#CAMPFIRE CONVERSATION: Season 8 - [Fungi Lovers Challenge]

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago (edited)

Hola, fungi lovers!

The next week of talks around the fire is over and it's time to take stock. I will try to be as short as possible

На прошлой неделе мы делились любимыми местами. У каждого грибника есть своя "грядка" в лесу. Сейчас мы посмотрим как они выглядят. Но вначале я прошу извинить меня за некоторую задержку с этим итоговым постом.Бамбук стареет...надеюсь, это не признак деменции :)

Last week we shared our favorite spots. Each mushroom picker has his own "bed" in the forest. Now we will see how they look. But first I ask you to excuse me for some delay with this final post. Bamboo is getting old ... hopefully this is not a sign of dementia :)

This is how a real mushroom picker should look like. First, he goes into the forest and cut down a clearing for his future mushroom garden. Then he plants mushrooms and makes a call to the heavenly office. Yes, mushrooms love rain and sun. Sometimes all together and at the same time. If you want to exchange experiences, contact @regenerette, she is a great specialist in this matter.

Вот так должен выглядеть настоящий грибник. Вначале он идёт в лес и вырубает поляну для своей будущей грибной грядки. Потом сажает грибы и делает звонок в небесную канцелярию. Да, грибы любят дождь и солнце. Иногда всё вместе и одновременно. Хотите обменяться опытом, свяжитесь с @regenerette, она большой специалист в этом деле.

@ sketch.and.jam went even further. He dug a real canal to his clearing. It was not easy for him. Do you see these rocks? You can't do with a simple shovel. He's just a forest exploration hero.

@sketch.and.jam пошёл ещё дальше. К своей поляне с грибами он прокопал настоящий канал. Ему пришлось не легко. Вы видите эти скалы? Тут не обойдёшься простой лопатой. Он просто герой освоения леса.

@ suzana72 turned out to be an even more sophisticated mushroom picker. Do you think this is the road that will lead you to her garden bed? Go, go, maybe you will find something. But not where she caresses and cherishes her mushrooms. Nice tactic.

@suzana72 оказалась ещё более изощрённым грибником. Вы думаете это та дорога, которая приведёт вас на её грядки? Идите-идите, может быть что-нибудь и найдёте. Но не там, где она холит и лелеет свои грибы. Хорошая тактика.

The most insidious of them all, of course our friend @qwerrie. He wants to take you to the swamp and leave you there for the night. Maybe he will come for you in the morning. But I'm not sure if your basket will be full of mushrooms. He just wants to test your character and increase your survival rate. This is very important in the modern world.

Самый коварный из всех, конечно наш друг @qwerrie. Он хочет завести вас в болото и оставить там на ночь. Может быть он придёт за вами утром. Но я не уверен, что ваша корзина будет полна грибов. ОН просто захочет испытать ваш характер и повысить вашу выживаемость. В современном мире это очень важно.

Keeping up with our previous friend and valiant @ tych021. You don't look at his avatar. There he is very good-natured and naive. In fact, this is not the case. Just look where he wants to take you. All evil lives there. You will surely meet the kikimora, the goblin and their servants. If you're lucky, you will see Viy, but don't look him in the eye. However, his eyelids are lowered. What about mushrooms? I think you will simply forget about them.

Не отстаёт от нашего предыдущего друга и доблестный @tych021. Вы не смотрите на его аватарку. Там он очень добродушный и наивный. На самом деле это не так. Вы только посмотрите куда он хочет вас завести. Там живёт всякая нечисть. Вы наверняка встретите кикимору, лешего и их прислугу. Если повезёт, то увидите Вия, но не смотрите ему в глаза. Впрочем, его веки опущены. А как насчёт грибов? Думаю, про них вы просто забудете.

Ha-ha ... you thought your adventures were over ... no matter how they are, they are just beginning and it is not known where you will find yourself in the next minute. Yes, @ruta-rudens took you to a light and cute forest. You had time to relax after visiting the swamps ... but in vain. A witch lives in this forest. I don't know if she is kind or not. Look at the horse's skull, maybe you can understand it yourself.

