Hola, fungi lovers!
I'll start with a small announcement. The debriefing is postponed to Tuesday of each week. But that's not all. The next week falls on the May holidays (at least in Russia). I'm not sure I will be where the internet is available. Maybe all this time I will spend in a remote village or in the forest. In any case, we will meet anyway, stay tuned.
Начну с небольшого объявления. Подведение итогов переносится на вторник каждой недели. Но и это не всё. Следующая неделя выпадает на майские праздники (по крайней мере в России). Я не уверен, что буду там, где доступен интернет. Может быть всё это время я проведу в глухой деревне или в лесу. В любом случае мы всё равно встретимся, следите за новостями.
На прошлой неделе мы делились фотографиями наших трофеев. Три гриба вместе попадаются не так часто на фото. Тем интереснее был поиск.
Last week we shared photos of our trophies. Three mushrooms come across together not so often in the photo. The more interesting the search was.
Judging by the name Calocybe gambosa (mushroom in May), these three heroes were in a hurry and instead of May they rode to the battlefield ahead of schedule - in April. But they are all the more desirable after a long winter. I think @ruta-rudens didn't mind seeing them in April. Even if it is in the archive.
Судя по названию Calocybe gambosa (майский гриб) эти три богатыря торопились и вместо мая прискакали на поле боя раньше срока - в апреле. Но тем более они желанны после долгой зимы. Я думаю, что @ruta-rudens была не против увидеть их в апреле. Пусть даже если и в архиве.
These three had no idea that someone would remove them from their homes and simply put them on a log. They simply did not know the insidious plans @tych021, who wanted to make their photo models. Of course, the trunk of the tree does not quite look like a podium, but they look not bad at all.
Эти трое никак не предполагали, что кто-то снимет их с насиженного места и просто положит на бревно. Они просто не знали коварных планов @tych021, который хотел сделать их фото моделями. Конечно, ствол дерева не совсем похож на подиум, но смотрятся они совсем неплохо.
You probably thought that the poor moose ate the fly agaric and that is all that is left of him? It's not like that at all. Moose love fly agarics and feel good after them. It's all about hunters with guns and horn saws. I don't think @einfachnathi wanted to scare us. But he gave me the idea of the next topic of our conversations around the fire.
Вы наверное подумали, что бедный лось объелся мухоморов и это всё, что от него осталось? Это совсем не так. Лоси любят мухоморы и хорошо себя чувствуют после них. Всё дело в охотниках с ружьями и пилами для рогов. Не думаю, что @einfachnathi хотел напугать нас. Но он навёл меня на мысль о следующей теме наших разговоров у костра.
I don't know what @qwerrie was thinking after seeing these lovely eggs. Maybe about dinosaurs ... although the size is clearly not the same. No, he is an experienced mushroom hunter, he thought about how he will prepare these tro heroes. Perhaps he started looking for a decent company for them.
Я не знаю, о чём подумал @qwerrie, увидев эти прекрасные яйца. Может быть о динозаврах... хотя размер явно не тот. Нет, он опытный грибник, он подумал о том, как он будет готовить этих трёъ героев. Возможно он начал искать для них достойную компанию.
I don't know if an ax is needed to separate these heroes from the tree trunk. I think @regenerette has a couple of sharp knives in store. She is a very combative girl and knows how to behave in the forest. But be careful. Reinforcements hid behind the backs of these three. Nobody knows what they are up to ... :)
Я не знаю, нужен ли топор для того, чтобы отделить этих богатырей от ствола дерева. Думаю, что у @regenerette есть про запас пара острых ножей. Она очень боевая девушка и знает, как вести себя в лесу. Но будь осторожна. За спинами этих троих спряталось подкрепление. Никто не знает, что они задумали... :)
You don’t look that these heroes look so fragile. Remember the figure of Don Quixote and his strong character. Of course, there are no windmills in the forest, but there are many mushroom pickers like @suzana72. However, there may be another case here and the ladies take off their hats to the lady.
Вы не смотрите, что эти богатыри выглядят так хрупко. Вспомните фигуру Дон Кихота и его твёрдый характер. Конечно, здесь в лесу нет ветряных мельниц, но зато есть много грибников таких как @suzana72. Впрочем, может быть здесь другой случай и дамы снимают шляпы пред дамой.
