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RE: Como aplique el método de crianza respetuosa con Isabella [ESP/ENG]

in Motherhood2 years ago

I have two daughters and I have maintained good communication with both of them, more with the second one, because when I had my first daughter, I had a job that absorbed a lot of my time, but I have always tried to resolve any differences by talking and explaining.

I am glad that your daughter has been able to adapt to the process of migrating to another country, there are so many Venezuelan families that have gone through this, the children are affected and it is very important that the parents explain very well everything that is happening.

success to you and your family

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much for your visit, that's right, we made it a priority that during this migration process she felt as safe as possible, it required more effort and double the expenses but it was worth it all.

Success with your two daughters, parenting is not easy but it is a very nice experience.

Best regards.