Natural erotica

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago

Hello, my dear friends!

This summer is filled with mushroom hunting for me. We had a long heat, and there were no mushrooms. But then the mushrooms began to appear according to their inner plan. Either a russula, or some suillus (mushroom oiler).

Once we found a lot of champignons. They look like venomous gray toadstools. And people walking through the woods don't take them, and sometimes they just kick them. We have collected several champignons.


фалломорф-шампиньон - phallus-morphe-champignon

And they found several such mushrooms nearby. They also looked like champignons. But absolutely everyone, how many of them grew, had a groove on the head. There were no sticks or blades of grass that could damage the caps. I did not dare to take these mushrooms, I left them in the meadow. And after a couple of days they weren't there. And there were no other mushrooms. There weren't even traces of mushrooms at all.

That's it.


порадовали картинкой!
сожалею, что хорошего апа от #OCD не выйдет, 1 фотка + 150 слов считается не тянет на качество. вы говорите, что у вас много маслят... а не хотите написать длинный хороший пост про маслята? с описанием их разновидностей, ложных синонимов, etc? тогда хороший ап будет просто гарантирован! плюс огромное человеческое спасибо от меня... :=)

GREAT found and " shot " !

А я в грибах не понимаю :-))