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RE: Musings on being Mom ~ during a "Mommy & Me" day

in Motherhood4 years ago

I don't think there is any attachment more intense that develops than that of a mother and daughter. Honest. You can bond with your son, your father, but, there is something special about a daughter.

Not to be mistaken that a son isn't as wonderful or special, but, I think you know what I mean. Emotionally, it feels differnt, no less love, but, different still.

You are giving your daughter the best thing you could ever give a child. A piece of you. I remember reading an article on bonding with your baby and it said bonding helps to release hormones and chemicals in the brain that encourage rapid brain growth. Wow! I was amazed at this, but, think about it. What happens when love is graciously given to us? We respond in like, our hearts growing bigger and bigger.

I reread your post several times and I thought to myself, how lucky they are to have each other. She learned how to nurture from you and you learne how to nurture because of her.

You are an amazing human being, Iris! ❤️


Hi Denise

Thank you so much for your message. I absolutely can agree with the bonding and that it encourages growth and development, the human body cannot survive without companionship, love and connection - especially at that age.

I try to be what she needs, often I fall short because I am human, but she knows that I love her, I'm proud of her, I encourage her to be proud of herself and her accomplishments and I've taught her that being a good person at heart is worth more than being a "fancy" person.

Have a good one, stay smiling and happy first day of spring from here - when you run out of flowers, I'll send you some :)

Haha! Thanks! I appreciate that and I may have to do that. My wings are clipped right now, so I cannot go fly and find flowers when I run out of them. I may have to order them up from you!

I think you are doing a great job of providing her with all the love and security that is needed. We all fail, being human, but, it is because of the expectations we have for ourselves.

Your attitude is admirable. Truly.