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RE: I Want to Become a Mother!

in Motherhood3 years ago

Imagine not getting your period for almost a year!

every woman dreams until you find out the consequences, I had this same issue when i was a teenager, my mom took me to the doctor and was told the same POCS, but i was prescribed some vitamin E to help get rid of the already formed quists and was also put on the pill, time passed and to be honest i didn't follow through with any meds or going to the doctor, cause well the fact that my period didn't came for such a long time it was to me fantastic.

Then I met my BF, since we didn't wanted to get pregnant i started to take the pill, and keep it that way for almost 5 years, that was when we decided we should try to have a little human of our own, and so i left the pill, since the moment i left the pill and we started trying it took us just 1 month to get pregnant (i blame the blockchain since i got pregnant 10 days after joining lol).

What this proves, is that your POCS diagnosis doesn't mean you cant have a baby, you just need a good treatment to help you out, in my case I believe since i was taking the birth control pill for a while it help control my circle and help me get rid of enough cysts to actually get pregnant. talk to your doctor and see what can work best for you!

good luck on your journey i will be crossing my fingers and saying a prayer for you and your womb lol, hopefully, we get to read more of your journey until the day you reveal a pregnancy announcement.


Hi @victoriabsb ! I truly appreciate your time sharing with me your journey. It makes me feel not so alone. Your success inspires me to continue trying. Thank you for motivating me ☺️ (hugs)