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RE: The Ultimate Guide to Fade Out of Existence on Hive

Funny post, dripping with sarcasm, and filled to the brim with truths,
What's up my friend, hopefully all good stuff!
We've made the big road trip to Florida and have settled in.

Time to kick back and enjoy the sunshine and start reading and doing some shit posts.

#11 was a real kicker for me at the beginning, At the time I was thrilled when my buddy @dandays pointed out my shortcomings.


What's up Sweed! Oh you've arrived?

So I can expect some birds pics by tomorrow? I am talking about real birds, just in case 😃 haha.

Enjoy your time, and there is no such thing as a shitpost when in Florida!

I am sure @dandays was very tactful when pointing out!

 3 years ago  

If all it takes is pointing out shortcomings then it's safe to say everyone I've crossed paths with has been thrilled at least once.

I'm gonna better myself in every way each and every today beginning now

I'm gonna better myself in every way each and every today beginning now

I'm gonna better myself in every way each and every today beginning now

Says the mirror because shortcomings are my friends

What in the heck is up?! I've still only snapped one photo of a liquor store in celebration of a virtual strangers first name BOB.
