 2 years ago  

It's not that far I don't think, probably less than 100 miles. We'll get back there—coolest roadside market ever. I'll keep you posted.

Highway 441, remember that one? Aka Blue Ridge Pkwy? Don't think I told you yet, we're less than a mile from it. Blue Ridge itself, like the real touristy part, through the elevated bridges and mountainous landscape and stuff is a bit of a drive still, phone says 50 miles but 441 is a couple stop signs away.

Yesssssssssssss....I do and drool. You're in such a great spot. Please drive and take more photos. Pop into the touristy part for stories, I'm taking all laughs I can get.

 2 years ago  

Deal. Cuteness overload in 3.. 2..

Awwwwww....too cute!!!

 2 years ago  

Dog porn! Did you ask her consent first?