... I would call it the Devil's goblet. Dear magician @sketch.and.jam gave us the opportunity to look at the bottom of the rabbit hole ... I don't know what to pour into these cups and I have no idea about the result. But it looks mysterious. Why not give it a try?
... я бы назвал это кубком Дьявола. Уважаемый маг @sketch.and.jam предоставил нам возможность заглянуть на дно кроличей норы... Я не знаю, что нужно налить в эти кубки и не догадываюсь о результате. Но выглядит это загадочно. Почему бы не попробовать?
This old spruce ... You can do many more good deeds. Your body has what many of the inhabitants of the forest need. The three heroes not only found their home here, but they are on patrol. They noticed in advance the approach of @laurakatze with a camera in hand. True, they could not hide, but at least they took a serious look. Before that, they had fun with might and main and rejoiced in the sun.
Эта старая ель... Ты сможешь сделать ещё много добрых дел. В твоём теле есть то, что нужно многим. Три богатыря не только нашли здесь свой дом, но они находятся в дозоре. Они заранее заметили приближение @laurakatze с камерой в руках. Правда они не могли спрятаться, но хотя бы приняли серьёзный вид. Перед этим они вовсю веселились и радовались солнцу.
I ask the authors to excuse me for the free translation of our conversations around the fire.
I just scanned their hidden thoughts :-))
Если хотите погреться и поучаствовать в дружеской беседе, я вас приглашаю к нашему грибному костру https://hive.blog/hive-166168/@bambuka/campfire-conversation-fungi-lovers-challenge.
Спасибо всем, кто подкидывал дрова к наш костёр. Особая благодарность выражается @OCD за поддержание нашего костра и грибников.
Thanks to everyone who threw firewood to our fire. This time, special thanks go to @OCD for their support of our campfire and mushroom pickers.
The next topic is ** "Magic mushrooms" **. Yes, the topic is creative. Each mushroom picker understands something of his own under the magic of mushrooms.
Submit a photo in the comment under this post and tell a story about it (50 words max). More precisely, not even a story, but your thoughts ... why do you think this mushroom is magical.
Следующая тема - "Волшебные грибы". Да, тема творческая. Каждый грибник под волшебством и магией грибов понимает что-то своё.
Отправьте фотографию в комментарий под этим постом и расскажите о нем историю (не более 50 слов). Точнее, даже не историю, а свои мысли...почему этот гриб вы считаете волшебным.
Terms and conditions of participation are set out in the first post.
I'm waiting for your story by the fire
From Russia with Love
If you want to warm up and take part in a friendly conversation, I invite you to our mushroom fire https://hive.blog/hive-166168/@bambuka/campfire-conversation-fungi-lovers-challenge.
I'm waiting for your story by the fire
Thank you for the mention!
Here is one of my collages from my Deviantart gallery.
I have bought those mushrooms from the market and just dropped them there, before washing them and cleaning them. Let them rest haha!
The magic is in how I always cook mushrooms. With a bit of extra virgin olive oil, making cream from garlic and yogurt and adding fresh plants, basilic, sometimes, and a few drops of lemon juice or lime juice in the end.
I like cooking. I love it.
I'm sorry that for the moment I don't have a better picture.
So, here from this place more ... please :)
How do you make your cream? I think the trick is this ))
I am back again online and ready to disclose the secret.
I used to make the cream by mixing yogurt with fresh, local herbs thyme, or basilic only and add a bit of lemon or lime juice after. But, now I had to cut up lactose, so I am making the cream from avocado, with almond butter that I prepare and just after adding the basilic or thyme or both...haha! and a bit of lemon or lime juice or only a drop or two of ginger juice that I make. The final step is adding some turmeric, Curcuma simple or its extract, which is curcumin. Plus some extra virgin oil of olives, usually.
The mushrooms... I am cooking them with a bit of extra-virgin oil, cut in small slices, and with either green or usual garlic, but never Chinese garlic, just local one from our peasants. We have it fresh now, during the spring. I use sea salt, without iodine. And I always like these mushrooms very dry.
Um...Have I spoiled the magic?
No, the magic has become even more))
It is quite difficult to describe, but in practice you make it simple. I know. This is how wizards always work :-))
I have witch hands!
Everyone likes my cooking, the dishes that I prepare.