Ха-ха...вы думали, что ваши приключения закончены...как бы не так, они только начинаются и неизвестно, где вы окажетесь в следующую минуту. Да, @ruta-rudens привела вас в светлый и милый лес. Вы успели расслабиться после посещения болот...но совершенно напрасно. В этом лесу живёт ведьма. Я не знаю, добрая она или не очень. Посмотрите на череп лошади, может быть вы сами поймёте.

I ask the authors to excuse me for the free translation of our conversations around the fire.

I just scanned their hidden thoughts :-))

Если хотите погреться и поучаствовать в дружеской беседе, я вас приглашаю к [нашему грибному костру]((https://hive.blog/hive-166168/@bambuka/campfire-conversation-fungi-lovers-challenge))

If you want to warm up and take part in a friendly conversation, I invite you to [our mushroom fire]((https://hive.blog/hive-166168/@bambuka/campfire-conversation-fungi-lovers-challenge))

Спасибо всем, кто подкидывал дрова к наш костёр. Особая благодарность выражается @ranchorelaxo и @trafalgar за весомое поддержание нашего костра и грибников.

Thanks to everyone who threw firewood to our fire. This time, special thanks go to @ranchorelaxo and @trafalgar for their significant support of our campfire and mushroom pickers.


The next topic is ** "Three heroes" **. Yes, you need three mushrooms in one photo at once. Why exactly three? This is a sacred number and may we be lucky in the new mushroom season.
Submit a photo in the comment under this post and tell a story about it (50 words max).
Big request to make the image size ** 800 pixels wide **

Следующая тема - "Три богатыря". Да, нужны сразу три гриба на одном фото. Почему именно три? Это сакральное число и пусть нам повезёт в новом грибном сезоне.

Отправьте фотографию в комментарий под этим постом и расскажите о нем историю (не более 50 слов).
Большая просьба сделать размер изображения шириной 800 пикселей

Terms and conditions of participation are set out in the first post.

Happy Fungie Friday to you!

I'm waiting for your story by the fire

Unless otherwise specified, the text and photos are mine

From Russia with Love




Maybe someone loves photos of three in a row, but in the mushroom kingdom there are different rules. They like to gather there in pairs and companies. However, the Calocybe gambosa (May mushroom)often appears in groups. Three is an accident, but the moment captured, although then a whole dozen appeared around them. If you find their mycelium, then in an hour on an area of 10 sq. meters you can collect a bucket.

Может кто и любит фото по три в ряд, но в грибном царстве другие правила. Любят собираться там парами и компаниями. Однако гриб-рядовка частенько появляется группами. Три -это случайность, но момент запечатлен, хотя потом вокруг их появилась целая дюжина. Если найти их грибницу, то за час на площади в 10 кв. метров можно и ведро собрать.

Кругами они растут, а не парами )))
А рядовки у нас чаще серые попадаются. Других опасаюсь))

У меня на участке появились именно рядами, а не кругами. Я их не собираю, они у меня как цветы - для украшения сада растут))

Зря не собираешь, очень вкусный и полезный гриб. Бульон из них замечательный)

Мне нравится жить в природе, а грибы, как её антураж, приятные мелочи жизни) Пусть глаз радуют.

Почему бы их и не кушать? Грибница их именно для этого и выпускает на свет. Так они размножаются))
Всем польза)

A lucky number of three for St. George's Mushroom. Supposedly they grow here too but I have never found them.

У нас тоже я их не часто встречаю.

Thank you for another week by the fire @bambuka. My recent morel hunts have left we with no morels, but plenty of pictures of other fungi. Here are 3 large pieces of Ganoderma lobatum I found growing from a stump in a clearing recently made by a controlled burn. The largest was around 0.5 m in diameter.




