Spring is finally here and the mushrooms are out.
One of the first basic finds is Dryad's Saddle aka polypore squamosis. This is a good edible if you can find them a bit smaller when they aren't tough.
This little guy started drying out before it could get past pinning.It is finally time for another #mushroommonday
As per usual some turkeytail. This is super common all year and is a decent medicinal. Clinical trials have shown it to kill tumorous cancers, I usually take a tincture of it daily.
I am pretty sure these are deadman's fingers.
The Latin name is Xylaria polymorpha and other than looking a bit creepy it has no medicinal or culinary uses.
Here is a bit of lichen growing next to some amber jelly roll. The Latin name is Exidia recisa and it is technically edible. It has no taste just a gummy bear-like texture. It does absorb seasoning well in soups and I like to dry it out like jerky after spicing it.
Some common shelf fungi, most likely artist's conk. Many shelf fungi has some sort of medicinal value with anticancer properties. The trick is finding the best way to extract the useful compounds. Alcohol tincture method is probably best for these guys.
Here are some mica caps. They are a type of ink cap that is edible and only useable in soups. They do have a toxin in them that mixes badly with alcohol so you can't drink for around a day after consuming these. Otherwise prepare for a bad stomache ache.
That's all for now, hopefully I can find some morels this year.
You always find so many varieties of mushrooms. I should walk through the woods to see if I can find any Turkey tail for a tincture.
It is easy to find, if it curls too much and doesn't have rough pores it could be false turkeytail. False turkeytail just doesnt have any medicinal properties.
Congratulations with the start of the season! Here morels have passed in the middle of April...
Yeah I suspect most have passed here too. Might have to buy some from the farmers market and stage a photo lol.
Dont forget to bring a frog in your pocket, hehe
Toads are readily available
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First mushroom post of the year 😀 nicely done as usual. I noticed some mushrooms in my yard before I left. I'm on a short trip, returning tonight.
Hopefully you have a yard full of morels when you get back.
I found this beautiful morel in the forest on the edge of my yard when I came home!