Glad you two are having some laughs!
Tough to stay in character when the comment's kind and humbling. Thanks man. My pleasure.
Happy New Year. Happy everything else you celebrate too.
I reckon ya'all know a thinger'two bout poppin y'know what's in the watchamacallit.
We gots lots'er extry esses and arrs in our lingo 'round'ere.
I shit you not, I've met a person who pronounced 'outhouse' as 'art-harse'.
Prolly 'cause so many folks come 'ere from Jersey or the Caroliners.
Art-harse makes it sound like somewhere you wouldn't wanna go there without a paint brush.
Yeah, Jersey can keep their gold chains and hair gel and spray tans the hell outta Iowa or Delaware or whatever the hell state you're in.
Thank you for the much needed laughs!
All of us love reading your posts written in Southern drawl. Seriously, there should be a dialect font just for you @dandays😊
G'day ma'am.
My pleasure. I don't think you've met Atlas, she just just turned 13 weeks on Thursday.
Much thanks. I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to the post button on these. I'm always I hope it's not just me who thinks it's funny. Add to that typing in southern drawl, yikes.
Dog porn again.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
OMG, that's so cute! You gotta do a post about Atlas dude, you so gotta. I need a load of dog porn all in one post. Bring it on!!!
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@ninahaskin just slapped you with , @dandays.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
What a great shop run by an obviously amazing character and all written in your usual wonderful style. Top read. Thank you.
Hope you're both well and life is treating you kindly. Take care of you both and don't leave it so long next time please :-)
Much thanks Nathen, really appreciate that. I hope this finds you and your peace sign thrower well.
Her bladder has done me many favors. I realize now how weird that sounds but there's been several occasions; middle of nowhere, 2-lane town, hilarious transaction.
Happy New Year. I have another one in the works now actually. Sorry for the big gaps between, I miss you too man, we just got so many projects going. This settling down stuff is exhausting!
I do know.. ouch!
Oh reading this story I had to laugh out loud myself, you have a great way of writing so that I can almost be there when it happened lol. Great stuff! But what the heck does this Tuesday woman do to her freaking toilet and sink, lol..
The Tuesday woman is a mystery. It's fun to imagine she's a rich lady in a brand new Range Rover. What the....
If you're gonna be that nice to me I demand you stop by more often. Really, I appreciate that, thank you.
Haha, imagine that :)
I try to make a round of people I follow more often but sometimes I need to be reminded by another one's comment (sorry).. I love reading your blogs, and I will read the newer one today as well.. just trying to get some work out of the way first, been really upping my game last weeks, so that also takes away from my reading time.
Thankfully you don't post daily so not that much to catch up :) And the appreciation goes both ways!
Have a wonderful weekend <3
Geez, what happened between now and the last one when you were all kind and sweet??
No lo se!!!
A Hallowwem christmas Tree... first time I heard about it, it does look pretty. I can imagine your wife<s face with the sign on the bathroom (I can imagine my wife....ouch), mayday, mayday! ( I think it is the very first time that I write the word "Mayday" in my life!)
Makes sense though right? A digital panic.
What's up Peg? Blockchain's been kinda quiet lately but you're still pumpin'em out eerday yee haw! Very nice. Hope the year's off to a good start for you sir. Thanks for keeping an eye on me.
Hehe, I really am giving myself the needed kick in ass :-D Following the flow as I can. Might as well share this with you (DYOR as I have been aware of it for only a couple of days), but since we used to be on the "chain that we shall not name", we got accounts created on blurt in like july 2020 just like the same principle of HIVE). Good or bad, cannot tell at this point. I saw that it was massely dumped initially (when people get free coins, they dump, that part I can understand), but who knows as of today. Just some info if you ever want to go check out that I stumble upon (no trolling or shilling. Since we are from that time and I was not aware ;-)). I am always glad to see your posts (you are actually the only one that I manually type the URL of your posts here and there to make sure I don't miss any). In fact, something that I have learned from your writting : be genuine :-)
Blurt, I went over there once and powered down my account. From there I couldn't get anything exchanged so I never went back. More importantly, I've heard from more than one person when all that forking went down, private keys were compromised.
If you haven't changed your keys ye man, I highly recommend it. ASAP.
And thanks a lot for telling me about the URL. Seriously, I'm honored. Flattered, humbled, all of it.
Thank you.
:-) Glad that I talk to you and thanks for the info. I have to say that I did have a doubt (no worries, my hive keys are safe / been chnaged ;-), I looked on the internet but could not find anything on that key subject. I do remember that on steemit there were many accounts inactive that were hacked a while ago, but the origin is still unknown to me. Yup, the manual URL :-) I can even say that when I came back and did see you posts, after a while I was getting actually a little worried and was hoping that everything was going well on your side. Then you posted again and all was good :-D. Thanks again for the info, it is appreciated (it could of been hell)
So you guys don't pee on the side on the road? I don't know why it's the focal point of my comment, but that's all I could think of.
Me, of course. Her, of course not, hell no. Pura ain't into camping.
Freaking hilarious!! I was right there with you, I'm surprised Pura didn't need to squeeze out a bit more after that performance 🤣
I totally understand your location avoidance as I'm from NY...which I'm pretty sure is actually worse then Cali. Maybe not in the Midwest, but definitely the southeast. We try to get away with saying Florida since we did in fact live there for a few years 😆
So glad I jumped on your page, needed the giggle.
Hey what's up dreemit. I'm glad you stopped by too. Sorry I don't get by more often. I'm slacking in that department. We're so busy these days, just releasing content once a month is an achievement.
Is a New Yorker shit on too? Not in Ca. Or at least I don't think so. Been there? How were you treated? It's easiest I just say west of here wherever we are. Even Florida.
I don't think any states appreciate California. Oregon and Nevada tolerate it but only cuz they're attached. = }
Thank you.
Yet another epic encounter that had me dyin’ over here!!
Hell yeah Splatts. Anything for my brother keeping the lights on.
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