On a sunny day, this can be used in place of a lady's hat... LoL

in place of a lady's hat.

as a substiture for a lady's hat, correct.

Благодарствую, верю ))
А как бы ты первёл такую нашу фразу: "крупный план оставляет пространство для воображения"

close-up leaves enaf room for your imagination

leaves - покидает, хотя есть и другие значения. Покидать простор может означать как бы наоборот. Или там контекст рулит? А что за слово enaf? Переводчик молчит.

если больше нравится, замени "leave" на "give", гив - универсальное слово. а так, да, контекст рулит.

enaf = enough, "достаточно"

I too was searching all weekend for morels but found none. Spring has been rather dry down here. I even went all the way out to the Mississippi river to see if they were there and only found a bunch of false morels. I was tempted to take one home to try and eat it but decided not to lol. Those lobatums you found would make interesting wall shelves with a Z or L clip hanging system.

3 Pilze 1-800px.jpg

I found this skull without it's antler in poland last autumn and took it with me to germany where I found this three cute amanita muscaria. Here you see an vanitas arrangement. I know it's a bit weird - but it's the only picture with three mushrooms in it I found in my archives. ;)
Greetings from the Black Forest!

Love this shot.. very magical indeed.

This elk was killed by hunters and its horns were cut off. It's sad.
But you cheated us, these mushrooms were not filmed in the forest, you just chose three from the basket))))
I wonder how you use them?

Yeah, a bit cheat maybe, but still three mushrooms in one photo :P

Well, i just used them for the picture. They grow in masses here, so i think it´s not a problem. I tried them once for a psychedelic experience - it was pretty interesting, but i have no intention to do it again. There are better mushrooms growing here for that usecase in my opinion.

I have not tried Amanita muscaria for psychedelics. But I use them in small doses for health. They have an interesting feature. Before using one (!) Hat of a DRY fly agaric, ask him for either a good sleep, or vigor and energy for business. What you set yourself up for, you will get such a result :)

I can see a good still life composition with these for a rock album. Just place one mushroom in each eye socket then one in the nose socket. This would make for a trippy rudolf the red nosed reindeer stoner sludge rock album cover.

Yeah well, i still got the skull, haven´t thought about that, maybe in the autumn this year! :)

a good idea. having this stuff as a props - you can do a lot of takes. join it with a book and a candle, with amanita mushrooms, with a beautiful pibk-dressed babygirl... and EARN A LOT OF CRYPTO :)))))

Should be pretty trippy looking. Too bad the horns were not left on the skull. I suppose you could infuse some branches with mycelium then once the mushrooms grow you could attach the branches onto where the horns used to be.

you've got away with a 'Bodegon', indeed, very clever work. A deadly motiff mushroom bodegon.


Voila! Three eggs in the nest... uh, I mean, three mushrooms! And the quest wasn't as simple as it looked like. On the one hand - trivia! But on the other hand - while searching through the archives, I noticed the vast majority of mushrooms prefer to grow in pairs rather than triples. There is some kind of mystery hidden here, definitely; a pattern I have not yet discovered. Perhaps herr @bambuka has already penetrated into it...?
NB. puff-balls is on my photo. Edible mushroom. Focus stake made of 2 macro shots.

Вуаля! три яичка в гнездышке... то есть, я хотел сказать - три грибочка! А задача оказалась не так-то проста. Тривиально, с одной стороны. Но с другой - в процессе поиска по архиву выяснилось, что просто подавляющее большинство грибов предпочитает расти парами, а не тройками. Тут скрыта какая-то тайна. Непознанная мной пока закономерность. Возможно, уважаемый бамбук уже проник в нее?..

 4 years ago  

Beautiful three eggs 😉🤗

almost a nest pretty warm nest ;-)

 4 years ago  


Here is hidden the secret of the universe ... here is the answer, why men are going to "for three"? )))
Тут скрыта тайна мироздания...вот ответь, почему мужики собираются именно "на троих" ? )))
Отличная троица (троЯйца)))

потому что вдвоем - скучно, вчетвером - тесно, а далее впятером и больше, неизбежно компания начинает разбиваться и аггрегироваться на маленькие группки и сообщества. все серьезные дела лучше вершить втроем. треугольник - самая устойчивая фигура!

