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RE: Deporte y crianza | Vida de mamá [Es - En]

in Motherhood3 years ago

Wow, Gabriel the soccer player🤩. Mummy, you did a great job despite some of his rejections at the beginning, you didn't give up till you see results.

I agree with you, the benefit of early team sports in children cannot be overemphasized.

Thanks for sharing your parenting experience with us🤗

 3 years ago  

Awww it gives me so much joy to read your comment. The truth is that as parents, we will always exaggerate in everything out of concern for our children to have the best future. However, they are the ones who teach us in time, what they really like and what will benefit them. Patience and perseverance are key in this time of upbringing.

Thank you very much for being present in my publications and leaving me beautiful words that make me very happy. You are always welcome, I value your comments very much, my beautiful friend. A big hug back to you! 🤗🥰😘✨❤️


You are much welcome ma'am😊