Lately, I've seen a lot of reels on Instagram where they talk about the "difference" between a firstborn and a second child. They state that second-born children are wilder than the first ones, they do more extreme things and are a bit careless in comparison to firstborns. Now in my experience, I can say I agree with that statement, 100%!
My first child is not an angel, and as she grows older she discovers new ways to drive me crazy, in a good way, I admit I get a little bit stressed and frustrated with her at times, but the good times are so much more. The first time I had to take her to the hospital was when she was almost three and for something she had no control of, and even though she jumps up and down all day with the energy of a V8 engine (car reference courtesy of hubby!) we haven't needed to rush her to the ER.
Things are a bit different with my youngest... she is, how to say this lovingly?... crazier than her sister... My little girl is not yet even two and she is, as we "speak" waiting for the ear/nose/throat doc to see her, as she decided it was a good idea to shove a piece (or pieces) of cotton from a plush toy up her nose... I know, as many have said to me, it's a normal thing small children do, but, my first one never did, and those are the two closest I have to compare, of course I know every child is different and there's some of the beauty of them, but, I mean, why? Her tiny little nose! Wonder if she wants to be a toy or what?! What can possibly go through her infant mind to do such thing?! As I write this, waiting for a professional to extract the foreign object from my girl's nose I can't help but to laugh a bit, I mean, after all the fuzz and the first scare I can be calm and just think of some way to make sure she won't repeat her stunt, and all of the things I can think of are really funny.

Little kids have this amazing quality to look so sweet and innocent even after a mischievous act, of course, they have no evil thoughts and act out of impulse and not yet knowing very well the consequences this can bring them, and us parents.
I can't understand how she was so ok putting cotton up her nose, yet so pissed of when getting it out, I mean, how can a 2 year old be stronger than her mom and a nurse!?! Well I don't know, but she was, and gave a lot of work to restrain her as the doc did her magic, thankfully I was assured she was not in pain, but scared at the stranger with the tools and the funny lights working on her tiny (amazingly cute) face. And once the work was done she went back to her happy self and drank half of my strawberry smoothie and a grilled cheese sandwich, yup, my girl can eat! And even more so after the long wait.

Thankfully it all went pretty well and it was nothing more than a sacred and a lot of waiting hours but, what it did for me as a learning experience is that our kids are going to make little mistakes while trying to figure out life and our job as parents is being there to help them face the consequences and learn from it all, always showing them that we live them no matter what.
Little learning minds. Reposted. 🎉💚
Thank yo so much!
I agree. My oldest was the responsible one, even at the age of 2. I was expecting my second when I was taken off my feet. Since I had insomnia (with all my pregnancies), what do you do when taken off your feet and you have a little one? You lie on the couch, read some, watch TV some, and fall asleep!
Every time I woke up, I saw my daughter's doll baby blanket on me. Even back then she wanted to care for others. Now, some 30 years later, she is an in home caregiver for a woman with dementia. Perfect for her!
The second one? Well, just ask any of our friends the difference. I'm so glad he's grown out of that!
By the way, the others after that are also different. I think some of it depends on how far apart in age they are, too.
Wow, what a perfect job for your daughter, she sounds like a great person, I admire those with passion for taking care of others no matter what, I know it can be hard. As for other kids, all I can do is thank God I had two girls cause I'm not sure if I'd be able to control a little boy!
LOL! When we found out our third child would be a girl, my husband said to me, "I'm glad it's another girl, because I don't think we could handle another boy." Our second one is a boy, and he was little Mister Curious. However, our third child was more into things than our second one! So much for boys vs. girls on that!