Fly agaric

in Fungi Lovers2 years ago

So it happened in nature that someone eats someone or something and it is considered edible and vice versa.
All mushrooms are divided into edible, conditionally edible, inedible and poisonous.
Moreover, on different continents of the globe, people have different attitudes towards the edibility of mushrooms.
Let's look at the example of champignon. This mushroom began to be cultivated abroad, and even now it is impossible to imagine a city dweller who does not buy these pure mushrooms. And show a mushroom to some grandmother from a remote village and she will immediately call it a toadstool.
And vice versa ... if a city dweller considers the most beautiful of mushrooms fly agaric to be poisonous, then the same grandmother will gladly take it home and make an alcohol medicinal tincture out of it.

But I still want to dwell on the fly agaric.
Yes, indeed the mushroom is very beautiful and they are not only red, but also white, brown and yellow.
We simply do not notice everything except the red ones when we pass them in the forest. Because before everyone's eyes, at the sight of red caps with white dots, childhood and fairy tales about this mushroom fly before their eyes.
There is such a belief that where amanitas grow a lot, then a lot of white mushrooms also grow next to them. Don't believe me, they're lying.

The forest is very beautiful when there are a lot of fly agarics in it.
Now many photographers do photo shoots with just such mushrooms. Because it's fabulous.
And of course, if you believe in the miraculous power of the mushroom, take a few with you and make a tincture. This tincture will always help with joint pain. Our great-grandmothers knew that the forest would not only feed, but also cure. It's just that we are used to getting everything in stores and in pharmacies.