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RE: Anyone know this mushroom? - Mushroom farm TOUR with Turkey Tail, Lions Mane and Shiitake

in Fungi Lovers5 years ago

Wow Cool growth setup you have going there. What do you do with the turkeytail? My guess on the top mushroom is Amanita flavoconia they are often found around hemlock. Possibly some psychoactive compounds are in them too but probably very weak compared to Amanita muscaria.


I noted that this was a mushroom farm tour. I can't remember the name of the place, if i figure it out i'll add it later.

Yeah I'll probably skip eating this mushroom, psychedelic or not.

 5 years ago  

I bet they'll be making tinctures with the turkeytail. I knew a guy who ingested those yellow amanitas, and he got no high from it just an upset stomach, pretty dangerous.

agree, looks like one of Amanitas to me. enaf to keep distance from it!

 5 years ago  

Maybe it has the cure for some obscure disease if studied enough lol.