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RE: She's just something else...

in Motherhood3 years ago

I agree. My oldest was the responsible one, even at the age of 2. I was expecting my second when I was taken off my feet. Since I had insomnia (with all my pregnancies), what do you do when taken off your feet and you have a little one? You lie on the couch, read some, watch TV some, and fall asleep!

Every time I woke up, I saw my daughter's doll baby blanket on me. Even back then she wanted to care for others. Now, some 30 years later, she is an in home caregiver for a woman with dementia. Perfect for her!

The second one? Well, just ask any of our friends the difference. I'm so glad he's grown out of that!

By the way, the others after that are also different. I think some of it depends on how far apart in age they are, too.


Wow, what a perfect job for your daughter, she sounds like a great person, I admire those with passion for taking care of others no matter what, I know it can be hard. As for other kids, all I can do is thank God I had two girls cause I'm not sure if I'd be able to control a little boy!

LOL! When we found out our third child would be a girl, my husband said to me, "I'm glad it's another girl, because I don't think we could handle another boy." Our second one is a boy, and he was little Mister Curious. However, our third child was more into things than our second one! So much for boys vs. girls on that!