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RE: An afternoon at the fair and a lot of laughter at the mechanical dancer among friends.[Eng-Esp]

in Comedy Open Mic3 years ago

I had not noticed that my friend, who was wearing a skirt, was pulling up her skirt every time the dancer moved

I died laughing at this, what?! If she had known, she wouldn't have gone there with a skirt but a pant like you too 😅 so hilarious.

like she had never combed it in her life

Now, that's a really perfect way to laugh at your friend and I can so imagine how that kind of hair looks like 🤣🤣 what a day for her.
Too much laughter and you forgot you were scared of the dancer 😅

No me había dado cuenta de que mi amiga, que llevaba falda, se subía la falda cada vez que la bailarina se movía

Morí de risa con esto, ¿qué? Si lo hubiera sabido, no habría ido allí con una falda sino con un pantalón como tú también 😅 que gracioso.

como si nunca lo hubiera peinado en su vida

Ahora, esa es una manera realmente perfecta de reírse de tu amiga y puedo imaginar cómo se ve ese tipo de cabello 🤣🤣 qué día para ella.
Demasiada risa y olvidaste que le tenías miedo a la bailarina 😅