ну с мужуками то все ясно. а вот почему - грибы?..

I think you have disturbed the nest of a partridge that lays perfectly round eggs.


This is the first one. I did nothing to the photo, as in an edit or so. It just went like this because of the sunrays or something.

and the one I told you about that I had in my Deviantart gallery is this: I call it Brothers and sisters


There is something to talk about here :))
In the first photo I see more than 3 heroes ... I see six and the seventh hid behind the biggest one. But 7 is also a sacred figure. What do you say, friends sitting by the fire? :-))
P.S. I suspect that our heroes fought the battle and laid their swords many different soldiers (2 photos) LoL


It's #Hive's effect.

Enjoy my gif!

I enjoyed it too. awesome composition and colors!

Thank you!
I am glad you like it! I just played a bit with the photo, some effects, and adding the movement.

я бы сказал: напились в стельку, и лежат влёжку :)
переводить на англ. бессмысленно...

лежащая стелька... не, не поймут)))

 4 years ago  

#CAMPFIRE CONVERSATION: Season 8 - [Fungi Lovers Challenge]
"Three heroes" 🍄🍄🍄


A walk on the sand, and the pine forest .... All my senses are filled .. We walk quietly ... if some deer decides to cross the road. The view wanders, and I see a group of tiny mushrooms ...
And I take photos from all sides and these three posed really nicely for me 🤗

I didn't see any deer here, what did you do to them? )))
These mushrooms are on a cruel diet and these are most likely ladies ...)))

 4 years ago  

Well, they are secretly watching us, but they can't be seen ...🤭😊

You know, they look like ladies ...🥰

Леди на диете: ))
Lady on a diet :))

 4 years ago  

Hahaha... O Yes 😁

Suzana, I love your photo very much. it is indeed: theree heroes. that wanted to grow up as bigger as they could. and stretched from the deep moss closer to the sun.

happy #fungifriday (today) !!

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much @qwerrie 🤗
Yes, they are very dear to me too, so gentle and they grow more and more towards the sun ..

Thanks a lot 😊
Happy #fungifriday too🍄

What synchronicity, as it turns out I was in the forest today and found this trinity of mushrooms. Now I don't even need to search through my archives to find a group of three mushies growing together. I believe this may be an evil trinity though as its common name is Devil's Urn with the latin name Urnula Craterium. I read these are technically edible but are not very tasty and have a tough texture. But if you are trying to survive in the forest without food they could come in handy.

If I ever saw these mushrooms, I simply did not pay attention to them. Amazing creatures. If they are hard, the vysuschshennom form can be used as glasses ... that would be poured into them :))

When I was looking them up online I found many pictures of them being filled with rainwater and expanding into more of a bowl shape.

Ого! Прям траурная урна. Вообще на чьи - то соты похожи. Сколько удивительного в природе!

Yeah it does look like an urn of somekind. It gets the devil's urn name because it is a matte black charcoal type of color.

 4 years ago  

It's like you've guessed what the next challenge will be. And they look very evil ..... Devils blood cup .... And some ritual ...🤭

These could be used in some sort of witch's brew for sure.

 4 years ago  

It is very possible that it is so😉

'Trinity' - a good word I totallyu forgot! probably it scratched my mind all of this week, taking into consideration the topic of the challenge. seems the birdies already left those eggs?

The mythical thunderbirds from native American lore hatch out of these. Though whenever I think about thunderbird mythology and the drawn symbols I always think of stealth bombers or jet airplanes. At least the mushrooms are matte black like a stealth bomber :-).

