 4 years ago (edited) 

I am back again online and ready to disclose the secret.
I used to make the cream by mixing yogurt with fresh, local herbs thyme, or basilic only and add a bit of lemon or lime juice after. But, now I had to cut up lactose, so I am making the cream from avocado, with almond butter that I prepare and just after adding the basilic or thyme or both...haha! and a bit of lemon or lime juice or only a drop or two of ginger juice that I make. The final step is adding some turmeric, Curcuma simple or its extract, which is curcumin. Plus some extra virgin oil of olives, usually.

The mushrooms... I am cooking them with a bit of extra-virgin oil, cut in small slices, and with either green or usual garlic, but never Chinese garlic, just local one from our peasants. We have it fresh now, during the spring. I use sea salt, without iodine. And I always like these mushrooms very dry.

Um...Have I spoiled the magic?


No, the magic has become even more))
It is quite difficult to describe, but in practice you make it simple. I know. This is how wizards always work :-))

 4 years ago  

I have witch hands!

Everyone likes my cooking, the dishes that I prepare.
And I always put passion, love, enthusiasm, whenever I prepare food.
I am one of those people that dislikes cooking just for myself.
If I know I have guests and people will eat what I'm cooking, this makes me so happy and I cook with love!
I guess there is where the magic comes = from the heart!


I totally agree with you. Cooking isn't just about cutting and temperature.
If you're in a bad mood, don't cook at all. Poison may turn out :-))
You make treats and your energy in addition to the fire, that's the magic :)

 4 years ago  

I'd cook for you all if you were closer.
Maybe we'll meet around a real camp fire one time!

You never know what life can bring us!


Yes, fate is unpredictable and loves surprises. I would love to keep you company))
And this is my promised Icelandic moss: