I Want to Become a Mother!

in Motherhood3 years ago

Hello again hive babies! I'm back! And I'm very excited to share with you my TTC journey.

Me and my partner have been together for 6 yrs and 3 months now. He is 35 and I'm 8 years younger than him. I guess our age can tell you who definitely wants to have a baby. hahaha And for three years, we've been trying to conceive!

These are some of my negative PTs.

Honestly, I didn't expect it would be this hard to conceive and it's very frustrating. I have failed a lot of pregnancy tests and I didn't know what was wrong with me then.

This was my 2018 results. And the moment I knew I had PCOS.

Ever since I got my period, it has been irregular to the point that it would skip a month or two. I also had severe cramps every time I had it. Years passed, and the interval of my period got longer and longer. From a month or two to 6 months and even more. Imagine not getting your period for almost a year!
I started to feel anxious about it so I decided to visit an ob gyne to have myself checked. My OB did a TVS (transvaginal Ultrasound) on me wherein a tube-like equipment is inserted down there to check my ovaries. I was 23 when I was first diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovarian Syndrome). For those who don't know, it is a hormonal disorder in which my egg follicles don't mature resulting in anovulation. Some symptoms would be weight gain and excessive growth of facial and body hair. I was advised to have a healthy diet and to take birth control pills to regulate my period. And this method is quite effective because I did get my period. But the side effects of the pills were not helping me at all. I always feel hungry and I lost track with my diet plan leading to more weight gain. I feel like my condition is getting worse and I'm starting to feel hopeless. I guess I'll never bear a child anymore and started thinking about adoption.
This is the sonographic report from the TVS photo attached earlier.

After months of being down, I decided to start doing my own research about PCOS and solutions on how to reverse it. I have watched a bunch of youtube videos about pcos and women who successfully got pregnant with PCOS! I learned so many things from it. One of which is taking an ovulation strip to know if you're ovulating or not, taking different vitamins that helps in conception and the proper diet plan for PCOS patients.

I indeed learned a lot. And I hope you'll join me as I embark on this challenge. Thank you for reading 'til this far. If you have the same experience, I would love to hear your stories too.


Kimberly Oshin, the author

She just found out her way in this little corner of the blockchain. If you enjoyed her blog, give her some love and upvote this post. If you want to see more of her updates, you may opt to follow her. Thank you!


Thank you for sharing your situation, Shin! I feel your frustration and I admire your willingness to try again 😊 I wish you and your partner will be conceiving soon. All the best!

Thanks for your time, gail! 😍

 3 years ago  

Imagine not getting your period for almost a year!

every woman dreams until you find out the consequences, I had this same issue when i was a teenager, my mom took me to the doctor and was told the same POCS, but i was prescribed some vitamin E to help get rid of the already formed quists and was also put on the pill, time passed and to be honest i didn't follow through with any meds or going to the doctor, cause well the fact that my period didn't came for such a long time it was to me fantastic.

Then I met my BF, since we didn't wanted to get pregnant i started to take the pill, and keep it that way for almost 5 years, that was when we decided we should try to have a little human of our own, and so i left the pill, since the moment i left the pill and we started trying it took us just 1 month to get pregnant (i blame the blockchain since i got pregnant 10 days after joining lol).

What this proves, is that your POCS diagnosis doesn't mean you cant have a baby, you just need a good treatment to help you out, in my case I believe since i was taking the birth control pill for a while it help control my circle and help me get rid of enough cysts to actually get pregnant. talk to your doctor and see what can work best for you!

good luck on your journey i will be crossing my fingers and saying a prayer for you and your womb lol, hopefully, we get to read more of your journey until the day you reveal a pregnancy announcement.

Hi @victoriabsb ! I truly appreciate your time sharing with me your journey. It makes me feel not so alone. Your success inspires me to continue trying. Thank you for motivating me ☺️ (hugs)

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Hi Shin! Thank you for being honest on what you are feeling on the current situation that you are in.

I felt that and just to share my wife has been in the same situation that you are in. She had PCOS too and somehow, we are in the point of giving up. We praise God that and to share we now have a 4 month old daughter.

Here are stuff that we did / changed not sure if it will help but who knows.

  • We discuss our burden with some of our closest friends. In that way, we know that we have some support on prayers and battles.

  • We did lose weight, we cut down our food intake weight per se but focus on the nutritious foods available.

  • Always check and monitor the fertility day. We do it when it is high, and we do not if it already pass the fertility period. Also, both you and your partner should rest. Sometimes it is also the condition of the partner, his sperm count etc. that affects the fertility.

  • Take folic acid - and have a trustworthy OB (ung magaan sa loob mo at feels mo na maalagaan ka)

Not sure if it helped as there's no therapeutic claims but both of us took iFern products the 3 bottles as supplements.

Praying that you have your own in time!