Hello there fellow fungi enthusiasts!
Everytime I decide to stroll across the Black Forest I pass this old still staying trunk of a tree. I suspect that it got struck by lightning 'cause the upper part doesn't excist anymore. But next to dusty spider webs there are some impressive big fungi. Since I'm still learning I would say that those are fomes fomentarius.
What a mysterious sight!
Yours: >^.^<

If I understand correctly, this is an old spruce.
Your mushrooms are similar in appearance to the bordered tinder fungus (fomitopsis pinicola). But in appearance in the photo it is difficult to draw a final conclusion. You may be right.
Nice find. If you find young mushrooms, chop and dry. You can make both alcohol and water tincture (not higher than +50 C). Good for immunity, against viruses and bacteria and many more useful properties .. Just do not pick mushrooms in the city and nearby :)

Yes, you are correct it is indeed an old spruce. I will take another closer look at the mushrooms on my next stroll to be certain. Since the colours don't quite match to be an fomitopsis pinicola but maybe they are really old ones.
I know that the picture is not sharp enough to determine the mushroom with certainty. I decreased the quality so it won't take too long to load. (The original picture was taken in .raw, but I think pictures that big will crash this whole post ;) )

Thank you for your insight! If my path crosses younger fungi I will try your recommendation!

Yours: >^.^<

You are welcome :)

спасибо! 🤠

во благо)

 4 years ago  

Hehe, you’re done telling stories about your favorite place to find mushrooms! The real sequel 🤗
I'm thrilled 🥰

We are sitting by the fire))

 4 years ago  

Yes 😁☀️

...and in no rush, really. we are not urged to leave this place anyway soon :P

Thank you, Russia! Thank you @bambuka!

I was so amazed and happy to be mentioned and win!

Much appreciated!

Come back, it's fun here :))

I want to do this tomorrow after getting one of my pics out of the portfolio to put it here.

Good idea, we are waiting :)

Super! I am happy I came across you!

I like you too, let's be friends and ...
Cheers! аnd !BEER

I forgot to come to put my tree today here. I had some problems in ProofofBrain, where I am curating. But I will come. You are so kind for writing me back!!!

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @regenerette, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

in this challenge, we all win, as everybody learn out something new, or simply see and enjoy cool visuals. win-win!

Yes, I was amazed to see such a warm welcome! And I like this place.
You are right, everybody wins! Hugs!

What a delightful curation! Do DM me on Discord when you do your challenges so I can share them in Natural Medicine. Really enjoyed this.

Thanks for the offer, but I didn't fully understand it.
What is DM and how can campfire conversations interest Natural Medicine? :)

Have you invited me to something today? I think I missed one of your mentions in the notifications. I am not sure. Thank you for your gift!!!

Maybe to continue conversations around the fire? :-)

I was off sleeping. I had no idea we can still comment here. Or is there another place to talk around the fire?
Have you contacted @riverflows in Discord to talk about it? She's a wonderful friend of people who deliver quality, meaning, and engagement. Look for her!

Use time effectively until I come back around the fire and ENGAGE with @riverflows in discord.
Hugs, @bambuka and let me know if there is another place or post where you have the fire communication or if this is the right one where we continue.

We sit by the fire every week. It's just a new topic of conversation every time. The fire must not go out. So, don't leave the fire, throw some brushwood and share your stories :)

Yes, I linked with @riverflows in discord. I think I have a topic for her medical community)
I want to tell you something about lichens.

I'll join the campfire soon. Feel free to tell me about lichens there.

Thank you so much for your invitation!

they are always pinned as 1st or 2nd post here. I may alert you on arriving a new one each week, if I dont forget about it. thank you for the kind words, really appreciated!

@bambuka, DM means 'direct message', i.e. "личное сообщение"

ценю твою осведомлённость, благодарствую. Но как я найду это DM, если не знаю имени в дискорде...

предполагается зайти в их канал Н.Медицин наверное?
не проблема, как я написал, вижу новый челендж - закидываю ему ДМ.

а еще, ДМ - это ДепешМод :))) но не в данном контексте :))