When the economic situation is a little difficult, look for activities that can be done for free. Trips to public parks, public museums, etc., so the kids have something to do and have fun on vacation. Fortunately they have a family farm where they can go and enjoy nature.
I invite you to check out the community feed, you will find posts that will surely interest you, for you to read and comment on. I see that you are resuming the publications after months without publishing. One way to make your blog known and gain readers is by commenting on other users' posts.
Greetings. That's right @jcrodriguez, it took me months to post again, it weighs on me to have wasted so much time, but I'm back in good spirits.
Thanks for your contribution giving recommendations to enjoy and give free alternatives to the family, especially children.
I will review the community you refer and I will nurture others to grow.