And I always put passion, love, enthusiasm, whenever I prepare food.
I am one of those people that dislikes cooking just for myself.
If I know I have guests and people will eat what I'm cooking, this makes me so happy and I cook with love!
I guess there is where the magic comes = from the heart!
I totally agree with you. Cooking isn't just about cutting and temperature.
If you're in a bad mood, don't cook at all. Poison may turn out :-))
You make treats and your energy in addition to the fire, that's the magic :)
I'd cook for you all if you were closer.
Maybe we'll meet around a real camp fire one time!
You never know what life can bring us!
awesome! very happy with the week's topic, let me alert a few friends who may be intrested to join it? @borjan, @ewkaw, @pilzolli, @lourdeshd6, @olga.maslievich, @proto26, @papdog - Magic Shroomssss, do you have some?
This round was rather hard for me, to decide what to choose and to show you. Ok: a yellow-to-orange polypore mushroom I found back in 2019 in the local yard at St.Petersburg. I have encountered it only twice in my life. It looked fantastic - like velvet, like a huge peach (it was dripping with juice, actually! with something that looked like a juice, or resin), it was like a little bizarre planet or universe... inhabited by insects.
так и есть...свой микромир, населённый жителями)
In this perspective, it resembles a ginger root;))
noooo! I totally disagree. its fluffy and velvet, and the color is not like a ginger at all.
associations my friend, such associations;))
a! thats inevitable, and thats a good thing.
A magic mushroom is like a fabulous one, so EVERYTHING is possible! Sometimes the mushroom is old, we will say, it is no longer edible, but he is just old) It's just that the mushroom has lived long enough and it's time to leave the mycelium to the descendants)
Hahah That is one grumpy looking mushroom.
maybe he is a cynic))
He knows his time is short before the mushroom hunter gets him.
Then this is wisdom))
This is a still image of an animation I made a few months ago. The mushroom is a fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) and has a long history of shamanic use, particularly in Asia and Europe, due to its hallucinogenic effect when consumed. Human use of this species is thought to date back at least several thousands of years in Siberia and India alone (Source 1 Source 2).
If you are interested in seeing the fully animated version, I have tokenized versions for sale on my NFT Showroom gallery here: https://nftshowroom.com/tych021/gallery/tych021_living-nature_fly-agaric-amanita-muscaria
That is one potent amanita muscaria. The only time I have found one that was red was up near Traverse City. All the rest I find are amanita guessowii the yellow ones.
Oh yes, this is the undoubted champion among magic mushrooms. My favorite ;))
#CAMPFIRE CONVERSATION: Season 9 - [Fungi Lovers Challenge]
Here’s one magic mushroom for me. It reminds me of a spaceship ready to take off. On one of the walks in the woods I found this rare fungus Myriostoma coliforme, it enchanted me!
Since then, I seem to meet a lot more mushrooms than usual. 😉
and it also reminded me of a potato tuber, but the alien ship sounds better;))
Slightly better...
Yet they reached us from space😉😊
Sadly the mushroom season is bad here because of the dry weather so I have to create magic mushroom compositions on the computer instead. Here is a fairy creating a fairy ring of my favorite mushrooms with psychedelic fractal overlays.
This is a witch's circle. It will be bad for a person if he meets such a thing on his way ... boo-oo-oo
Maybe harvesting one will give you temporary powers at the cost of a portion of your soul mana.
Я так и не понял до конца правил, а поучаствовать, очень бы хотелось)
проще некуда. Читаешь тему, ищешь фото по теме, пишешь немного слов по теме и всё присылаешь сюда в коменты своим коментом.
А дальне участвуешь в тусовке у костра)))
Отдельный пост не нужен, но можешь и сделать. Тогда из него фото и несколько строк сюда.
Проще правил не бывает)))
Все, теперь понял) Не мог понять по поводу того, куда слать)
а вот прямо сюда и слать)) в эти коменты
Уже понял) Тема длится неделю?
да, до понедельника включительно
Хорошо! 😁
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And that my three heroes are a bit reminiscent of Don Quixote ... Lonely heroes rush through the leaves towards the sun 🤗
Or the ladies are hiding their hats ... 😉Thank you very much @bambuka for this nice gathering and for the stories with photos ...🤗🍄
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