If you are a fungi lover, you would read the post since, while I reacted harshly in response to how everyone responded initially by bashing how it was not as relevant, I put in an whole article of info in my comments regarding fungi & also took the time to educate anyone interested in the subject of fungi a lesson about a dimension of their existence that probably is mostly ignored or unknown by most people. With all of the technicalities associated with it.
The initial response was very policing, which gets at me. Also a lot of false information was given to her in regards to fungi on your own part with very flawed analogies that do not reflect the reality of the science behind fungi at all.
I apologize for my harsh tone, but the initial responses really got under my skin, since I really do not enjoy people claiming to know better when the knowledge they use to backup their claims is actually utterly wrong,flawed & has the sound of being slightly condescending.