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RE: Wartime Diary, Kyiv, 12.04.22

in Team Ukraine3 years ago

By 'all russians' I imply this overwhelming majority who directly support or are silent - thus supporting the war, too. I'm grateful to those who protest, regardless of the danger, who do not keep silent and do not pretend like nothing is happening. I don't know such people in person, though.
But the rest - if they are capable adults and do nothing - yes, they are to blame, too.


Unfortunately too many of them believes in the Russian propaganda. Those people who sincerely believes that the Russian soldiers are on a "peace keeping mission" in Ukraine to rescue Russians in Mariupol from a genocide, believes all the stories from the northern Ukraine is "fake news", believes the missile attack at Kramatorsk was performed by Ukrainians, etc ... in my opinion they are just stupid, not evil.